Finding Flow: Cultivating Creativity, Joy & Play Through Energetic Alignment

"The creative adult, The Artist, is the child who survived."
Julian Fleron
All of the greatest visionaries - from Einstein, Van Gogh, to Watts sought to convey the same wisdom: that creativity is an inherent part of our nature, our existence. our essence We live in a universe designed for growth and transformation, and as unique expressions of this creative system, we are naturally aligned with these rhythms.
In this post we'll explore how Creativity is deeply intertwined with the concept of Qi (or Chi), the vital life force that flows through all living things in traditional Chinese philosophy. Creativity is not just an intellectual act but a manifestation of a balanced and vibrant energy that connects all aspects of life.
"The foundation of creativity is to be unafriad to make mistakes."
Richard Rudd
Your Vital Energy
There is a dynamic and ever-changing energy in each of us, mirroring the flow of life and nature itself. This vital, life-affirming force flows through our body's meridians and becomes the essence of how we approach life influencing all parts of our
Physical Vitality
Mental Clarity Spiritual Connection
Creative Expression
In traditional Chinese philosophy, this energy is called Qi or Chi, while in the Indian yogic and Ayurvedic traditions it is referred to as Prana.
Blockages or imbalances in these energies can lead to stagnation in the body, mind and spirit, however when this energy is abundant and unobstructed, it creates a fertile ground for creativity to emerge. Here our energy flows freely and harmoniously, fueling our health holistically and boosting our potential to adapt, pivot, thrive and transform, express ourselves authentically, and solve problems creatively.
The antidote to stress and sadness? Finding daily moments of joy, spontaneity, whimsy and levity.
Creativity is the expression of our most authentic and unfiltered energy. When we are energetically aligned—meaning our thoughts, emotions, and actions resonate with our core values and inner truth—our creative flow becomes more natural and potent.
This alignment removes internal resistance, allowing inspiration to arise effortlessly and manifest as unique ideas, art, or solutions. Conversely, creativity itself can also foster alignment by connecting us to a state of presence, joy, and purpose, harmonizing our internal energies and deepening our connection to the world around us.
"You gotta resurrect the deep pain within you and give it a place to live that's not witin the body. Let it live in art. Let it live in writing. Let it live in music. Let it be devoured by building brighter connections. Your body is not a coffin for pain to be buried in. Put it somewhere else"
Ehime Ora
What is Creativity?
Creativity is hard to define as it means so much to so many. Everyone has a different experience of it.
The conventional definition: The ability to bring forth something new by making meaningful connections. It is both a process of doing and a state of being, enabling us to express and transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.
Here are some other powerful definitions:
"Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence." - Osho
"Creativity is a wild mind and a disciplined eye." -Dorothy Parker
"Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected." -William Plomer
"Creativity is intelligence having fun." -Albert Einstein
"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." -Scott Adams
And art? The product of creativity.
"Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known." -Oscar Wilde
"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time." -Thomas Merton
"Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable." -Cesar A. Cruz
Art is creativity that disrupts the systems of capitalism, while advertising is creativity that supports it.
Creativity is Our True Nature
We are nature, and nature is inherently creative. Unfortunately societal identities and expectations can disconnect us from this truth. When we release what hinders us and holds us back, we reconnect with our creative potential. By letting go and connecting deeply with the present, we allow ourselves to blossom, evolve, and express our creative potential, flowing harmoniously with the Universe’s natural cycles.
Creativity and pleasure-seeking are the most natural expressions of a fully alive and connected being. From birth, we are wired for curiosity, play, deep connection, laughter, creative expression, and loving relationships.
In nature, everything flows in harmony, adapting, evolving, and creating effortlessly, and as part of that same natural intelligence, we are meant to do the same. When we strip away conditioning, fear, and societal programming, we return to our essence—one that thrives on joy, love, and authentic self-expression.
Please know this: Love, Joy and Fun are your original factory settings. In a world filled with tragedy and pain, to commit to joy is a revolution, and you were born to be a revolutionary."
Emily McDowell
How Creativity Shows Up in Our Lives
At its core, creativity is where our internal world meets the external—how we make decisions that define the quality of our lives.
We live in a culture that thrives on conformity—where creativity is often seen as a threat because it challenges systems that can’t withstand something new, different or out of the box.
