Lessons for the 'Long Dark' Ahead: Reflecting on Social Chaos Through the Wisdom of the IChing

Just as winter paves the way for spring, darkness allows for introspection and the eventual emergence of clarity and growth. Even the darkest chapters carry the potential for light and renewal.
We are experiencing a period of collective descent and dissolution into the dark unknown. Political power, division, injustice and inequity are disrupting personal and societal harmony, leaving us and our planet grappling with stress, sickness, uncertainty and fear. This period is not an anomaly but part of a larger process of alchemical transformation.
The ancient Chinese philosophy of the I Ching, or Book of Changes, illuminates how these negative forces, albeit wildly unsettling, are actually necessary and important parts of universal cycles. By understanding the wisdom in these ancient teachings, we can navigate this long, dark chapter with resilience and hope.
Destruction paves the way for creation, and harmony arises through the dynamic interplay of opposites.
Just as the darkest night gives way to dawn, periods of upheaval can catalyze growth, innovation, and eventual rebuilding. Conversely, prolonged periods of peace and prosperity (yang) may create imbalance if not tempered by self-reflection and restraint (yin), potentially leading to complacency or conflict.
The interplay of these forces demonstrates that opposites are not merely oppositional but complementary, essential for the ongoing rhythm and harmony of life.
History, society, and politics often function like a pendulum, swinging between extremes before settling into moments of balance and calm. Periods of intense change or polarization are often followed by a collective yearning for stability, compromise, and reflection.
This cyclical nature reminds us that while progress may feel chaotic, it often paves the way for more measured and thoughtful advancements. Over time, these shifts create a rhythm that shapes the evolution of cultures and systems, offering opportunities for growth and recalibration.
The 'nigredo' is the first stage in alchemical transformation, symbolizing a period of dissolution, decay, and purification, where the old self is broken down to prepare for spiritual rebirth and enlightenment.
The Cycles of Light & Dark
Central to the I Ching is the principle of Yin and Yang—complementary forces that are in constant flux. Yin represents darkness, stillness, and receptivity, while yang symbolizes light, action, and assertion. Darkness (yin) is not a void to fear but a vital counterbalance to light (yang). Together, they create harmony and wholeness.
The I Ching teaches that life is inherently cyclical, with darkness playing an essential role in transformation. Times of obscurity, breakdown, and challenge are not ends but preludes to renewal.
This philosophy can help us reframe hardship so that we see periods of collapse or stagnation as necessary phases in the natural order. When we embrace the cyclical nature of life, we can trust that even the darkest chapters carry the potential for light and renewal.
“I am so tired of waiting. Aren’t you? For the world to become good and beautiful and kind? Let us take a knife and cut the world in two—and see what worms are eating at the rind.”
Langston Hughes
Today, the dominance of yang qualities—control, domination, aggression, materialism and profit-seeking—has led to severe imbalances, suppressing yin’s receptive, nurturing, compassionate, collaborative energy. This reflects our societal systems in predatory capitalism, colonialism, systemic racism and the toxic patriarchy. The dark forces are silencing marginalized voices and destroying our planet and our spirits.
Even in the most chaotic moments of disruption and destruction, potential for goodness -growth, awareness, healing exists. Darkness is not merely an obstacle but fertile ground for possibilities. Breakdowns clear the way for breakthroughs.
She's an alchemist. Everything meant to destroy her only made her stronger. Her enemies made her radiant and more powerful. She who moves towards the dark eventually becomes full of light.
Overcoming Fear Programming
Dismantling democracy, deregulating systems -the agents of chaos know exactly what they're doing.
We have been programmed to live in a fearful vibration. Why? Because a fearful person is an obedient, submissive person.
Fear is a weapon used to control and manipulate us. Fearful people will blindly believe what they are told, and react accordingly. In contrast, an awakened loving person is alert, regulated, responsive. They ask questions, seek understanding, even leaning into their fears and discomfort as tools for learning and growth.
What side of consciousness will you choose to be on?
"Our job is to participate in the dark, in the breakdown - not to simply feel victimized by it or passively endure it. Part of our soul's responsibility is to throw as many seeds into the dark as possible, because as we know, darkness is what seeds require to germinate. We don't do this because were guaranteed an outcome. We do it because it's our soul's responsibilty to feed life. That's our job."
Francis Weller
Dark Feminine Medicine
The Dark Feminine is a transformative force, a path that invites one to confront and embrace the mysteries of life, rather than turning away from them. It is embodied by a woman who is calm, curious, open, wild, and soft—a being who, instead of avoiding the shadows moves towards them with courage and grace.
In this space magick and playful surrender coexist with intense challenges like heartbreak, illness, injustice, loss, and betrayal. These experiences, though painful, are expressions of the sacred dark, leading to deeper wisdom and illumination.
By engaging with the shadows we become more authentic and luminous, walking with a deep knowing that is both empowering and bewitching. Not everyone is drawn to this dark path, but for those who are, it is a powerful journey of transformation and self-realization.
Our soul's work is to confidently stare down darkness in the face, and also to surrender.
