The Energetics of Real Estate: The Top Feng Shui Tips & Tricks for Home Buyers & Sellers
The perfect home goes beyond mere aesthetics and square footage. Whether you're in the market to buy your dream home or aiming to sell...

Reiki Revealed: Could Energy Healing be the Medicine of the Future?
"Reiki is love, love is wholeness, wholeness is balance, balance is well-being, well-being is freedom from disease." Dr. Mikao Usui Every...

Lucky Numbers at Home: Understanding Numerology in Feng Shui
Numbers are the highest degree of knowledge. It is knowledge itself. Plato In Feng Shui, everything is a metaphor or symbol of something...

Feng Shui For Your Diet? Understanding the Basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Nutrition
"In Western Medicine the body is seen as a machine, you try to fix a broken part or take it out. In Chinese Medicine, the body is seen as...

Seeing Through the 'Smoke & Mirrors": How to Stay Truthful, Aware, and Authentic in the Age of (Mis)Information & Manipulation
"This, my dear is the greatest challenge: To be alive, to witness injustice in the world and not allow it to consume our light." Thich...

Everyday Energy: Understanding Embodiment, Polarity, Duality, and Unity
Energy is a fundamental aspect of existence, permeating everything around us and within us. It shapes our experiences, influences our...

Creating Harmony & Flow: The Most Common Cures & Remedies in Feng Shui
The ancient art of Feng Shui, offers various methods to enhance the flow of positive energy in your space. In this post, we'll delve into...

The Story of Stuff: What Your Clutter Actually Means
While clutter may seem like a harmless accumulation of items, its much more than meets the eye. I Clutter isn't just excess, mess,...

Interior Alignment & Optimization: The Different Between Interior Styling, Design and Feng Shui
When it comes to creating peaceful and pleasurable spaces there are various disciplines and approaches that can help transform your homes...

Aligned Alchemy: Breaking Down The Five Elements Theory of Feng Shui
The Five Elements are perhaps the most fundamental principle of Feng Shui. Rooted in the belief that the world is composed of five core...