Problem Solving
At its core, creative energy is about more than painting a masterpiece or writing a novel. It’s the ability to think beyond the obvious and approach challenges with fresh perspectives. Creativity is critical thinking! When we tap into this energy, we open doors to innovation and adaptability. Businesses thrive on creativity, finding groundbreaking solutions to complex problems, while individuals use it to navigate personal challenges, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth.
"The world always seems brighter when you've just made something that wasn't there before."
Neil Gaiman
Studies have shown that engaging in creative activities can significantly enhance mental health. Whether it’s journaling, gardening, or designing a new recipe, these moments of creative flow reduce stress, increase mindfulness, and foster a sense of accomplishment. Creative energy acts as an emotional outlet, helping us process experiences, express feelings, and build resilience. In a fast-paced world, carving out time for creativity can be a profound act of self-care.
The opposite of depression is expression. Remember to sing, dance, paint, decorate, and create art and beauty in any way that feels good to you.
Tara Gerris
Creative energy isn’t just a solo pursuit—it’s also a vital ingredient in how we connect with others. From planning thoughtful surprises for loved ones to collaborating on community projects, creativity enriches our relationships. It encourages empathy by allowing us to imagine different perspectives and fosters a sense of belonging when we share ideas, stories, and dreams. Communities that value and nurture creativity tend to be more inclusive, dynamic, and forward-thinking.
Creativity thrives in the interplay between imagination and reality, where curiosity and openness allow inspiration to flow.
Creative Pursuit
The concept of "flow," often described in modern psychology as being fully immersed in an activity, aligns with the free movement of Qi. In this state, time seems to dissolve, and ideas or actions flow effortlessly. This synergy between creativity and Qi highlights the holistic nature of human experience, where physical energy, mental focus, and emotional engagement merge seamlessly.
"The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls."
Pablo Picasso
The Remedy to Regulation
When our nervous system is gently activated in a calm, safe and supportive environment it can facilitate deep grounding relaxation and restoration. The act of Play shifts us into a balanced parasympathetic state and allows us to experience alertness, excitement, joy, movement, connection, and creativity while still remaining grounded.
Play “up-regulates” us by activating the nerous system in a controlled and trustworthy way that helps rewire and reset us over time. Over time, playful activities help us become more resilient, flexible and adaptable to change and stress.
“Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity. It helps regulate emotions, improve brain function, and build resilience by allowing us to practice balance between activation and calm within a safe environment.”
Dr. Stuart Brown
Creative Stagnation
When we are inspired, life just seems easier; everything flows more smoothly and we are in the zone.
The trouble with inspiration is that it is temporary, fleeting, elusive.
When Qi is blocked or imbalanced, creativity often suffers. This can manifest as mental fatigue, a lack of inspiration, or an inability to express oneself authentically. Meditative, creative and somatic practices are designed to restore the smooth flow of Qi, revitalizing vitality to both body and mind by allowing energy to circulate.
Have patience and embrace moments of uncertainty or "not knowing". They are fertile ground for inspiration to bloom.
You have permission to be yourself. You have permission to be who you are, wherever you are, however you are - pecularities, imperfections, idiosynchronies and all. When you give yourself permission to be authentic, you let others do the same."
Overcoming Anxiety & Insecurity
Oftentimes our fear of rejection, judgement or criticism from others holds us back from being. our authentic, creative selves.
It is human nature to want to be loved and accepted, but this most basic need to belong can hamper us when we let the opinions of others decide how we ought to live our lives. Being our true selves and pursuing our true passions and living or fullest potential carries the risk of being misunderstood, or worse- even alienated from those we love.
But if we allow our courage and self-love to speak louder than our fears, we ultimately learn that the pressures and opinions of others is so insignificant in the grand scheme of life. There is so much freedom and liberation that comes with letting go of the need for external validation.
A truly creative life is one that honors your truth, not just following external expectations for security or stability. The artist within you wasn’t meant to follow the status quo —you were meant to carve an unorthodox, untamed path.
If you’ve ever been labeled as "too sensitive," "too dramatic," or "too intense" know that it’s because you see the world differently—and that’s your strength. Every person is creative. All children are born creative, but as we grow, life experiences shape our relationship with creativity, sometimes stifling it.
“Anxiety is the handmaiden of creativity.”
