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Modern Minimalism: How to Simplify, Declutter, Edit & Expand All Areas of Your Life

“A simple life is not seeing how little we can get by with—that’s poverty—but how efficiently we can put first things first. . . . When you’re clear about your purpose and your priorities, you can painlessly discard whatever does not support these, whether it’s clutter in your cabinets or commitments on your calendar.”

Victoria Mora

In a world filled with constant to-dos, distractions, stimuli and obligations, excess can accumulate not only in our physical spaces but also in our minds, schedules, and digital realms.

Clutter refers to an accumulation of things that are unnecessary or out of place, leading to a sense of disorder, disorganization, stagnation and chaos. In this post we'll explore the benefits of holistically simplifying, streamlining, organizing, optimizing, downsizing, and editing ALL areas of your life, from tangible possessions to mental well-being and relationships.

By PURGING the physical and energetic spaces of your life, we can experience a transformative journey leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life, making space for what truly matters.

"Anything that is not loved is clutter. Life is too short to settle for anything less than love."

Your Clutter = Your Energy

In order to understand the the benefits of holistic decluttering we must first understand our energy. We are energetic beings emanating certain frequencies that translate to positive or negative feelings. These come from our

  • Spaces - Homes and Offices

  • Minds - Thoughts and Ideas

  • People - Relationships & Interactions

  • Environments - Sights & Sounds

"Simple things are always the most difficult. It requires the greatest discipline to be simple, and the acceptance of oneself is the essence of the moral problem and the epitome of a whole outlook upon life."

Carl Jung

Types of Clutter

Clutter can be subjective, as what might be clutter to one person might not be to another. However, at its core, clutter tends to create a sense of disorder and disarray, making it challenging to find physical, mental or emotional peace or clarity. Clutter includes:

Physical/Material Clutter: Objects, possessions and tangible items in your living or working spaces. This includes

  • Furniture you no longer use, need or love

  • Clothing or Footwear you haven't worn in a while

  • Damaged or broken items

  • Books or papers

  • Old mementos, photos, cards and notes - especially ones that do not bring joy

  • Plants that are sickly or dead

  • Old files and receipts

  • Unfinished projects

  • Other environmental and sensory considerations: noises, lighting, colors, odors,

  • The list goes on!

Non-Physical/Abstract Clutter: Internal or external Obligations, choices, circumstances or behaviors that drain or deplete you, clouding your heart or mind, making it difficult to focus , feel organized or empowered.

"Clutter is the physical manifestation of unmade decisions fueled by procrastination."

Christina Scalise

Benefits of Holistic Decluttering

Cleaning and clearing different facts of your life has been proven to be beneficial for your mind, body and spirit. As you CLEANSE, watch what changes around you, and in you.

  • Improved health

  • Increased creativity

  • Improved relationships

  • Increased mental clarity

  • Improved mood.

  • Improved productivity

  • Improved problem-solving

Many of us fear the idea of boredom, silence or stillness. But constantly rushing to fill the empty spaces of our lives by looking at a screen, listening to a podcast, or busy-ing ourselves and feeding into dopamine is dangerous. Our brains were simply not designed to experience nonstop stimulation.

Experiment with allowing yourself to experience LESS. Boredom, quietness and stillness breeds progression.

Are you willing to feel the discomfort, listen to your own thoughts, accept the feelings that come up when you allow yourself to be still? 

"Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly. It's your masterpiece after all."

Nathan W. Morris

Mindfulness & Intention

If you're feeling lost in life, you're probably lacking direction, focus and a vision. Cleansing can help you get clear on your values, your purpose and goals in life.

Before embarking on a holistic decluttering journey it may help to journal about what you envision your life to be, or the world around you, then use that to develp an action plan.

People always say that to get off autopilot, you need to “be more mindful.”

And sure, paying more attention to the little things, like really noticing the flavor of your morning coffee or the feel of the air during a walk, is a great start. But when it comes to TRULY living intentionally?

It’s not just about inserting a few “mindful moments” into a day that otherwise isn’t aligned with what your inner self craves. It’s about asking the right questions that challenge how you think, plan, and execute every aspect of your life.

Stopping something that is no longer good for you is not quitting. It is pruning. It is editing. It is strengthening. It is making room for new growth.

This deeper level of engagement is what separates those who simply go through the motions from those who ~steer their own path~ with clarity and purpose.

Ask the questions to slow down, get off auto-pilot and live with greater intention:

  • What are the simplest things in life that bring you joy? Examples: Music, Books, Nature, Exercise, Friendship

  • Where do you desire unlimited possibility?

