Heart-felt Finances: Attract Abundance & Wealth By Aligning With Feminine (Yin) Energy
In the previous blog we discussed how. to use Yang/Masculine energy and the power of Feng Shui to attract full-spectrum abundance and...

Attract Abundance & Wealth With These Powerful Feng Shui Remedies
Like it or not, Money influences every part of our lives and how we show up in the world.

The Ultimate Guide to Attracting & Manifesting Your Desires (Part II: Act, Believe, Receive)
Now that you've mastered the first three steps in the manifestation process (CLARIFY, ASK, and ALIGN), it's time to move to the second phase

The Ultimate Guide to Attracting & Manifesting Your Desires (Part I: Clarify, Ask, Align)
Manifestation is an overused buzzword that most have heard through the lens of social media and reality television.

MOSS: The Ultimate High-Vibe & Low-Maintenance Plant for Your Feng Shui Home or Office
Moss is the ideal plant for your feng shui spaces - representing beauty, balance, simplicity and strength.

Harvesting Lunar Energy: Essential Monthly Rituals for Your Self & Your Space
The Sun loves the Moon so much that he dies every night to let her breathe, and in return, she reflects his love. Jeffrey Fry Each of us...

Grounded by the Earth: How to Use Lithotherapy (Healing Crystal Energy) in Your Feng Shui Home
Lithotherapy, or crystal healing, is an alternative medicine system that uses stones and minerals to harmonize bodily systems. For...

Recalibrating Your Energy During The Coronacrisis: Part 2 (Spiritual & Physical Health)
As you lean in instead of resist this global shift, you will start to see endless opportunities to better your life.

Recalibrating Your Energy During The Coronacrisis: Part 1 (Mental & Emotional Health)
How do we maintain our optimum health in this time of global pandemic? Right now there is the obvious advice to avoid crowds, wash your hand

Raise Your Vibe: Why It's More Important Than Ever
Elevate your Vibration
Increase your Frequency
Resonate Higher
Good Vibes Only
These phrases are pretty standard among the spiritually-minde