T.S. Eliot
The Art of Healing
Art therapy is a therapeutic practice that uses creative expression as a means of improving mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It combines the artistic process of using different color, texture, materials and mediums with psychotherapy, providing individuals with a nonverbal way to express emotions, process experiences, and explore their inner worlds. The goal is not the output of creating aesthetically pleasing artwork but to use artistic expression as a tool for self-discovery, growth and healing.
"Each of us is a living miracle, a unique work of cosmic art, a child of the Universe and Mother Earth, creative expressions of Nature. Nature's creative intelligence and wisdom is within each of us, and all around us. Every skill and understanding you have mastered was something that you created by yourself, through practice, concentration, and effort."
Christopher Chase
Benefits of Art Therapy
Provides a safe outlet for processing and expressing complex emotions or experinces
Offers an opportunity to explore feelings, memories or dreams
Helps individuals visualize goals, express different facets of their identity
Enhances self-awareness and self-esteem.
Reduces stress and anxiety.
Encourages problem-solving and creative thinking.
Fosters relaxation, focus, grounding and mindfulness.
Promotes emotional resilience and coping skills.
The ultimate mindfulness exercise: training your brain to seek Creativity dopamine more than Consumption dopamine.
Creativity is superior source of joy for our nervous systems and entire bodies. Why? Because it is a healthier , deeper and more lasting satisfaction or "high" that
fosters personal growth, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose.
empowers individuals to engage with their inner selves, express unique ideas, and problem-solve,
builds resilience, increase self-confidence,
stimulates cognitive function,
In contrast, consumption offers temporary pleasure and external validation and often reinforces passive behavior, dependency, and fleeting desires that can leave us feeling empty or disconnected from our true potential.
By prioritizing creativity, we can cultivate a more meaningful, intentional life that contributes to both personal well-being and the collective good.
"The most regretful people on earth are those who felt the call to creative work, who felt their own creative power restive and uprising, and gave to it neither power nor time."
Mary Oliver
Art Therapy Techniques
Collage Making
Clay or Sculpture Work
Mask Making
Mandala Drawing
Body Mapping
Storytelling (Comics or Storyboards)
Nature Art
Bilateral Drawing
"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul."
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
The Warehouse vs the Factory
Creativity is not a warehouse, its a factory. The difference is in mindset. Scarcity vs Abundance. We must never fear "running out" of good ideas.
Our ideas are not a rare and finite resource to be carefully stored, protected and preserved. Like stockpiled goods, they will become outdated or losing relevance over time. Instead they. aresomething plentiful that should be consistency shared and used, developed or tested.
We must look at creativity as a dynamic and continuous process. New ideas will always emerge, encouraging experimentation and risk-taking over perfection. They are abundant and renewable, . That's where collaboration
Looking at our ideas this way builds resilience, as failure is viewed as part of the "production process." Unsuccessful ideas are valuable lessons that guide future creativity. It also helps cultivate a sense of collaboration, as each idea is meant to be generated, tested, evaluated, then refined
"What if Creativity is less about DOING, and more about Recieving and Allowing?"
Yumi Sakugawa
The Divine Feminine
Creativity is not always an act of exertion or production. Instead, reframe it as a state of receptivity—pure openness to the flow of energy from something greater than ourselves.
Rather than forcing ideas, we must allow them to surface on their own. Inspired Creativity emerges when we quiet the mind, silence the ego, find stillness and allow ideas to move in and out naturally. Your ideas are like water - let them flow freely!
Anyone who has ever experienced a "download" from Source, can tell you that these insights are a gift from Higher spirit or spirit team.
Some of the most profound ideas and expressions arise when we step back, trust, and allow creativity to work through us - confusion, mistakes, imperfections and all. Are you able to surrender?
”Enlightenment only grows in the soil of innocence. Innocence means childlike wonder, awe. The enlightened person is the one who is continuously wondering.”
Tending to The Inner Child
Embodying a carefree (not careless) attitude can significantly enhance your health and happiness by fostering a mindset that is authentic open, playful, and present - attuned to see the world with curiosity, wonder and awe. We create magic when we lean into the best parts of being human, and release the daily stress of life, news and current events.
Moments of levity and lightheartedness have several benefits::
Make routine activities more enjoyable.
Creates psychological safety for self-expression, risk-taking and mistakes without fear of judgment.
