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Love, Light & Less: A Manifesto for The Post-Pandemic World

"[We] have to learn to be big and small at the same time."

Pema Chodron

Amidst all of the instability and uncertainty in the world I have been able to get crystal clear about my purpose as an energy worker and change agent.

We are living in an era of abundance, convenience and efficiency. Yet with all of this progress and opportunity many of us still feel a sense of emptiness or lack of connection. All the while, our dear planet is also suffering.

It's time to make a change- for ourselves and generations that follow. Here is my manifesto - a declaration, a decree and a call to action- for a better tomorrow.


To the Creatives & Visionaries,

To the Helpers & Healers,

To the Multipotentialites & Multipassionates,

To the Empaths & Intuitives,

To the Builders, Dreamers, Doers & Disruptors,

To the Rebels & Non-Conformists,

To the Changemakers, Cycle-Breakers & Black Sheep,

To the Trailblazers, Truth Seekers & Free Thinkers,

To the Energy-Sensitive & Spiritually-Gifted,

To the Adventurers & Wild Ones

To the Witches & Wanderers:

This is our time. There is a silent revolution happening around us, and within us. A paradigm shift today is opening up the beautiful possibilities for tomorrow.

We step in to our power. We root into our integrity. We dedicate ourselves to the betterment of self, home, community and planet. We commit to developing and sharing our sacred and sovereign selves with the world - in both major and measured ways. In doing this, we can create the strongest ties of sisterhood, a brotherhood - a kinship, a family.

To achieve a meaningful, soul-aligned life we need only focus and cultivate on a trifecta of LOVE, LIGHT & LESS. These simple ideals are the pillars of our success, both as individuals and as a collective - and together they create a powerful synergy of transformation and healing.

The prerequisite for all of this: KNOWING OURSELVES. Every answer, resolution and revolution is acquired by inquiry, reflection followed by action. In order to begin we must first move the mountains, the Qi, WITHIN.

Rebel (n.) someone who rises in opposition to the established status quo.

"The only transformer and alchemist that turns everything into gold is love. The only magic against death, aging, ordinary life, is love."

Anaïs Nin


Love is the highest vibrational frequency which will bring forth a better world. We must choose love as a verb, and embody love as a noun. The lives we touch are our legacies, how we will be remembered for eternity.


  • For Self: We prioritize our own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs first because once our cups are full, our energies can overflow to serve the highest good.

  • For Others: We share our privileges, goodness and gifts with loved ones or strangers because we rise by lifting others. We are all worthy of human dignity and inclusivity, and must welcome that in all directions. We keep our hearts and hands open to all, looking for the best in everyone.

  • For Planet: We nurture Nature. We tread lightly on the earth, striving to leave an impact only in spirit so that the generations that follow us will be able to live their fullest.


  • For Self: We practice acceptance, patience and forgiveness for our imperfections, missteps and mistakes because they are a sign of trying, learning, and living.

  • For Others: We hold space in our hearts and minds for others those less fortunate so they never feel alone in their struggle. We stand up to share, serve and support them through pain and hard times because ultimately we can only rise by lifting others.

  • For Planet: We observe nature's ever-changing wishes and whims so that we can learn and respect the fragility and complexities of the web of life..


  • To Self: We honor our inner souls and higher spirits with dignity because this wisdom ultimately lead us closer to the work and the community that either need us, or that we need.

  • To Community: We acknowledge the ever-evolving energy ties between us and strive to strengthen feelings of bonding and belonging because we are biologically hard-wired to connect and collaborate.

  • To Planet: We immerse ourselves in the land, the sacred center of all life, because nature's cycles and rhythms are our greatest teachers.


  • Of Self: We hold tight to our needs, values, and ideals and do not make apologies for who we are or what we want because our inner truth is part of our divine path.

  • Of Others: We surround ourselves with people who build and boost us, but also ground us, so that we can create a synergy of warmth, peace, and inspiration for others. There is safety and security in togetherness.

  • Of Spaces: We adopt rituals and physical environments that are harmonious and tranquil because when we create peaceful and abundant energy we create opportunities for healing.


  • To disrupt the status quo. We know that "the old ways" are not the ways of the future and are committed to challenging the systems that do not fit us or hold us down so that there are new pathways for ourselves and other brave souls to follow.

  • To find our purpose. We choose to live in authenticity and alignment- fulfilled, free and flowing so that we become part of the reciprocal cycle of abundance in creating a better world.

  • To learning and evolving. We accept change, and it's tools of practice and problem-solving, as a necessary, and essential, part of life which will lead us to higher consciousness and expanded connection.

"If you have been hiding medicine in your pockets, behind your eyes, beneath your tongue

If you've been waiting for approval, for validation, for vindication or the "right" time to share your most precious gifts,

If you can bring laughter, comfort and warmth to solemn spaces

If you have ever been called to use your life for something greater than yourself,

NOW is your time. to come forward

Yes, you might feel terrified, nervous, uncomfortable, and even unpopular.

