Changemakers & Lightworkers Unite! Coming Together for Collective Transformation & Healing

Here's to the bridge-builders, the hand-holders, the light-bringers, those extraordinary souls wrapped in ordinary lives who quietly weave threads of humanity into an inhumane world.
They are the unsung heroes in a world at war with itself.
They are the whisperers of hope that peace is possible.
Look for them in this present darkness.
Light your candle with their flame.
And then go. Build bridges. Hold hands.
Bring light to a dark and desperate world.
Be the hero you are looking for.
Peace is possible. It begins with us.
L.R. Knost
With the 2024 election results and back to back climate disasters, many of us are ready to step up and engage in serious social justice work to protect the rights, people and communities we care about. This work has always been done, but is now brought into the spotlight even more.
Right now it’s crucial to pause and assess how we’re showing up in the world. This journey of change calls each of us to go inward, ask hard questions, and engage in continual work, both in and outside of our selves. In order to make real change we must take these next few years to process, listen, learn, connect and collaborate with like-minded individuals, groups and organizations.
Our society and planet is in turmoil. So many of our clients, family and friends are in the midst of horrendous crisis fires, storms, wars, and facing loss, grief, uknowns. Not to mention the flora and fauna who are helpless and in the dark.
There is no doubt this is only the beginning of the rollercoaster journey ahead. The fear and uncertainty is palpable.
We don’t know why these things are happening. But in the end, we know that after cycles of death and destruction, new growth eventually comes.
As with everything in our world, duality exists. The darkness cannot exist with the light. We must come together and remember that there are good people and opportunities that will rise up out of this.
For those us with energy, strength, wisdom and resources to share it's imperative to help carry the load of others who can't right now.
Right now It’s up to each of us to lift up the energy of the earth.
To mitigate the chaos and promote
To support healing and growth.
To focus on balance and regeneration.
To bring light to every nook and cranny of life.
To love ourselves
To care for our neighbors
To bring unity and kindness where you can
To stay in the present moment
To set intentions for healing and safety
In this next chapter we are being invited to serve and survive in a different way. Not through competition, but through unity, connection, and collaboration.
Our humanity, our compassion, our resilience is being tested. How are you going to face it?
"When evil men plot, good men must plan. When evil men burn and bomb, good men must build and bind. When evil men shout ugly words of hatred, good men must commit themselves to the glories of love."
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
My Story
As a liberal female I already have overcome years of oppression and ostracism. I feel it is my duty to be an ally and stand behind and beside those who suffer similar injustice. If I don't then my spirituality is only performative, aesthetic and inauthentic.
If you are someone who voted in support of hate, lies, and division, then well, you will be getting exactly what you asked for. If you are someone in my network, just know see you differently now. And I can't unsee it, or pretend like I never saw it.
If you want to call it 'holding a grudge', that's fine. But this feeling of resentment, rage and betrayal is backed by a lot of power and fierceness. There's no going back now. This is an upleveling for me and millions of others.
It’s when the earth shakes
And foundations crumble
That our light is called
To rise up.
It’s when everything falls away
And shakes us to the core
And awakens all
Of our hidden ghosts
That we dig deeper to find
Once inaccessible strength.
It’s in times when division is fierce
That we must reach for each other
And hold each other much
Much tighter.
Do not fall away now.
This is the time to rise.
Your light is being summoned.
Your integrity is being tested
That it may stand more tall.
Rise, and find the strength in your heart.
Rise, and find the strength in each other
Burn through your devastation,
Make it your fuel.
Bring forth your light.
Now is not the time
To be afraid of the dark.”
Chelan Harkin
Speaking out about BIG issues in a BIG public way isnt my typical M.O, until now. I usually avoid posting controversial content publicly because as an introvert it’s instinctual for me to avoid attention. I also want to keep the peace and not ruffle feathers of those who believe differently.
But those days are over. Even the quietest or gentlest of us are so enlivened with our emotions (grief, fear, rage) that we can’t help but speak out in opposition. Standing in solidarity with all of the others who are learning to express themselves in a world that prefers their silence. It is the revolution we've been waiting for.
This is when the 'black sheep' become the shepherds. Everything that made you an outsider in the dying culture has prepared you for a leader in the new earth.
I no longer have the energy to tolerate intolerance. I am fully clear on my values and have no problem cutting out anything or anyone that doesn't align.
