Simplifying Shadow Work: How to Transmute Your Darkness to Light and Tap into Your Pure Potential
Shadow Work' is a buzzword in many psychospiritual and personal development circles. But what does it really mean?

Sacred Spaces: How the Feng Shui & Energy of Your Home Relates to Your Human Design Type
The blueprints for your dream home can be found in your Human Design chart as part of the Environment Variable.

Self-Love: The Most Important Manifestation Tool of All
No matter how attuned and aligned your home is, the manifestation of true love and partnership actually begins on the inside. Once your spac

How to Manifest Abundance & Quantum Leaps Using the Power of Human Design
Hopefully by now you've read my "Ultimate Guide to Manifestation" and know the basics of attracting what you desire. It outlines dozens of

Are You Spiritually Hygienic? Your DIY Guide to Personal Energy Protection & Cleansing
As we go through our lives we exchange energies with all of the people, places, circumstances and situations that we come across. We each...

The Power of WORDS: Dozens of Magical Daily Affirmations That Can Change Your Life
You've heard it all before... "Whatever you conceive you will receive." "Where attention goes, Energy flows." "What you appreciate,...

Human Design 101: The Ultimate Reference Guide to Reading Your Chart —and Knowing & Loving Yourself!
The basics of Human Design and Gene Keys systems. Terminology, concepts, resources and more.

How to Understand & Apply the Spiritual Laws of the Universe to Your Life - with Quotes!
We've all heard of the Law of Attraction—but did you know there are 11 other essential laws that can help us manifest our dream and desires

The Healing Power of WATER for Your Home and Your Health
Our bodies are made of 60% water.
Our planet is made of 70% water. Water is paramount to our daily survival, our functionality, our flow. W

Sisters in Circles: What To Expect at a Women's Moon Circle Gathering
The first time I attended a women's circle was in the midst of my divorce. I didn't know what to expect and felt out of my comfort zone