Attract Abundance & Wealth With These Powerful Feng Shui Remedies
Like it or not, Money influences every part of our lives and how we show up in the world.

Feng Shui for Families: How To Create a Montessori-Inspired Home
"The child must live in an environment of beauty." Maria Montessori Before I became a parent I swore that I would never let my house...

Real Life Examples of Feng Shui Problems & Solutions - In MY Own Home!
Confession: Even as a certified feng shui consultant, my house is far from perfect.
It's true! Read on for the inside scoop on what it's r

Practice Makes Perfect: 7 Lessons Learned From My First Year as a Certified Feng Shui Consultant
My first year as a feng shui practitioner led me to powerful realizations on life, energy and our homes.

Bringing the Outdoors In: The Power of Plants For Your Feng Shui Home
As one of the ten essential energy cures, PLANTS are an essential part of feng shui spaces. And like feng shui, indoor plant cultivation...