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How to Manifest Abundance & Quantum Leaps Using the Power of Human Design

Hopefully by now you've read my "Ultimate Guide to Manifestation" and know the basics of attracting what you desire.

It outlines dozens of logical and straightforward steps to help you clarify, align, release and receive.

But did you know that we can practice manifestation from an entirely different lens and philosophy? And that is through Human Design.

(Never heard of HD? Read this blog first!)

Human Design reminds us that our bodies are literally wired for manifestation. Our energy centers and gates, our subconscious and conscious, are shaping our reality every day. It also reminds us of the universal nature of abundance -that it is our birthright.

Prosperity is nestled deep in the folds of our DNA.

But we’ve been told LIES about it.

We’ve been told we have to work hard.

We’ve been told we have to ‘MAKE money’, to ‘EARN a living’.

The truth is that abundance is everywhere. The fact we were even born means we are abundant.

The universe is always multiplying.

Babies are born, flowers bloom, love expands, consciousness rises, abundance is everywhere when we choose to see it.

Money is power. And power in the right hands can change the world.

I believe we all have the power to change the world.

Richard Rudd

The Power of Creation

Manifestation is simply Creation, which is the process of bringing something into existence. The word itself implies that we have a role and a fairly active, engaged one .

We create from the powerful ingredient of awareness., but even moreso from the subconscious, in the experiences of joy, happiness and peace.

If we intentionally align with clarity (seeing things as they are) and assume the position of creating with a disciplined and dedicated approach (assuming positive outcomes), that itself is deliberate creation.

"To stand on the brink of what is coming, feeling eager, optimistic anticipation with no feeling of impatience, doubt or unworthiness hindering the receiving of it. That is Deliberate Creation at its best. "

Redefining Abundance

The tools of Human Design and the Gene Keyes helps us understand the difference between Wealth and Prosperity



​Simplicity, Lightness, Freedom, Clarity, Healing, Satisfaction, Holistic Wellness, Philanthropy

Complexity, Weight, Responsibility, Anxiety, Hunger, Material Wellness,

"Prosperity flows from Love. It is the byproduct of an open heart".

Richard Rudd

At the end of the day, Prosperity is relative. There are many forms of Prosperity -some involving minimalism while others involve resources. Some involve individuation, while others involve community. Knowing your Gene Keys helps to indicate the unique flavor and style of your good fortune.

We must discover what matters in life and live according to that. Generally this is two essentials:

1) Your Purpose/Activation Sequence: the value you provide the world

2) Your Relationships / Venus Sequence: the preciousness of your relationships

So how are you spending your precious time? How will you explore and activate abundance in your life?

What truly makes you feel rich and abundant?

Society or social media tells us its expensive material goods - homes, cars, clothes. Or fine dining or luxury shopping or vacations.

But true abundance is not in CONSUMPTION. Instead, its in the GIVING and SHARING value to the world

  • Treating your friend to a meal

  • Paying an employee more than they ask or expect

  • Getting a new client referral or awesome testimonial

  • Connecting with pets, wildlife or nature

  • Discounting your offer so that it's more accessible

Its also in the tiny everyday moments:

  • Eating Fresh fruits and vegetables

  • Finding a sale on something you love or have been wanting for a while

  • A beautiful spring breeze

  • A road trip

  • A fun night out

  • A mental breakthrough during a meditation

The list goes on...

It's not seeking attention and validation from anyone OR having your superficial desires have power over you.

No, true abundance comes 100% from within.

"True abundance gives you the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it. Not what you WANT do- what you NEED to do."


What is Quantum Manifestation?

The standard rules for manifestation may bring about what you want slowly over time. But when we approach from lens of Human Design, we can experience faster and more noticeable results. We're talking massive transformation and expansion, with just the slightest energetic shifts.

In the psycho-spiritual world, we refer to this level of transformation as a 'Quantum Leap'!

  • Standard Manifestation

    • I take action to get what I desire

    • I believe that I deserve good things

    • I attract what I think I can have

    • I achieve slow results and notice gradual results over time

  • Quantum Manifestation

    • I take action because I love to take action

    • I believe that I deserve great things

    • I attract what I really want deep down

    • I achieve quick results and notice bigger, better results over time

With patience and practice anyone can master the art of Quantum Manifestation and learn how to create from a place of limitless possibility and potential.

If you're ready for your best life to begin TODAY, if you're ready to live your purpose and start leaving your mark on the world- then read on!

More Trust, Less Logic.
More Allowing, Less Effort.
More Pleasure, Less Pressure.
More Possibility, Less Probability.

Finding Flow

The purpose of human design is to help you tap into the FLOW of your most aligned energy. This is where the magic will be

When you are in a state of flow you feel good and your vibration makes the people around you feel good as well. Life will begin to feel easier and better than you could possibly imagine, because there is no resistance hiding in your heart, mind or body any more.