I want to be proof that
pure people without hidden agendas still exist.
love always wins
speaking up is necessary for collective change
we are stronger together
"I’ve noticed something about people who make a difference in the world: They hold the unshakable conviction that individuals are extremely important, that every life matters. They get excited over one smile. They are willing to feed one stomach, educate one mind, and treat one wound. They aren’t determined to revolutionize the world all at once; they’re satisfied with small changes. Over time though, the small changes add up. Sometimes they even transform cities and nations, and yes, the world."
Beth Clark
RIP, America. The country who died. Cause of death: Ignorance, Hate, Greed, Arrogance and generations. of deep trauma and shame.
A lot was lost, but not all. I still believe we can be saved. It's not too late. Hope, Freedom, Ethics, Morality, Love are still out there, just hidden amidst in the darkness.
My dream: that my daughter grows up in a country that prioritizes healing our planet, celebrates diversity in every form, encourages compassion and thrives on decency and democracy.
"You cannot buy the Revolution. You cannot make the Revolution. You can only BE the Revolution. It is in your spirit or it is nowhere."
Ursula K Le Gruin
Finding Your Tribe
In the village of the new earth, no one gets left behind. Each person's energy, hands and heart, are a part of the healing and fixing that the community needs. In the village of the new earth, everyone is working in their zone of genius while also still being open to learning and expanding in new ways of expertise too.
The grassroots leaders and heroes of the next revolution are just like you and I. They are the
Forward Thinkers
Free thinkers
Indigo Children
Old Souls
As you can see, Resistance takes many forms. One form is not intrinsically better than another, and many of us will play multiple roles as the battles continue to rage
In order to reach everyone, it’s going to take everyone.
Let's amplify each others voices. We are all independent, passionate, headstrong, highly empathic, naturally intuitive. We are drawn to nature, and we define our own rules and our own spirituality.
Let whoever and whatever aligns with your values and beliefs will find you and everyone, and everything, else pass by or fall away.
"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor."
Desmond Tutu
The Danger of Silence & Inaction
Neutrality, Silence or inaction during times of social injustice is dangerous because it implicitly upholds oppressive systems and perpetuates harm against marginalized communities. When individuals or institutions sit back they allow discrimination, inequality, and violence to persist unchallenged. This inaction contributes to a culture of acceptance, where harmful norms are reinforced rather than dismantled.
We must not be complicit to these oppressive systems and structures. Passivity sends a message to those affected by injustice that their pain is unimportant or invisible. In a society built on interconnectedness, silence only embolden acts of hatred or discrimination, creating an environment where injustice goes unchecked.
To achieve meaningful change, we must actively oppose inequality, as the absence of resistance only fuels the persistence and spread of oppression. Are you ready to be loud, be visible, and take action?
"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them."
Albert Einstein
Reflecting On Our Place in the Community
Community is the life-blood of our future, and the foundation of all of our pasts. Without communty we lose touch with eachother and the earth. Our ancestors knew the secret: that the only way through is together.
Finding your place in the community is a process of reflection, authenticity, and adaptability. This process of introspection can feel uncomfortable, but it’s necessary for authentic growth.
Over the last few years, I’ve reflected deeply on who I am, the people and places I share space with, and the impact I want to have. I often find myself drawn to the roles of healer, guide, and disruptor.
This combination allows me to understand where current systems fall short, imagine alternatives, and actively participate in the process of reimagining a more inclusive, sustainable framework.
As we move through our work, it’s essential to re-evaluate, reflect and ask questions
Where are we out of integrity with our actions?
When was the last time we evaluated our decision-making process?
What daily inner work will we begin or continue, knowing that change starts within?
Does our approach serve both us and the people we aim to uplift?
Are we showing up with integrity?
Are we responsive to the needs of those around us?
What are your gifts?
"No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it to anyone else."
Charles Dickens
Social Change Identities
Deepa Iyer’s Social Change Map is a wonderful framework that reveals numerous pathways for contributing to a healthier, happier world. The Social Change Map helps us identify where we can best serve within this ecosystem of change. Below, let’s explore some of the roles and responsibilities of each "archetype".
Which of these resonate with you as the place where your unique strengths, experiences, and perspectives can have the most impact? Remember, there is not one role better than the next. Each are essential like strands on a spider web.
1. Responders
Those in this role act quickly in times of crisis, organizing resources, coordinating networks, and relaying crucial information. Frontline responders bring the community together to address immediate needs, ensuring that the groundwork for aid and support is effectively laid out.
2. Healers
Healers tend to both current and generational traumas, recognizing how these wounds are linked to systemic injustices. They help individuals and communities find peace and resilience through counseling, trauma work, and creating safe spaces for recovery and growth.
You were not made for idleness. You were made for bravery. Fortune favors the bold.
