Heart-Centered Spaces: Magnetize & Manifest LOVE With Full-Spectrum Feng Shui
“Spread Love to the North, Kindness to the South, Compassion to the East, Goodness to the West. Spread love throughout the whole world.“
Matshona Dhliwayo

"Conscious Relationship"
"Sacred Union"
"Divine Partnership"
Whatever you call it, LOVE is a liberating and transformational force that we all want, need - and deserve!
Each of us is biologically hardwired for connection and belonging which allows us to express the energy of Love in a variety of ways:
Physically - touch, closeness, affection, intimacy, generosity.
Emotionally - care, empathy. desire. respect, honesty, patience, vulnerability, validation.
Mentally - presence, attention, responsive, stimulation, understanding.
Spiritually - chemistry. connection, energy. depth.
And whether it's through self-love, romantic love, familial love, platonic love, collective love, environmental or astral love, all relationships are a form of energy alchemy and transfer that can be enhanced and strengthened with intention and mindfulness.
Full-spectrum Feng Shui is a term I use to refer to the energetic alignment and healing that occurs in optimizing our physical spaces, but also focusing on our innermost metaphysical realms too. Read on for an in-depth guide on how to use feng shui holistically to attract healthy relationships and invite love into your life from all directions.
"The feeling of Love is the highest frequency you can emit. The greater the love you can feel and emit, the greater power you are harnessing."
Rhonda Byrne
Why is this so important? Because You, your partner, your network, your community, THE WORLD all become better when you radiate and spread the energy of love. Love is the most transformative and healing energy in the universe.
Attracting authentic love is both inner work, in your self, and outer work, in your spaces. Read on for your environmental how-to's andmore!
"You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free."
Thich Nhat Hanh
Locate Your Guas
Our homes are the physical manifestations to our life, and vice versa. Ancient practitioners of feng shui used the bagua map to interpret areas of our life within the context of our spaces.
Your Partnered Love Gua
To locate the area of your home associated with love and relationships, stand at the entrance of your home, which is the metaphorical/symbolic "Northern" part of your floorpan. From there, your Love Gua is in the rear/-right quadrant of your home (the "Southwest").
Your Self-Love Gua
Diagonally opposite to the Love gua is the Wisdom/Knowledge area, in the "Northeast". This positioning is interesting and meaningful because it symbolizes the heart-brain connection: how our mental health and inner spiritual connections directly influence our ability to attract and maintain healthy, external love. And on the reverse side, that without experiencing deep, soul relationships it is difficult to truly know your self, and life, fully.
In other words, an imbalance in one area correlates to an imbalance in the other, so its important to activate your Wisdom/Knowledge corner in conjunction with the Love/Relationship Gua.
"When we are in a state of heart - brain coherence...we make clearer & better decisions. We can experience elevated emotions such as love, gratitude & compassion... Above all, we create BALANCE. Balance within as well as without, and when coherence occurs on a large enough scale, it’s possible that we create this balance across the entire world. "
Scott Robinson
Supporting Your Spaces
Practical Remedies
It's essential that you feel grounded and safe in your home in order to attract a partnership that will allow the same stability and support.
As discussed, your home's floor plan and layout can greatly influence your love life, as everything in feng shui is a metaphor. For example, having a closet or bathroom in your Love/Relationship or Wisdom/Knowledge gua is generally inauspicious because these rooms generally hold negative Chi in the forms of waste, clutter, or stagnation. So, it's of the utmost importance to incorporate feng shui principles with subtractions and universal enhancements.
Outside of the bagua map, there are two key rooms in the home that strongly influence our relationships: the bedroom, and the Kitchen.
The Bedroom is the center of the Divine Feminine/yin energy which is associated with fertility, intimacy, connection, and overall well-being. As such, we should create a sanctuary for three primary things: sleep/stillness, serenity, and sexuality/sensuality - which are the cornerstones of healthy relationships.
If your primary bedroom aligns with the Northwest corner of your home, you are in ideal feng shui alignment, but regardless, this room should be optimized with identical bedside tables/lamps, sturdy headboard, luxury bed linens and other transcendental cures to preserve the environment of strong relationships.
It's best to avoid distracting, items like mirrors, electronics, or exercise equipment which creates restless (ie. unromantic) energy.
Another thing to avoid is sleeping on bedding. ora mattress which holds the energy of breakups, divorce, infidelity or relationship conflict. (TIP: If you're not able to replace the mattress altogether, you can put a red sheet below your top sheet to represent protection.)
The Kitchen, in contrast, embodies the Divine Masculine. Again, if this room aligns with either of the two Love guas, then you are in overall positive placement. This area innately holds lots of Yang energy because it's associated with lots of activity and affiliated with the fire element, so depending on you and your partner's energetics/dynamic, you may need to implement remedies to neutralize this intensity.
“Close your eyes. Fall in love. Stay there.”
Other rooms which can help attract love and relationships:
Living Room - overall neutral placement but can be optimized with pillows, rugs, two coasters on coffee or side table and other transcendental cures below.
Dining Room - overall positive placement optimized with table-setting for two, bowl of fruit: 3, 8, 9 apples (red for love, green for friendship).
It's important to note that no matter what room your Love/Relationship gua falls in, avoid the following as they create energetic resistance or blockages to new love.
Clutter or anything that is not loved, used, or needed
Remnants and reminders of past relationships
Single or solitary furniture, items etc.