"How do we find our way in the dark? Look to the crones: The wise women. The witches. The deep feelers. The myth-makers. The dream-weavers. The reality-benders. The poets and priestesses. Only those who understand the sacred dark can guide us through it."
Nelly Rose Coffy
Facing the Darkness
The I Ching offers profound insights and wisdom for navigating adversity and building resilience during such times, emphasizing that resistance or aggression often exacerbates challenges. Instead, it calls for grace, patience, reflection, and trust.
The I Ching teaches that resistance alone is not enough; transformation begins with inner work and a commitment to cultivating balance. Navigating societal darkness requires a balance of reflection and action.
It is easy to get wrapped up in a cycle of scrolling and commenting, when in reality we should out in our communities connecting and mobilizing Here are some hidden lessons that can help align ourselves with the natural flow of change.
Hexagram 2: K'UN: THE RECEPTIVE. Bear with things as the earth bears with us: by yielding, by accepting, by nourishing.
Hexagram 36: MING I - DARKENING OF THE LIGHT. In times of darkness, resisting or fighting only deepens misfortune. Despair dims your inner light, and persuading others drains your energy. Instead, disengage outwardly while staying strong within. Let go, remain unattached, and focus on your inner truth and connection to the Higher Power. Progress may be unseen but is always unfolding.
The 'ouroboros' is an ancient symbol that represents a cycle of destruction and rebirth, or eternal cyclic renewal, the unity of all things, material and spiritual, that are in a constant cycle of change.
Acknowledge The Dualities & Polarities
Hopelessness v Purposefulness
Surviving v Thriving
Fear v Security
Sickness v Wellbeing
Threat v Safety
Inequality v Opportunity
Self-interest/ego-centrism v Humanity/citizens/altruism
Entitlement/expectation v Generosity & Service
Few/Hierarchy v Many/Community
Harm/destruction v Help/Support
Short-term/targets/goals v Long term/vision/purpose
Profiteering v Virtue
Cost/disposal/waste v Value/reuse/growth
Money for nothing/hoard/gamble v Add value/invest/create
Divide/rule v Connect/support
Mistrust v Trust
Toxic Micro-management v Conscious Leadership
Controlled v Empowered
Comparison/competition v Innovation/collaboration
Information/knowledge v Human skills/wisdom
Pollution/loss/destructive v Clean/green/regenerative
Continual/visible decline v Meaningful/Purposeful
Growth Lost/switched off v Focused/engaged
Individualism/weakness v Citizenship/society/resilience
Material goods/wealth v Fulfilment/flourishing
Hopelessness/failure v Purposeful/prosperous
"The house remains dark until the mother wakes up."
Khalil Gibran
Offset Imbalances
Instead of getting overwhelmed with the big picture, focus down on what you can actually do that makes a difference.
Counteract competitive or controlling energies by amplifying the yin qualities of empathy, collaboration, cooperation and care can restore harmony.
Challenge existing power structures while nurturing the qualities of interconnectedness and mutual respect.
Pair productivity with moments of stillness, reflection and introspection to create harmony in your life.
Amplify marginalized voices:of individuals and groups that embody yin qualities like nurturing and interconnectedness.
Actively work to dismantle systems of oppression while fostering practices of care and equity.
Approach problems by seeking collaborative, collective solutions rather than trying to compete, or dominate or control outcomes.
True harmony requires honoring both yin and yang, integrating action with introspection, and power with compassion.
Lean into Discomfort
There's no way around it: Change is painful. Loss is painful. Feelings of depression, anger, or powerlessness are natural in intense times. Recognize the emotional weight of the situation and allow yourself to grieve, process and mourn.
The suffering around us is exhausting, but now is not the time to give up and turn a blind eye. Too much is at stake, too much is in peril. If you need a break, take one but only to come back stronger, more informed, and more enraged.
Instead of fearing the unknown, see it as a space for creativity, intuition, and deeper understanding to emerge. Rather than resisting or judging darkness, surrender to its discomfort and embrace its changes as an opportunity for growth.
Trust the Process
Practice patience and hope. Trust in a higher wisdom and design. Trust that darkness is temporary and that light will return in time, when the tides shift. This is a learning moment because humanity is so disconnected and depleted from Source. Eventually we will be able to thank the dark forces for playing their role perfectly, creating the perfect environment for ascension and awakening.
An alchemist doesn’t fear the darkness; for they know it is the birthplace of creation. They know that decay and breakdown are necessary for renewal.
Create Space for Contemplation
Withdraw into contemplation and trust in a higher wisdom. Take time to journal, meditate, or engage in activities that help you connect with your inner wisdom during challenging times. Reflect on what breakdowns or setbacks might be teaching you about your values or path forward.
Use practices like mindfulness, gratitude, inner child healing or shadow work to align your personal growth with external efforts to create change.
Just as each of us have a 'shadow side', so does our nation. It manifests incarnate when the abusers, manipulators, predators lost souls, and evil energies find their way into the mainstream or positions of power. As always there is a lesson hiding in the Shadow.
Open your Heart
There are lost souls, disconnected beings, and dark forces among us. America's shadow incarnate. This is a LESSON moment because humanity is so disconnected and depleted from source. Eventually we will be able to thank them for playing their human roles perfectly, creating the perfect environment for ascending.