Inner Peace & Presence
Increased Creativity & Improvisation
Energetic Alignment
Agility and Adaptability
Strengthened Relationships
Improved Immunity
Decreased Stress & Tension
Increased Confidence and Self-esteem
Live Life to the Fullest: Be Kind. Be Brave. Be Silly.
Playfulness is a powerful tool to help reduce overthinking and overcome the pressures of adulting - perfectionism, formalities, self-consciousness, and rigid expectations. It's about liberating the child within, letting your true self shine, and cultivating joy and confidence in the process.
Silliness can teach us resilience by showing that mistakes and frustrations can be handled lightly and humorously, helping us navigate life’s challenges can be navigated with grace and joy.
The word "silly" has its roots in the Old English term “selig,” meaning blessed, happy, or prosperous. The etymology says it all: being contributes to a life well lived.
Creativity as a Resistance
Creative energy is a necessity for our well-being, but also for social progress and change.
With all of the resources and intelligence in the world, we have the potential to create a utopia of harmony and meaning but unfortunately we are governed by individuals and corporations who lack wisdom, nobility, and vision. So we are left with consumerism, conformity and false happiness. We have become robots to the system.
But it doesn't have to be this way. By prioritizing art and creativity, we embrace our humanity and resist the dehumanizing influence of technology and oppressive systems.
Making art is perhaps the quietest, safest and healthiest form of resistance and rebellion
When you make art you rebel against...
a society that prioritizes productivity over play
the idea that beauty isnt necessary
the systems that want you obedient and compliant
a world that fears disorder and imperfection
the people that don't want your voice to be heard
a culture that fears vulnerability
companies and corporations that profit from stealing your attention
Amie McNee
Cultivating Creativity
So, what do you do when you are just lacking inspiration? Just like a gardener tending a plant, you can’t force inspiration BUT you can cultivate the most favourable conditions to give it the best chance of showing up.
Everyone has creative potential, but it needs care and attention to flourish. Here are some ways to nurture your creative energy and harness the Qi in you, and around you. The more you lean into these moments, the more natural and rewarding they’ll feel.
"If you're a creative you need alone time. Much more than most. If you pretend you don't it will eat you alive from the inside out. Solitude is oxygen for the obsessed."
Zach Pogrob
Breathe. Engaging in pranayama techniques helps control and deepen your breath, which can increase the flow of prana. Techniques like Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) and Kapalabhati (skull shining breath) are particularly beneficial.
Nourish: Consuming fresh, whole foods that are rich in nutrients can enhance your energy levels. Foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are considered to be high in prana.Drinking plenty of water is essential for maintaining energy levels and supporting bodily functions, which in turn nurtures prana.
Meditate: Regular meditation helps calm the mind and allows for a deeper connection with your inner self, facilitating the flow of prana or Qi. Mindfulness and guided meditations can be especially helpful.Helps clear mental clutter, allowing Qi to circulate freely and inspire clarity. Trust your intuition and let go of rigid control or forcing ideas to come when they're not ready.
“Culture invites people to diminish themselves and dehumanize themselves by behaving like machines. How do we fight back? By creating Art. Man was not put on this planet to toil in the mud. By putting the art pedal to the metal we really maximize our humanness and become much more necessary and incomprehensible to the machines.
Terence McKenna
Mindfulness: Practice being present in the moment. This helps you enjoy life without worrying excessively about the future or dwelling on the past Try not to overanalyze every decision. Trust your instincts and make choices that align with your values.
Identify what truly matters to you. Focus on those priorities and let go of minor concerns that don't significantly impact your life.
Be open to change and unexpected situations. Embracing flexibility can help you adapt without feeling overwhelmed
Understand that making mistakes is part of life. Instead of dwelling on them, see them as opportunities for growth
"Creative people don't need fully booked calendars. They need time to sit around and do nothing, to heart the worlds heartbeat, to absorb information and be inspired. Creative people need space to feel, think, and be."
Austin Kleon
Move: Activities like Qi Gong, Tai Chi, or yoga can invigorate Qi, stimulating creative energy. Dance to your favorite song, even if it’s just in your kitchen. Practicing yoga postures (asanas) promotes physical health and helps to open up energy channels in the body, allowing prana to flow more freely. Styles like Hatha, Kundalini, and Vinyasa are great for this purpose.