“We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known, and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that offering with trust, respect, kindness and affection. Love is not something we give or get; it is something that we nurture and grow, a connection that can only be cultivated between two people when it exists within each one of them.”
Brené Brown
Elemental Cures
Because both the Love and Wisdom guas are governed by the Earth element, and it's supporting element of Fire, you can activate these zones by implementing the following elemental cures and remedies:
EARTH: crystals, pottery/ceramics, salt lamps, square shapes, yellows and tans.
FIRE: candles, lanterns, animal prints, triangular shapes, reds, oranges, peaches, pinks.
"The longer I live, the more I learn that love, whether we call it friendship or family or romance, is the work of mirroring and magnifying eachother's light. In those times where life, shame and sorrow occlude our own light from view, there is still a clear-eyed loving person to beam it back. In our best moments we are that person for another."
James Baldwin
You can also add a variety of transcendental, metaphysical or traditional cures to call in romantic partnership. Examples include:
Doubles/Pairs of items such as candle sticks, lamps, rose quartz, mandarin ducks, cranes, bamboo stalks, images or amulets of suns or dragons (male), or phoenix or moons (female)
Happy, Loving Couples or pairs depicted in artwork, images or photography
Living things such as loving pet companions or house plants with heart-shaped leaves, or in pink or peach colored orchids, roses, lotus or peony flowers. You can also look into your dedicated love "totem animal" based on the Chinese zodiac.
Comfort & Conveniences for your future partner. Make literal space in your life for them and their belongings!
Make room in your closet and leave a few empty hangers, especially specific types (for example if they wear suits or ties)
Stock your bathroom with a new toothbrush for them, or contraceptives in your. bedside table.
Stock your pantry or fridge with their favorite snacks or drinks.
Sleep on the energetic side of your bed, and park on your energetic side of the driveway, reserving the other side for them (Left for Yin/Feminine and Right for Yang/Masculine)
Circular Items to represent harmony and everlasting love such as a round rug, curvy furniture, or mystic knot on the doorknob
"Spend your life loving, not seeking love. Ocean need not seek water."
Dr. Jaiya John
Intentions & Affirmations written as if your ideal partner is already here, sealed in red envelope and placed under pillow or in altar space.
Sensory Enhancements like aromatherapy diffuser with aphrodisiac scents (lavender, jasmine, vanilla mint and citrus) or playing a curated playlist of songs you would enjoy together as a couple.
Altar Space can be an extremely powerful tool in manifestation work, even if the altar is not located in your associated Love guas. Create a dedicated spa for mementos and reminders of the two types of sacred love:
Self-Love: Gratitude list (27 things), meditation bowl, awards, portraits, Astro birth chart, personality test results, light vs shadow lists, resume, mirror.
Partnered-Love: list of desired partner and relationship qualities, love notes from past, vision board, empty wine glasses, spare key. As you light two candles in your altar (or one reflected in a mirror), call in a soul whose energy and lifestyle harmonize completely with yours, whose vision and values align with yours - someone who fits into your life seamlessly. Imagine the full-body feeling of it happening.
Whatever YOU Love and cherish emits positive Chi, unique to you and your home. Surround yourself with only the clothes, art, furniture, and housewares that "spark joy" within and elevate your frequency. Every time you keep something you don't love, it lowers your personal vibration - and your home's overall frequency. So bring in more of what you love and let go (donate, sell, etc) what you do not. Just because you don't love it doesn't mean someone else won't.
The first time I met Love
My heart was broken
and I asked
“How could you have betrayed me?”
And Love replied
“It was your expectations. I am incapable of betrayal.”
The second time I met Love
My spirit felt crushed
and I asked
“How could you have hurt me?”
And Love replied
“It was your reaction to the situation.
I am incapable of causing pain.”
The third time I met Love
My energy was drained
and I asked
“How could you have depleted me?”
And Love replied
“It was your lack of self-love and failure to set appropriate boundaries.
I am incapable of depleting you.”
The fourth time I met Love
My entire being felt alone
and I asked
“How could you have abandoned me?”
And Love replied
“I am always with you and can never leave you
As I dwell within you.”
The fifth time I met Love
My soul felt vulnerable, naked and exposed
and I asked
“How could you have embarrassed me?"
And Love replied
“It was your ego that caused you to feel embarrassed.
I am incapable of experiencing or causing shame.”
The sixth time I met Love
Anger rippled through me
and I asked
“How could you have taken from me?”
And Love replied
“I cannot take from you.
I give while asking for nothing in return
As I am unconditional.”
The seventh time I met Love
A deep sense of sadness pervaded me
and I asked
“How could you have fooled me and then used me?”
And Love replied rather gently and compassionately
“Do not mistake someone’s inability to love you
For the truth of who I am.”
And the eighth and final time I met Love
I greeted it as an old friend
Free from expectations, heartbreak, pain, shame and conditions
And Love embraced me and said
“Now you truly know me.”
Tahlia Hunter
Once your space is in alignment to attract a partner, you can shift your focus to the most important foundation of all: your own heart.
Remember, no matter how attuned and aligned your home is, the manifestation of true love and partnership actually begins on the inside.
Yes, you can attract true love and light, along with an abundance of wealth, health, happiness, peace, and protection. Yes, you are worthy of having it ALL.
"A house is made of walls and beams. A home is made of love and dreams. "
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Erin is a certified feng shui consultant, energy healer, wellness coach and holistic growth strategist.
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