From Stuck to Sovereign: Escaping the Systems of Oppression That Keep Our Energy Stuck, Sick, Sad or Small
"Radical simply means ‘grasping things at the root.’" Angela Davis While most of today's personal development frameworks focus on...

Aligning the Ancient Wisdom of the I Ching with The Kybalion
"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates." The Kybalion Throughout history, various esoteric traditions have sought to...

Feng Shui Beyond the Home: Designing Thoughtful Shared Spaces That Nurture Wellness, Connection & Community
To craft a better world it must first be imagined. Amidst the loneliness epidemic of modern era, our need for human connection has never...

Building Bridges: Cultivating Emotional Intelligence & Empathy for Stronger Relationships & Personal Resilience
"We are all one. Only ego, belief and fears separate us." Nikola Tesla As we enter the Age of Aquarius, the ability to understand and...

Emotional Alchemy: Examining The Power & Meaning Behind Our Sacred Feminine Rage & Primal Anger
We are in the beginning stages of a feminine revolution - the stage where women are finally beginning to awaken and break from...