My name is Erin and I speak the language of energy.
I am a certified feng shui consultant, reiki healer, and green living coach here to support people of all walks of life as they overcome the everyday challenges of their environments.
I am proud to have found my calling as a 'Interior Geographer'. I study the everyday places we live, work and play - and optimize them to serve the highest good - people AND planet.
Like most small business owners, I have an interesting backstory which brought me to this point. My path has been winding and beautiful, but not without the inevitable bumps (or potholes) in the road.
When I founded Synergetic Spaces in 2016 I was in the depths of a great soul-searching depression. I didn't know what I wanted, or even who I was - but feng shui changed all of that. It gave me the clarity and courage to take control of my destiny.
As a lifelong nature enthusiast, I have always felt comfortable in the outdoors, exploring, adventuring and grounding in its wonder. However after a series of unexpected personal struggles, I began to look inward for answers instead - in both my self and in my home. I discovered the magic of intentional interiors and from there I was able to connect the dots between our energy and literally everything else in the world.
I have always identified as a "personal development junkie" but the wisdom I have taken from my own life's challenges has trumped any and every self-help book I had ever read. Turns out that we often have to learn things the hard way, but once we do we open the opportunity for the human potential to thrive.
I am blessed to now be able to share my experiences and gifts with others.
By implementing sustainable systems and practicing the ancient art of ‘perfect placement” I empower dreamers and visionaries like yourself to find harmony and flow in areas of their life that previously felt imbalanced.
You can not heal or grow in the same place that made you sick.
It doesn't matter how strong or smart you are. If you want to change your life, you need to change your space. Our environments are more influential than anything, yes - even more powerful than our willpower.
"Full-Spectrum Feng Shui" is a term I use to refer to the alignment and healing that occurs when we optimize all of our energetic spaces - the physical AND the psycho-spiritual, the external and internal. So in addition to improving our homes, we also simultaneously focus on other realms of our existence, magnetize our lives from all directions.
I believe…
Our homes are representations of our inner souls and spirits.
Our spaces hold the keys to our success, both as individuals and as a collective.
Our purpose in life is to grow and change so that we can best serve ourselves and others.
Helping people refine their spaces may seem small and insignificant to some, but to me these spaces are one of most vital strings connecting us in the web of life. In fact, they are the tools to social responsibility.
Think about it:
When our homes are fully whole, they allow us to be the best version of ourselves.
When we are the best version of ourselves we can uplift our friends and family.
When our families are healthy and happy, we build safe and prosperous communities.
When communities are thriving, then we create a better, more peaceful world for everyone.
Are you in?
While I live in the beautiful mountains of Asheville, North Carolina I serve clients remotely from anywhere. If these pages and words resonate with you, it is highly likely that we are an vibrational match and are meant to connect. Why not listen to the calling and reach out today!
I look forward to helping you breathe life into your space, creating an environment that aligns with your true nature and your individual energy needs - calm and tranquil or inspired and activated.
As an energy worker, I can show how to lean in to change as a beautiful and enlightening process - a gentle metamorphosis. After the attunement process my clients report feeling freer than ever before. I hope for the same joy and clarity for you.
May our paths cross soon.
In gratitude,
The ability to grow, evolve and transform is an essential part of our survival. It is our instinct. Our nature.
Trust me, I get it. Change is hard.
Like you, I have gone through intense periods of discomfort or uncertainty.
Like you, I have been frustrated with the stagnation of life, and overwhelmed by its momentum.
Like you, I have spent countless hours, days, months and years questioning, chasing, worrying, wondering, and longing.
Rest assured, dear friend... There IS a better way to live.
We are not supposed to go through life always settling on what we desire or deserve.
In order to achieve our personal greatness and welcome new opportunities and success we must first outgrow the old. We must shed layers of our selves, situations, systems and spaces that are no longer fit us.
How can we do this with grace and ease?
By embracing the values of LOVE. LIGHT. and LESS.
Together these three pillars create a magical force, a SYNERGY, which has the power to change the world.
This synergy is happening all around us every day - in our bodies, in our relationships, and in nature. Indeed, it's truest and purest example form can be found in the soil we stand on, in the air we breath, in the plants that fuel us, and in the waters that flow around us.
This type of BALANCE is the divine order of the universe. It is the vital Chi that moves life along, always evolving in the pursuit for the greater good.
So then what happens when we align with these sacred natural rhythms, cultivating and infusing this same "magic" into our surroundings - our homes, offices and beyond?
Your wildest dreams ACHIEVED. Your highest potential REACHED. Your truest purpose FOUND.
Sound too good to be true?
Nope. Believe it or not, this "fantasy" life of ease and peace is within in your reach - and literally within YOU - right now.
And the best part: When you align with this sacred energy and awaken to your infinite potential there is a ripple effect of healing that spreads far and wide to everything and everyone around you.
Are you ready to...
PLANT the seeds of change?
MANIFEST magic and miracles?
LIVE your best life - one that's been sitting in front of you all along?
Then you've come to the right place.
Your inner flame is waiting to shine. Let's light a spark together...

Love, Light & Less
When individuals and families thrive, communities change and the future becomes
brighter and more beautiful for all.
To support the greater good by helping energy-sensitive souls thrive through low-impact living, holistic wellness, and high-frequency, harmonious spaces.
A happier home for each of us, a healthier world for all of us.
Care | Compassion | Connection | Commitment | Comfort
Consciousness | Curiosity | Clarity | Courage | Creativity
Simplicity | Sustainability | Subtraction | Selection | Surrender

You've made it this far. Now what?
1) CARRY ON with your life just as before, and continue to wonder 'What if...?"
2) EASE GENTLY into your transformation: SUBSCRIBE to my newsletter & STAY CONNECTED on social.
3) TAKE THE BOLD STEP towards your goals and BOOK YOUR CONSULT today for a better life tomorrow.