Write a letter to the Dark Forces, thanking them for their role in creating clarity through contrast:
To the Dark Forces,
Thank you for showing me what I don't want to be. Thank you for revealing what I do not wish to embody, for serving as a mirror that reflects the shadows I strive to overcome. You remind me of the paths I will not take, the energies I will not embrace. I will resist you—not out of hatred or fear, but because my integrity demands it. My resistance will be steady, rooted in alignment with my truth and in ways that honor my energy. I will not fight you recklessly or at the cost of my well-being. I will remain grounded, safe, and resilient, ensuring that my flame burns steadily rather than being consumed. I admire those who face you with greater capacity, courage,grace and strength than I. Their light inspires me, and I am grateful for their efforts in this shared struggle. In the end, even in resistance, I acknowledge your role as a teacher and catalyst. Through you, I learn discernment, resilience, and the power of choice. For that, I thank you and continue in my own path.
“Every storm runs out of rain.”
Maya Angelou
Repeat Affirmations
Repeat daily affirmations to help you stay safe and grounded.
Affirm: I am navigating the challenges and hardships ahead with clarity, patience, resilience, and hope. I don't see the way and don't understand how everything will work out, but I trust the Universe will make things rights. I have faith that hearts and doors are opening, and energies are aligning. Things may look dark and feel bleak now, but I know the dawn is coming in perfect timing.
Affirm: In the midst of the world's polarities, love and gratitude flows through me, I will not take injustices personally or let them disrupt my flow. I will channel the frequencies of Harmony, Balance, Peace, Joy, Love, Grace, Bliss, Acceptance, and Openness. I will hold these energy for the world and invite others to hold them with me.
"It is the Law of Enantiodromia, the Law of Heracletus that when things have reached their culmination they transform into their own opposite. That is the teaching of the IChing."
Carl Jung
Enantiodromia (n.) : i-ˌnan-tē-ō-ˈdrō-mē-ə
Origin: From the Greek enantios (opposite) + dromos (running or course).
A principle or phenomenon wherein something develops into or transforms into its opposite over time, often as a natural consequence of excess or imbalance.
In Jungian psychology, the process by which the unconscious compensates for the conscious mind's overemphasis on one aspect, leading to the emergence of its opposite.
The Path Forward
Spoiler Alert: Freedom, truth, justice love will all prevail! The Light will win as long as we individually and collectively do our part to keep our vibration high.
.The I Ching’s teachings offer a roadmap for navigating life’s darkest chapters, whether personal or collective. By understanding the interplay of forces, we learn to approach challenges not with fear but with wisdom and trust in the transformative process.
This is not the end. This is where renewal begins. The old structures and systems of oppression are beginning to crumble, making way for new possibilities.
At the lower frequencies we are prone to fight the Old, at the higher frequencies we are prone to create the New.
In this next era we must learn how to see and live in the dark. This is a time to sharpen our senses, tap further into things unseen and unknown. Trust the dark instead of fearing it. Just like you may feel scared or disoriented when you first close your eyes or when the lights go you, you can still sense where you are and what’s going on around you. If we can thrive in the light then we can learn how to live in the dark.
The path may be long and uncertain, but the I Ching reminds us that in the dance of yin and yang, every layer of darkness carries the seed of light. Through aligned action and reflection, we can move toward a more balanced and harmonious world.
No matter how intense the hardships or overwhelming the challenges may seem, they are temporary and will eventually pass. We must build our resilience, hold onto hope, and continue to persist forward in the face of adversity. There are brighter days ahead.
"We are in an evolutionary journey, both personally and collective, being guided in an extraordinary leap to come back to align with our soul self. Everything is supporting us to come back into balance, to come back into harmony, truth, justice and inclusivity that are part of this Aquarian Age.
But what we're seeing is a backlash and resistance by some who cling to the paradigms of the past: cruelty, destruction, judgement, anxiety, lack, corruption, greed, power-over paradigms. They are dying, and we can either release them, and co-create a different future based on the Aquarian ideals or we can get caught up in drama and resistance which only prolongs the old.
It can be easy to get caught up in grief, fear, anger, and reactivity. There is a lot of loss on the planet now. We fuel the turbulence if we get mired in it.
While we honor it all, we are being invited to be part of this shift in consciousness and usher in systems, laws, politics, modalities ... everything. We must keep coming back to center, to an alignment with the greater part of ourselves. When we do this, we are uniquely supported with orchestrations, ideas, and synchronicities that support our particular path in this unfolding.
It's a choice. We can either be in alignment with this higher consciousness, or with the many faces of the old paradigm. This is time to become unflappable, to stand in our birthrights as co-creators with cosmic wisdom. It's a time to live from the magnetics of the heart during this time of uncertainty.
It’s time to be an example of possibility for others, uncovering what's ready to be burned away and keep you focused on the dreams of your heart. Because your dreams are exactly what this new world requires.
It's all about alignment ... radical alignment."
Wanda Vitale

Erin is a certified feng shui consultant, energy healer, wellness coach and holistic growth strategist.
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