Powerful Portals & Divine Dates: Channeling the Cosmic Energy of the Numerology in the Calendar
"Through each portal lies a chance not only for discovery but for transformation." P aulo Coelho Certain dates, such as August 8 (8/8)...

How An 'Attitude of Gratitude' Can Support Your Manifestation Process
"If you thank your mind, it will relax. If you thank your heart, it will open If you thank your past, it will integrate If you thank your...

Self-Love: The Most Important Manifestation Tool of All
No matter how attuned and aligned your home is, the manifestation of true love and partnership actually begins on the inside. Once your spac

How to Manifest Abundance & Quantum Leaps Using the Power of Human Design
Hopefully by now you've read my "Ultimate Guide to Manifestation" and know the basics of attracting what you desire. It outlines dozens of

The Power of WORDS: Dozens of Magical Daily Affirmations That Can Change Your Life
You've heard it all before... "Whatever you conceive you will receive." "Where attention goes, Energy flows." "What you appreciate,...

How to Understand & Apply the Spiritual Laws of the Universe to Your Life - with Quotes!
We've all heard of the Law of Attraction—but did you know there are 11 other essential laws that can help us manifest our dream and desires

Sisters in Circles: What To Expect at a Women's Moon Circle Gathering
The first time I attended a women's circle was in the midst of my divorce. I didn't know what to expect and felt out of my comfort zone

Heart-felt Finances: Attract Abundance & Wealth By Aligning With Feminine (Yin) Energy
In the previous blog we discussed how. to use Yang/Masculine energy and the power of Feng Shui to attract full-spectrum abundance and...

Attract Abundance & Wealth With These Powerful Feng Shui Remedies
Like it or not, Money influences every part of our lives and how we show up in the world.

The Ultimate Guide to Attracting & Manifesting Your Desires (Part II: Act, Believe, Receive)
Now that you've mastered the first three steps in the manifestation process (CLARIFY, ASK, and ALIGN), it's time to move to the second phase