Nature: Spending time in natural environments restores and recharge Qi and awakens the senses, often sparking new ideas. Connecting with nature can rejuvenate your energy and gain perspective, which can help you feel more balanced, connected and carefree. Activities like walking, hiking, or simply sitting in a natural setting can help absorb prana from the environment.
Breathwork: Deep, intentional breathing enhances the flow of Qi, fostering mental clarity and creative insight.
Research consistently shows that engaging in playful, enjoyable, or emotionally rewarding activities like games and imaginative play facilitates learning and retention.
Play: Not everything has to be serious or productive. Creativity often thrives in moments of playfulness and experimentation without pressure, demands, expectation or judgment. Sometimes, creating for the joy and pleasure of it is enough. Make time for fun activities that bring you joy, whether it's a hobby, sport, or spending time with friends.
Bodywork: Techniques like acupuncture, acupressure, or traditional massage can help release blockages in energy pathways, allowing prana to flow more freely.
Curiosity: Ask questions, explore new interests, and remain open to learning.
In a time of rapid change and uncertainty, AI and algorithms, there is nothing left to be except an artist.
Novelty: Spend time with creative people, read books, listen to podcasts, visit new places.
Rest: Creativity doesn't happen on demand. It needs room to simmer, marinate, and breathe.Stillness, reflection, and mindful practices can help replenish the energy needed for creative ideas and output. So if you want to find more creativity, cancel that meeting or postpone that chore. Slow down and give yourself more free time. Your best ideas and deliverables will happen when you make space for it.
Overthinking? Write. Underthinking? Read.
Write: Write it out. Get your ideas flowing. Even if you're typing nonsense, it can trigger new ideas.
Sound: Listening to calming music or chanting mantras can help align your energy and promote a sense of peace, enhancing the flow of prana.
Reflect. Study your past wins, even your art projects from childhood.
Solitude. Creative work thrives in privacy, in alone time, where you can have uninterrupted focus and the freedom to experiment and explore. In this space, ideas can evolve naturally as you ponder, test and refine without fear of criticism or judgment.
Stop explaining or apologizing for who you are. You are not responsible for meeting other people's expectations or satisfying their opinions. Block out the noise and love and accept yourself exactly as you are.
Space. Feng shui can cultivate creativity by creating a space that promotes positive and abundant energy flow. Balancing yin and yang—calmness with activity—creates harmony.
A few feng shui must-haves to inspire greater creativity, fun, fertility, positivity and playfulness in your life:
The Command Position: Positioning your desk with your back to the wall and facing the room's entrance,
Natural Elements: Organic materials, vibrant colors, and meaningful objects, especially those that support the Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water).
Clutter-free: Allows energy to move freely, encouraging clarity and fresh ideas.
Bagua Optimizations::
Primary Element: Metal (metallic frames, decorations, and furniture, and white color, and round/circular shapes)
Complementary Element: Earth (examples: warm color tones, horizontal or square shapes)
Play Symbols: Art supplies, board games, sporting equipment, Photos or images
Celebrate Mistakes:
Life isn’t that serious. Find humor in mishaps and celebrate imperfections. Instead of scolding yourself, Laugh or says "Woopsies" when you drop something or make a small error.
To enjoy life to the fullest, see life as fearlessly as a child sees it in all its innocence, curiosity and wonder. The universe bends easily for the silly.
The benefits of silliness aren’t just for kids. Adults, too, can find joy and authenticity in embracing their playful side. Break out of the mold, let go of your inhibitions, and try to weave silliness into mundane tasks in your daily life. You might just discover a better, brighter version of yourself.
Playfulness is a muscle that strengthens with practice. Being silly might feel awkward initially, but it’s a skill you can grow.
Put on a wacky costume, wig or hat and go out in public
Sing at the top of your lungs, even if its off-key
Skip down the sidewalk
Jump on a trampoline
Spin or twirl
Tell a joke at work
Engage in tickling, poking, or playful wrestling.
Break out in spontaneous dance
Play sports or board games with family and friends
Make up relays or absurd challenges, like hopping on one foot while singing.
Narrate your life in a silly voice or with an exaggerated accent.
Talk to your pet or inanimate objects with a whimsical tone.
Wear mismatched socks or a wacky accessory for fun.
Make funny shapes with your food before eating it.
Try tongue twisters.
Leave a funny note or doodle for someone to find.
Stick googly eyes on random objects.