3. Storytellers
Storytellers are the bridge between the past and the present, honoring histories and amplifying voices that inspire change. They remind us of our shared journeys and reveal the paths that lie ahead, showing us not only what has been but what could be.
In an era where divisions can feel insurmountable, bridge builders bring people together with patience and compassion. They facilitate dialogue, nurture understanding, and encourage unity across differences, fostering the empathy needed to heal and move forward as a collective. Builders take vision and turn it into reality. They organize resources, develop structures, and implement practices that support a collective mission, ensuring that our visions for change become tangible and enduring.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
Edmund Burke
5. Disruptors
Unafraid of taking risks, disruptors challenge the status quo by shedding light on injustices and mobilizing communities for change. They help raise awareness, shift perceptions, and create momentum toward dismantling harmful systems that no longer serve us.
6. Experimenters
Experimenters pioneer new ideas, trying out innovative approaches to solve complex issues. They take risks, adjust as needed, and are instrumental in testing solutions that may ultimately drive systemic change.
"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
7. Weavers
Acting as connectors, weavers create networks that bring people, ideas, and movements together. They work across disciplines and communities, ensuring that different parts of the ecosystem are linked, cohesive, and moving toward shared goals.
8. Caregivers
Caregivers are dedicated to sustaining a community of care, joy, and connection. They uplift those around them, offering nourishment and compassion to help people feel supported, seen, and valued.
"If your voice held no power, they wouldn't try to silence you"
9. Visionaries
Visionaries hold the power of imagination, envisioning what a brighter future could look like. They challenge us to dream bigger, reminding us of our purpose and direction, and motivating us to keep moving forward.
10. Guides
Guides bring discernment and wisdom, sharing their knowledge to advise, counsel, and mentor others. They help us reflect on our purpose, make informed choices, and stay aligned with our values.
"Humanity can be saved by the Priestesses of our planet awakening to who they truly are and stepping into their higher purpose."
Isabella Beham
The Priestess Archetype
What do you get when you put all of the Social Change identities in one? The Priestess. The disruptive yet visionary leaders, often female, who
help others see there is a better reality available
experience the journey of life as a series of initiations leading to deeper wisdom and power, compassion and service
undergo deep healing journeys to transmute their dark past pain into future power and purpose
hold deep spiritual gifts to serve Mother Earth and humanity
see what is wrong with society and humanity because they've encountered it firsthand
lead with their energy, speak their truth, and invite and initiate change
Society can't be changed or saved from the outside. It must be changed or saved from within, and that is the work of the divine feminine. We need this energy in every space and every corner of every industry and community to call in healing, change and new leadership.
Priestess, the world needs you to step into your power, share your unique gifts, and embrace your mission. Humanity’s awakening depends on voices like yours, and now more than ever, reaching people where they are—on social media—is vital. Social platforms offer an unprecedented opportunity to amplify your impact and create global change while remaining anchored in your purpose.
"They will call you “crazy” because you are, because you were born with the gift of seeing things differently and that scares them.
They're going to call you “intense” because you are, because you were born with the value well placed to allow yourself to feel it all fully and that intimidates them.
They're going to call you “selfish” because that's right, because you found out that you're the most important thing in your life and that doesn't suit them.
You're going to be called in many ways, with many judgments, for a long time, but stay firm on yourself and what you want, and I promise you one day they're going to call you to say, “Thank you for existing.”
Frida Kahlo
Change Leadership
Our society needs a radical shift from conventional, risk-averse leadership toward bold, inclusive change. Next-generation, conscious leadership is about fostering harmony and mutual respect, not dominance or separation.We must raise leaders to embrace continuous growth, cultivate empathy, question biases, and unlock their true potential for a more inclusive, compassionate world.
To get there, we must not shy away from discomfort but instead embrace it as an opportunity for growth. We must continuously evolve, unlearn harmful patterns, heal our self and align our actions with a higher sense of purpose.
If you want to attract miracles into your life, then simply DO YOUR PART. You have no responsibility to save the world or find the solutions to all problems—but to attend to your particular personal corner of the universe. As each person does that, the world saves itself.’"
Michele Price discusses leadership through an "Indigenous lens" by emphasizing that like nature, everything is interconnected. The GADUGI framework is rooted in the Cherokee concept of "working together." and aims to foster a new generation of leaders who embody cooperation and collaboration, resilience.