But the world needs you exactly as you are.

Raw. Real.

Broken. Bruised

Uncertain. Unmasked. Unscripted, Uninhibited, Unrestrained. Uncensored. Unhinged.

Just Willing and Open.

Make your gifts available and lend them to the greater good.

Help make the world a better place so that we can all be free."



In order to achieve the shine, the powerful transformation that we want in the world we must first SEE the light in ourselves, then we must BE the light, and SPREAD it to others.


We awaken to our greatness and worth,while we simultaneously walk alongside our shadows. We understand that all of the light and dark in our lives is by design to lead us to our better selves. We have trust and faith in Source and Spirit.


We seek truth. We open our minds, eyes, and ears to all possibilities - learning, unlearning and relearning answers to questions that we never stop asking, in our endless quest for ideas, inspiration and hope.


Our deeper feelings and intuitions are rarely wrong because they are rooted in earth's wisdom. We see and express - clearly and confidently - who we are - today, who we were yesterday , and where we want to go tomorrow. When there is transparency and truth, there is power.


We embody the bravery and boldness that will allow our voices be heard, our souls to be visible and our hearts to be vulnerable so that we can overcome adversity and inspire and impact others in our journey. We face pain and discomfort head on.


We choose to believe anything is possible. manifest our visions, ideas, and imaginations into reality because our inner spirit has a calling for outer expression, and everything we need to make and make-do can be found within.

“Revolution is the sound of your heart still beating. And as long as it is, you have work to do.

Do it. Without apology.

Do it. Bravely and nobly.

Do it.

Exist, Insist, and by all means, Resist.”

Dominique Christina



Detachment is the ultimate act of self-awareness and enlightenment. It allows for freedom of the self, the spirit, and the collective. Because moderation and minimalism create greater opportunities for happiness and prosperity at its core, intentional living is not about having less, it is about having MORE.


We need only Love & Relationships, Art & Music, Nourishment & Wellness, Nature & Earth, Spirituality & Source. Everything else is secondary, unnecessary.


We seek out the products, systems and solutions that are meant to last, to stand the test of time so that we can meet more of our collective needs and contribute to the longterm health and prosperity of humanity.


We edit and eliminate, necessitate and narrow all parts of life (self, spaces, situations) that don't nurture or fuel us so that we can focus on the things that do. Emptiness is a container for magic.


We choose carefully, mindfully, intentionally- prioritizing quality over quantity. We give up the ordinary in exchange for the extraordinary, leaving spaces to be filled, light to be let in, energy to move.


We are both powerful and powerless, always yielding to the divine timing and order of life. We strive to be connected to everything, yet attached to nothing.

Find The Others. There are beautiful incredible souls out there creating a new world. They do not live in fear. They are vibrant, magnetic humans who are creating magic in this world. When you meet one you'll know. So elevate your own vibration. Change starts with you.

These are more than just "nice words" - these are an invitation to a way of life.

Remember, you are a force. Never underestimate the power of one person to start a revolution, to plant seeds of change, to start the ripple that leads to a wave. Energy moves us. Energy IS us: focused and fierce. The perfection lies in the progress. You will get there, and we will get there together. At long last, WE are the change we wish to see in the world.

When we heal ourselves, we heal the world. Here's to...

  • More space, less stuff.

  • More creation, less consumption.

  • More contribution, less accumulation.

  • More single-tasking, less multitasking.

  • More meaning, less materiality

  • More connection, less comparison.

  • More mindful, less mindless.

  • More focus, less distraction.

  • More balance, less burnout.

  • More lingering, less rushing.

  • More living, less existing.

  • More understanding, less judging

  • More learning, less assuming.

  • More humility, less ego

  • More community, less competition.

  • More flow, less force.

  • More empathy, less apathy.

  • More listening, less speaking.

  • More hope, less fear.

  • More responding, less reacting.

  • More waiting, less worry.

  • More stillness, less striving

  • More spirit, less status.

  • More grace, less guilt.

  • More inner authenticity, less outer approval.

Lastly, these words are about Equity, Inclusion and BELONGING. We must prioritize the equal distribution of resources, opportunities and privileges. We must recognize and address historical and systemic disadvantages of certain groups, and create an environment where individuals of diverse backgrounds, identities, and perspectives feel valued, respected, and included in decision-making processes. The ultimate dream is for us to live in a society and culture where EVERYONE can contribute, succeed and thrive to their full potential.

If I can't have certainty, I'll have courage.
If I can't avoid pain, I'll embrace hope.
If I can't find the light, I'll be the light.

Erin Marie Ratliff is an alignment & alchemy specialist and holistic growth strategist based in Asheville, NC and serving clients nationwide. Her passions have manifested as two separate business ventures which work in tandem to achieve personal & planetary healing for all. Visit for energetic and environmental services for earth-minded individuals who aspire to live to their full potential and happiness.

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  • space clearing

  • green living

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Asheville, North Carolina

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