Embracing the Seasons Within: Understanding the Flow of Energy & Aligning with Nature's Rhythm & Cycles
Spring : Create. Bloom. Grow. Summer : Play. Explore. Connect. Autumn : Nourish. Ground. Gather. Winter : Rest. Reflect. Dream. In...

New Year, New You, New Rituals: Crafting the 'Perfect Day' to Build A Life You Love
“We take care of the future best by taking care of the present now.” Jon Kabat-Zinn Every day is a microcosm of our lives. The habits we...

Harmonize for The Holidays: How to Incorporate Feng Shui Principles & Earth Rituals into Your Seasonal Decorating & Traditions
"Peace on earth will come to stay when we live Christmas every day." Helen Steiner Rice The holiday season is a time of joy, connection,...

Find Your Tribe: How to Connect & Create Your Conscious Circle & Intentional Community
Top tier self-care: Removing your presence from people and places where you don't feel loved, valued or respected. In life, your...

Discovering Your Dharma: Aligning Your Higher Purpose With Vision for a Better World
"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them." Dalai Lama In a world grappling...

The Accidental Activist meets the Peaceful Prepper: A Roadmap for Sustainable Resistance & Resilience Through A Revolution
We do not choose the systems we are born into. All we can do is choose to learn how to live and work within them. To be a human on the...

How to Navigate the Individual & Collective Quantum Leaps In The Age of Aquarius
"The Age of Aquarius is about waking up to the interconnectedness of all things and realizing that personal growth and collective...

Keeping the Peace & Maintaining Your Power: How to Navigate Difficult Conversations & Toxic People
The most important spiritual work doesn't happen on the yoga mat, or in meditation. It happens in the midst of conflict - when you're...

Changemakers & Lightworkers Unite! Coming Together for Collective Transformation & Healing
Here's to the bridge-builders, the hand-holders, the light-bringers, those extraordinary souls wrapped in ordinary lives who quietly...

Rituals for Resistance: Using Spirituality & Spellwork for Activism, Social Justice & Collective Healing
“Keep going. Tyranny is eroded by a sea of small acts. Everything matters.” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez The intersection of spirituality and...