  • What do you desire to be or become? What do you want to call into your life?

  • What tangible action steps do you need to do to create the space and opportunity for these things?

  • How well do my core values align with my daily activiites?

  • What is the purpose of each routine I following throughout my day/week?

  • Which activities align and activate my strengths?

  • What does success mean to me personally

  • Am I prioritizing my mental, physical and emotional health each day?

  • How do I want to feel at the end of each day?

"Before you ask, 'What should I do today?,' ask yourself "What should I REMOVE today?' Create the space you need to succeed."

James Clear

Creating Space for Simplicity & Joy

Take a moment to slow down and take a holistic inventory of what feels positive and spacious, compared to what needs more space and room to breathe in your life right now.

Evaluate how much room there is for gratitude, growth, opportunity or newness in the following areas:

  • Possibility Space - the space for desires, imagining and visioning

  • Relational Space -the space for supportive relationships and cultivating quality time, attention, connection

  • Play Space - the space to explore and experiment, have fun, make mistakes

  • Spiritual Space - the space for faith in the unknown, for magic to happen, trusting process and higher forces

  • Time Space- the space for creative work or restorative rest

"To simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak."

Hans Hofman

Messy Minimalism

The rise of minimalism, popularized by Marie Kondo's "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up," has brought with it the pressure to maintain a perfectly tidy home, which often feels unattainable for many, especially those with families, pets and children.

Alas, there is hope. Enter "Messy Minimalism," a realistic, flexible and forgiving approach to minimalism that acknowledges the challenges of maintaining a perfectly tidy home. Unlike traditional minimalism, which can feel rigid and rule-based, messy minimalism focuses on creating a home that is specific and unique to each individual, without the pressure to adhere to strict guidelines or achieve a certain aesthetic. It's about embracing the messiness of life while still living with less and simplifying one's surroundings.

Messy minimalism gives us permission to be our authentic selves, allowing you to live with grace as you create an imperfectly perfect home that reflects your individual lifestyle and priorities.

"Minimalism doesn't mean 'always' tidied. It means EASILY tidied"

Rachelle Crawford

Physical Clutter in Your Spaces

If you spend a lot of time in a disorganized and dirty environment, it will eventually begin to affect your vibrational frequency. It's normal to feel overwhelmed at the accumulation of belongings in your home. A clutter-free environment often leads to a clutter-free mind and heart. As we clean our physical house, we also place order to our intentions. That's why its usually best to start with physical decluttering- organizing your living and working spaces to promote a sense of calm and productivity.

  • Improve your surroundings, organize and clean up your environment.

  • Take care of what you already have, but also show the universe that you are capable of receiving so much more.

  • Aim to live within your means and keep possessions to a minimum.

  • Try "House Hushing," a method of decluttering that involves temporarily removing decorative items and small belongings from a room to create a sense of peace and simplicity. By taking a break from decision-making and experiencing the space with fewer items, individuals can gain clarity on what truly matters and make intentional choices about what to keep.

  • Get rid of things that no longer serve or support your next version of self. Examples: Clean desk to serve, clean studio or kitchen to create, Clean home to relax

  • Do a general cleaning first to take inventory of what needs to be done. Start with rooms, then go smaller scale to closets, drawers and cabinets.

  • Sort and separate your belonging into boxes or bags for organization:

1. To donate

2. To discard - throw away or recycle

3. To sell.

4. To gift

"Don't confuse having less for being less, having more for being more, or what you have with who you are."

These questions can help you determine what category to put the item'

  • Does this item serve a purpose in my life today?

  • Does this item bring me joy?

  • Does this support who I want to become?

  • Why am I saving that?

  • How will I feel if I release it?

Bonus: When we practice detachment with material things that just fill your space eventually you'll see how you can do the same with more momentous situations and circumstances in life. Talk about inner peace!

"I am constant editor. I shed people, clothing, possessions, ideas. The biggest thing I've shed is my own limitations and perception of who I am"

Jamie Lee Curtis

Decluttering Beyond the Home

Decluttering isn’t merely about organizing and downsizing your physical belongings; it’s a holistic approach to simplifying and streamlining every facet of your life for greater clarity, focus, and peace of mind. In this interconnected web of energy, our choices ripple through us and the universe. It's about taking radical responsibility for your life choices! When your choices are in alignment with your true self you'll feel energized- joyful, expansive and alive.