Inner Work
Reveal - uncovering authentic self and hidden strengths
Reclaim - taking power back
Reactivate - awakening skills, passions
Restore - moving beyond past patterns and situations
Outer Work
Strategy - developing clear goals and action steps
Accountability - commitment and consistency
Adaptability - embracing change and adversity
Integration - weaving skills and insights for lasting transformation
"I am not a liberal snowflake. My feelings aren't fragile, my heart isn't bleeding. I am a badass believer in human rights. My toughness is tenderness. My strength is in the service of others. There is nothing more fierce than formidable, unconditional love. There is not a thing more courageous than compassion. But if my belief in equity, empathy, goodness, and love indeed makes me or people like me snowflakes, then you should know - WINTER IS COMING, and snowflakes will turn to icicles.
Learning From the Past
During times of crisis and tyranny, Society ultimately divides into different groups based on their responses and reactions, from complicity and indifference to determined resistance. Past revolutions have indicated there are generally three categories:
Collaborators: These individuals supported or cooperated with the oppresssor, often out of admiration for fascism or alignment with their values/ideals/power.
Apathetics/Bystanders: Seeking personal stability, this group avoids involvement in resistance efforts and refrains from challenging the occupation or authorities.
Resisters: Viewing collaboration as treason, these citizens actively opposed the oppressor. Initially engaging in passive resistance and underground propaganda, they later organized into groups. These are the change agents and revolutionaries who fought back through covert and active measures.
Which category of citizenship to will YOU fall in?
The Colonizer mindset: "I have rights." The Native mindset "I have obligations." We are accountable to our ancestors, descendants, and the natural world."
Never Too Small
It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed and paralyzed by the sheer amount of pain in the world, but we can never stop trying to help. Every little gesture helps.
Your contribution to humanity can never be too small.Little bits of love and caring and attention add up.
Send that text
Like that post
Make that call
Give $2
Share a hug
Smile at a stranger
Wave to a neighbor
Your higher purpose is clear: to help humanity grow.
Calling in the Divine Feminine
The yang (masculine) archetype: individualistic, assertive, autonomous, power-hungry. Its guiding principle is the pursuit of freedom, domination, consumption and conquest. It emphasizes ownership, entitlement, competition, and control, with an often extractive relationship to the land and resources. It's about short-term gains and individual profit.
In contrast, the yin (feminine) archetype: relational, interconnected, and grounded in collective responsibility. It centers on harmony, balance, stewardship and care for the Earth and all its inhabitants. Guided by a cyclical understanding of time, it emphasizes continuity and reciprocity, acknowledging that actions ripple through generations. Everything is interconnected, thus we must show respect for the health of ecosystems and communities.
"Our world needs those who are dangerously awake, fully alive, and unified in love and purpose."
When framed through the perspective of ancient Chinese philosophy, neither perspective is inherently "better," but must coexist in balance. The yang energy of rights and agency can lead to innovation and progress but risks becoming destructive without the grounding yin energy of obligations and interdependence. Similarly, the yin focus on connection and stewardship can ensure sustainability and compassion but needs yang’s assertiveness to guard against complacency.
To understand our steps forward we must reconnect to ancient wisdom and restoring the balance. We have a sacred responsibilities to care for one another and the Earth. Instead of thinking you are born with rights, believe you are born with obligations - a duty and responsibility to serve past present and future generations, and the planet itself.
"There are two kinds of people: Those who do what they're told, no matter what. And those that do what is right, no matter what they are told."
Wrapping It Up
It can be overwhelming to witness or experience all of the injustices of the world. But because they're all connected, and we're all connected, have faith knowing that if your corner of work pulls at a thread or two, you're helping unravel the whole cloth.
Embrace that power! All of us possess untapped potential. When we embark on a journey of self-reflection and empowerment, we uncover our hidden strengths and reclaim our ability to enact change. Each of us, through our chosen roles, is part of building a new system that can serve society with greater equity, compassion, and foresight. As we work within this ecosystem, we must remember to honor our own boundaries, care for ourselves, and uplift those around us.
Now is the time for the inner revolutionaries who rebel through art, creativity and healing rather than destruction. Everything that has made you an outcast in the old world has prepared you to be a leader in the new one.
James Mcrae
At the end of the day, social change is a shared journey. Just like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly, we are collectively within a process of metamorphosis.
The journey might be challenging, but it takes a diverse tapestry of roles to create lasting change. By finding where we intersect and supporting each other’s unique contributions, we can strengthen our impact. We each bring something essential, and when we work in harmony, we create the power to shape a future rooted in collective solidarity, liberation, equity, justice and most of all- HOPE.
"Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing."
Arundhati Roy

Erin is a certified feng shui consultant, energy healer, wellness coach and holistic growth strategist.
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