Look for the moments in life where energy flows through your aura with ease

We can find flow most easily by tuning into and understanding certain areas of our chart, ideally in the following order:

  1. Type

  2. Profile

  3. Centers

  4. Gates

All the while we must be mindful of your core wounds, which HD expert Karen Curry Parker has labeled as the Nine Resiliency Keys. When these are functioning at a high level then you are able to fulfill the potential of the chart and reclaim sovereignty over your personal story.

Affirm: Like the stars that stretch infinitely, so too does my prosperity. I am protected, and abundance is my birthright.

These are the root of almost all self-sabotage:

1. Self-Trust: The degree to which you trust your inner wisdom and trust in your own abilities.

2. Empowerment: How much control and power you feel like you have in creating your life.

3. Lovability: How much love you believe you can receive, experience, and give.

4. Courage: How well you can navigate through fear without letting it paralyze you.

5. Authenticity: How free you feel to fully express your Authentic Self.

6. Decisiveness: Your ability to know how to make good and right decisions for you.

7. Emotional Wisdom: Your ability to use emotional energy as a creative source of power and to be deliberate, not reactive.

8. Self-Worth: Your self-esteem and sense of your own value.

9. Vitality: How much energy you have to do the things you want and need to do in your life.

The more we work on living the high expression of these energies, the more awakened we become and the more control and choice we have over how we work with the opportunities and circumstances that cross our path in life.

"It came, not because of your struggle but because of your ease".

Abraham Hicks

Manifestation & Self-Healing

For most people the manifestation process is easier said than done. We seem to try and try but rarely achieve the life-changing results that we dream of. If you are trying to manifest money from one of your

shadows you will likely attract a situation that causes frustration, anger, bitterness, or plain exhaustion.

Falling short on our manifestations is almost always due to the limitations created by our absorbed social conditioning - not because of our own innate programming.

As our subconscious (ego) tries to protect us from emotional pain or fear we tend to go through life in a more limited and constricted way, rarely living up to our full potential. Our entanglement with OTHERS thoughts, beliefs, feelings, greatly limits how potent our own energy is, and thus our manifestation power.

This patterning establishes our narrow beliefs and perceptions which ultimately hold us back from TRULY living and attracting what we're meant to.

So if we want to create Energy Alchemy, to transmute from shadow to light, we must look WITHIN, not outside of ourselves, for answers.

Ultimately, Manifestation is the direct by-product of the de-conditioning process. As such, it is a sacred act that can't be manipulated or rushed. The only way out is through...

We all have parts (not ALL) of ourselves that carry emotional/self-worth wounds. These scars on our heart create energetic blocks. And if we have not done the essential inner work to heal these parts, then it while begin to impact our whole.

Without self-healing we usually end up being, doing, saying or acting in ways that go against our natural energetic rhythms and flow. This manifests into circumstances that leave us drained, depleted and dissatisfied.

Inner healing means...

  • Looking closely at the role you play in your own suffering

  • Releasing your victimhood mindset.

  • Taking full responsibility and ownership of your life.

  • Understanding your TRUE SELF:

    • your DESIRES

    • your INTUITION

    • your PURPOSE

    • your VALUE

Once you do these things you then you can manifest much more easily and consistently.

"Your dreams and desires are just memories from your future self. You are not chasing them, they are calling out to you."

You can read all the books, and do all the spells and rituals, but until you start to accept and align to the deepest (de-conditioned) truths of your design, nothing will change everything will remain as is. It doesn't matter how much you desire, or how often you try and make things happen. You'll be repeating the same patterns and getting the same results.

To raise your vibration towards are highest self and manifest in the most sustainable way is both inner and outer work!

We manifest primarily from our Subconscious, and secondarily from our Conscious. But because true self healing takes a long time (years, lifetimes and even generations) and immense commitment, it's often easiest to start your enlightenment journey by focusing on the Conscious, external world around you. This is where we will notice the most immediate transformative results, but not the BIG leaps.

That being said, we can also do this work simultaneously. Think of this work as your big decluttering of life

  • Deconditioning

  • Detoxing

  • Cleansing

  • Clearing

So, get ready to

  • Learn the lessons

  • Heal the wounds

  • Uncover the triggers and blocks

  • Connect your heart and mind energies

  • Stop giving your power to the 3D (the logical, tangible and material)

  • Trust in the 5d (the limitless and universal)

  • Create a synergy between your thoughts, feelings, actions and values

  • Step in to your power

Will it be easy? No. Will it be worth it? Absolutely.

"When you come together with a pure heart, owning and being responsible for your own issues and wounds, then there is a very real chance of something magical occurring in your life."

Richard Rudd

Working with your Human Design breaks down into two kinds of change: behavioral change and identity change. Changing one without the other can lead to results, but they likely won’t feel sustainable or consistent. Both are required for integration and long lasting results.


Our reality is shaped by our visible actions, choices, and behaviors and surroundings. So optimizing the systems related to your external world will leave you vibrating higher so that abundance can flow.