Often, when we make decisions based on fear—doing what we think we SHOULD do or what we believe others expect of us—we end up feeling depleted, disempowered and disconnected with ourselves.

Being clear, honest, direct, authentic and vulnerable is the cleanest way to live, helping maintain a clear inner and outer space.

Normalize Silence. Working out without music. Walking without your phone. Sit in stillness, with just your thoughts. That's when the growth happens and magic unfolds. You just need to give it space to exist.

Your Technology

When our digital lives become as cluttered as our physical spaces, it's time to make room. Online content can clutter your devices, slow them down and create a sense of mental overwhelm or chaos

  • Discard/delete unwanted or duplicate emails, files, and apps.

  • Unsubscribe from unnecessary newsletters

  • Organize your digital folders and files.

“The more you know, the less you need.”

Yvon Chouinard

Your Mental Spaces

An overactive mind filled with racing thoughts, worries, anxieties, unresolved emotions, stress, or an overload of information or obligations can cloud or weigh down your energy field and affect your emotional well-being,

Every thought emits a frequency out to the universe and that frequency goes back to the source, so if you have negative thoughts, discouragement, sadness, anger, fear, it all comes back to you. This is why it is so important that you take care of the quality of your mindset and learn to cultivate more positive thoughts.

Not only that, but if you speak poorly about things and people (including yourself!) it affects your vibrational frequency as well. To maintain your frequency high, it is essential to consistently check in with your thoughts and attitude.

  • Practice mindfulness, meditation, or journaling to clear mental fog.

  • Identify and address negative thoughts or limiting beliefs.

  • Prioritize tasks, create to-do lists, and establish boundaries to prevent mental overwhelm.

  • Plan digital detox days for limiting screen time to foster mindfulness and reduce information overload.

  • Release old ideas and judgements about yourself and others

  • Stop negative thoughts from going deeper with EFT/Tapping

  • Stop the habit of complaining and bad mouthing others.

  • Eliminate limiting beliefs, judgements, shame, guilt and false identities or self-concepts

The less time you spend in your head, the more connected you’ll feel with your true self.

"The first step in crafting the life you want is to get rid of everything you don't."

Joshua Becker

Your Relationships

The people around you have a direct impact on your vibrational frequency. If you surround yourself with happy, positive, and determined people, you will also enter this vibration and become more magnetic to your desires.

Our relationships, especially family and friends, should lift us up, not put us down. You deserve people in your life who love and support you for who you are not who they wish you would be.

  • Notice how you feel when you spend time with people. Do you feel drained or like you can't be yourself? Maybe you have to watch what you say because you are afraid of being judged.

  • Check in regularly with the question, "Who in my life inspires me to live more intentionally and why?"

  • Identify your core beliefs and where people have been overstepping.

  • Evaluate your relationships and set boundaries where necessary.

  • Surround yourself with positive, healthy people who uplift and support you.

  • Let go of toxic relationships and eliminate those that drain your energy by complaining or causing drama

  • Communication is key – express your needs and listen to others respectfully.

  • Seek therapy or counseling if you continue to carry a great deal of emotional baggage.

"No matter how much money you have, you're not wealthy if you have a calendar full of unwanted obligations."

Justin Welsh

Your Schedule & Calendar

The power of Time Management should not be overlooked. An overwhelming schedule, overcommitment, or lack of down time can lead to a feeling of being constantly rushed or not having enough hours in the day for important things in life.

  • Prioritize tasks, delegate where possible, and learn to say no to commitments that don't align with your goals.

  • Establish a routine that allows for balance between work, leisure, and self-care.

  • Slow down and spend more time in nature,

  • Perform tasks slowly and mindfully

  • Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

"I feel like I should want more, but I don't. I want less.

Less stuff

Less stress

Less rushing

Less noise

I want simplicity."

Brooke Hampton

Your Media

What you consume, matters. If you only listen to music or watch tv programs or movies that talk about misfortune, death, betrayal, sadness, abandonment, all of these will interfere with your vibration. 

  • Pay attention to the lyrics of the music you listen to

  • Watch things that do you good and helps you vibrate at a higher frequency.

  • Stop using your phones for trivial entertainment

  • Allow your mind to be free from distraction.

"When you're able to fully unplug from media for periods of time then you disengage from the frequency of chaos, anxiety, stress and temptations and distractions of all kinds. Then you begin to really listen to what is going on inside yourself- living in the world rather than getting lost in it. You get clear.