Start a spontaneous group sing-along or clap rhythm in a safe, welcoming environment.
Challenge friends or family to a silly dance-off.
Practice goofy facial expressions in the mirror.
Share embarrassing stories or funny videos.
Lean into shared inside jokes or improv playful banter.
Feeling hesitant? Start with playful acts when no one’s watching, or do something simple like a funny walk or exaggerated gesture to build comfort and desensitize yourself to feeling awkward.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."
Albert Einstein
Wrapping It Up
Creative energy is one of the most powerful, therapeutic and liberating forces within us. It drives innovation, fuels self-expression, and enriches every aspect of our lives. Whether we realize it or not, this energy is constantly shaping the way we think, connect, and contribute to the world around us. By recognizing its importance and making space for it in our lives, we can unlock boundless potential—both within ourselves and in the world around us.
Embracing creative energy isn't just for artists or entrepreneurs—it's essential for everyone striving to live a fulfilling, purposeful life. The creative process itself is a journey of self-discovery and exploration. It's a dance between the conscious and the unconscious mind. It's also a delicate balance of chaos and order.
"As an artist it is your responsibility to be insane, to be crazy, to be restless and hungry in pursuit of your creative hopes and dreams. You're a wild creature here to change the game and move through the world in an authentic, truthful, honest and meaningful way."
Kitty Knorr
Imagine a world where creative energy is fully embraced. Problems would be approached with ingenuity, individuals would find deeper fulfillment, and communities would thrive through collaboration and shared vision.
Harness your creative energy, and watch as it transforms not just your life but also the lives of those around you. In its fullest expression, creativity is the inner spark that lights the way forward. Ignite the fire, transform passion into expression and imagination into reality. Let it burn brightly by nurturing it with courage, curiosity, stillness and solitude.
Ready to unlock your creative potential and invite prosperity into your life with the transformative power of feng shui? I can help you design a harmonious space that improves mental clarity and inspires fresh ideas. Book your consultation today and step into a flow of energy that supports your dreams and success!
When the world is too dark, scary, and loud, stop consuming and start creating. Humans were meant to create. It's the Soul's Medicine.
More Quotes on Play, Creativity & Authentic Self-Expression
"The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives." - Albert Einstein
"The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter." - Mark Twain
"Play is the highest form of research." – Albert Einstein
"Bringing a childlike wonder and a beginners mind to life maximizes both joy and success." - Johnathon Lockwood Huie
“Play is nature’s way of restoring balance. It discharges stress and teaches the nervous system how to return to equilibrium after arousal.” -Peter A. Levine
“Care about what other people think, and you will always be their prisoner.” – Lao Tzu
“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” -Steve Jobs
"The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age" -Aldous Huxley
"When you’re in the middle of your joy, you’re in the middle of your own energy." – Rhonda Byrne
"Children are happy because they dont have a file in their minds called" All the Things that Could Go Wrong" -Marianne Williamson
"With all the darkness in the world you can look but don't stare. It'll make you crazy, cross-eyed and eventually just as dark. The solution is to make magic - dance, sing, love, create. Find environments where you can create or access joy." -Ru Paul
"Creative work needs solitude. It needs concentration, without interruptions. It needs the whole sky to fly in, and no eye watching until it comes to that certainty which it aspires to, but does not necessarily have at once. Privacy, then. A place apart — to pace, to chew pencils, to scribble and erase and scribble again." -Mary Oliver
"Artists are people driven by the tension between the desire to communicate and the desire to hide."
– Donald Woods Winnicott
“Joy is not made to be a crumb.” — Mary Oliver
“What others think of me is none of my business.” -RuPaul
“Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and embrace the curiosity and wonder about what makes the universe exist" -Stephen Hawking
"Surrendering allows the ego to receive. There's no creativity without being able to surrender. " -Marion Woodman
"Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.” - Roy T. Bennett
“I don’t care what you think about me. I don’t think about you at all.” -Coco Chanel
"This is precisely the time when artists go to work. There is no time for despair. No time for self pity. No need for silence. No room for fear. We speak, we write, we create. That is how civiliations heal." -Tony Morrison
Thank you to artists, musicians, writers, photographers, and creatives of all types. You give us hope and make the world a brighter place.

Erin is a certified feng shui consultant, energy healer, wellness coach and holistic growth strategist.
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