Your Words

Most of the time, saying less is incredibly helpful. Every thought or feeling is not worthy of being voiced. It's best to slow down to spend time developing a clearer and more informed perspective. Consider staying silent when...

  • you don't know the full story

  • you don't have an opinion

  • you feel reactive or overemotional

  • your words might offend someone

  • you want to hold your plans and goals close

Embrace Slow Living for a change. Deliciously, Dangerously, Sinfully Slow.

Your Finances

Organize your finances by creating a budget, paying off debts, and simplifying expenses. Evaluate your spending habits and focus on investments that align with your financial goals.

"Declutter your mind, your heart, your home. Let go of the heaviness that is weighing you down. Make room for the deliciousness of life."

Karen Salmansohn

Helpful Reminders

  1. Decluttering isn't a one-time task; it's an ongoing process that involves patience, consistency, intentionality and mindfulness. Failure is simply data!

  2. Decluttering is a personal journey, unique for everyone —so go at your own pace and of course don't forget to celebrate the the little victories and progress you make along the way with every small step.

  3. Practice Gratitude to boost your vibrational frequency. Start giving thanks for everything- for the good and the bad, and all the experiences you have experienced.

  4. Stop worrying about things that are outside of your control - no matter what you do, you can‘t change other's perceptions, opinions or reactions/responses. Instead try to focus on the things that ARE within your control.. your own boundaries, connections, words, actions and thoughts.

  5. REMINDER: The most powerful way to end something that no longer serves you is to starve it of your attention and focus, ie your energy. Consciously withdraw your attention from what’s draining or holding you back, and instead direct that energy toward new goals, passions, and opportunities. It’s about shifting your focus to what truly matters. In doing so, you starve the old and nourish the new, allowing positive change to naturally unfold.

"You become what you read, what you listen to , what you watch, what you think. Choose wisely."

Simplify To Find Your Calm

You don’t need fancy hacks or complicated solutions to manage stress, stay centered, and live your best life. Life is overwhelming but oftentimes the simplest actions can yield the biggest returns and results..

  • Overthinking? Write it out.

  • Uninspired? Pick up a book.

  • Scared? Take a manageable risk.

  • Stuck? Go for a walk.

  • Tired? Get some sleep.

  • Confused? Ask for help.

  • Frustrated? Move your Body

  • Burned out? Take a day off.

  • Impatient? Reflect and Review your progress.

  • Unmotivated? Remember why you started.

  • Sad? Practice Gratitude

  • Angry? Sing

  • Sluggish? Take a cold shower.

  • Burned Out? Talk to a friend.

  • Anxious? Breathe

  • Stressed? Dance

There are five natural sanctuaries in life: Silence, Solitude, Stillness & Simplicity.

Decluttering with Feng Shui

Feng shui, an ancient Chinese practice, is deeply intertwined with the art of holistic decluttering, as both share the fundamental goal of achieving harmony and balance in one's surroundings and life.

In feng shui, clutter is believed to block the flow of chi and can lead to stagnation and imbalance in our lives. By applying feng shui principles to the process of decluttering, individuals can enhance the energy flow in their homes and lives, promoting a sense of harmony and vitality.

To incorporate feng shui into holistic decluttering, one can start by assessing their living or working space and identifying areas of clutter or stagnant energy. This will first involve decluttering physical objects and rearranging spaces but also requires practicing mindfulness and intentionality.

Ultimately, by embracing holistic decluttering individuals can cultivate a harmonious and balanced environment that supports their overall well-being and personal growth.

"It’s not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential."

Bruce Lee

Wrapping It Up

When we embark on the transformative process of decluttering then we expand our capacity/bandwidth to focus on what can make a more meaninful and lasting impact in our lives in others. By removing what doesn’t serve you, you create space for what truly matters, fostering a greater sense of peace, purpose and productivity in your life journey.

By prioritizing, simplifying and organizing every aspect of your life – from physical spaces and digital presence to mental health, relationships, time management, and finances – you pave the way for a more fulfilling life filled with inner peace, tranquility, contentment, clarity, and overall wellness.

To embark on your journey of holistic decluttering consider consulting with a certified feng shui consultant. like myself Together we can unlock the full potential of your living and working spaces and cultivate a life filled with greater balance and abundance where it really counts.

I look forward to connecting soon. A simpler life awaits!

"Simplicity, carried to an an extreme, becomes elegance."

Jon Franklin


Erin is a certified feng shui consultant, energy healer, wellness coach, and holistic growth strategist.

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Asheville, North Carolina

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