  • Your Habits, Rhythms & Routines - exercise, sleep, schedules

  • Your Connections - how we find meaning, grow and expand through others

    • divination work- connecting to spirit and source

    • friends, family, coworkers, clients, mastermind groups, social networks

    • prioritizing connections that have complementary/opposing Gates/Channels

  • Your Expression - what we share with others, our attitudes and physical presentation/appearance

  • Your Signature Frequency - doing what brings you joy and fulfillment, practicing creative flow

  • Your Strategy & Authority - choosing how to spend your time and make the best decisions, being active or passive, following intuition

  • Your External HD Variables

    • Environment- your living, playing and working spaces

    • Digestion - diet, nutrition, temperature, media/data consumption, spending


After your external environment is running optimally, then you can turn your efforts inward!

The relationship you have with yourself is the most important relationship of all, so use the power of Human Design to guide you in your work and wisdom.

Your Human Design type can reveal exactly how you manifest best - your core energy, your aura, your strategy and authority - what process, speed and rhythm is most true and natural to you. Essentially- how you can create a life that is exciting, aligned and abundant.

The following manifestation tools are helpful in dissolving and releasing subconscious blockages, deprogramming and healing old wounds and traumas, which can help you feel more centered and aligned and create a solid foundation to build your dream life upon.

This work is where the big LEAPS will occur.

  • Your Energy Centers - especially your HEAD, AJNA and EGO centers

    • Defined/Closed Centers for reaffirming and reinforcing your Strengths

      • Looks like positive self-talk/affirmations to build self-worth

    • Undefined/Open Centers for strengthening and supporting your Weaknesses.

      • Looks like inner child reparenting, shadow work/ integration

  • Your Internal HD Variables

    • Manifestation/Motivation - attracting what you want

      • Deep imaginings and visionings

      • Scripting and spell work

    • Awareness/Perception - processing information/data

      • Mindfulness and meditation

      • Journaling

Look at your Open Centers to examine your conditioning to resist, while also following your Strategy and Authority to keep you in your unique flow state. Living "correctly", true to your Design can allow you to manifest effortlessly. You'll begin to slow down and see there are so many things to respond to because the world is full of abundant opportunities. The key is to place your attention on what IS around you, instead of what is "not".

Inner Authority - how you find flow despite the triggers around you

  • Emotional - prioritize emotional neutrality

  • Sacral - prioritize pleasure

  • Splenic- prioritize health

  • Heart- prioritize desires

  • Self Projected-prioritize authenticity

  • Mental Prjoect - prioritize environment

  • Reflectors - prioritize rhythms

The biggest irony and trick with Quantum Manifestation? To stop TRYING.

There is nothing to fix. There is nothing wrong with you.

We manifest what we are. So decide to BECOME and BE your Quantum Self, from this moment forward. Embody complete success and abundance!

Self-Illumination, Self-Understanding, Self-Healing, Self-Acceptance and Self-Mastery are the cornerstones of Quantum Manifestation.

Abundance by Design

How is money related to HD? Where you get the full experience life is in your open centers, thus it's there where your opportunities for abundance lie.

What allows you to be of benefit on the material plane to others is the wisdom you share with them, based on what you were able to learn from your own life journey and process.

"Everybody has a right to resources; everyone. But if you hunt them, if you look for them, you lose yourself.
The material path is life. This is what we are navigating, this material path. If you don’t navigate it as yourself, you’re not going to get what’s right for you. You’ll be one of these people that has too much money and no soul. Or you’ll be someone that has absolutely nothing and has the soul of a prince. It’s all messed up.
The whole thing about this process is that you cannot get to a place of awareness if you are caught up in the mundane of your life. You can't. And money is there in everybody. It all comes back to you, and what is correct for you."

Ra Uru Hu

The Heart vs the Mind

Your centers are your spiritual circulatory system. They feed you energy from Source to create and enjoy your experience here on Earth. Your heart is your main energy center. It is the engine that keeps the rest of your centers flowing. It works the same way as your physical heart + veins. YOUR HEART IS YOUR POWER!

When your heart is damaged or closed this causes strain on your other centers When your centeres are out of alignment, they run backwards pulling energy from the low vibrations which causes difficulty manifesting while also attracting others matching this vibration.

As we learned, Manifestation is the Physical Embodiment of your Will.

What does that mean? In the Human Design perspective, your Will is one of your two Heart Centers.

So in other words, we manifest from our hearts! It's possible to manifest from the mind, but the heart is even more powerful. We are conditioned for mental leadership for sourcing our ideas and actions. But in reality our hearts are the true CEOS (Chief Energy Officers). They are our primary connection to Spirit and Source, and in tune with our deepest purpose and our passion.

It is actually two energy centers, giving it the strongest electromagnetic field in the body, 60 times greater than the brain.

Our ability to attract abundance is directly connected to these two heart centers in the body.

  • G/Identity Center: Your self-worth and self-value.

  • Heart/Will Center: Your desires and cravings

The key is to make these centers as magnetic and aligned as possible. How do we do that? Through PURE SELF-LOVE!

We are ultimately energetic magnets to whatever we think and feel about ourselves, and thus how we treat ourselves. Self-love is the highest vibration possible, and it looks like:

  • Intentional Living

    • INVESTING in your self: learning, growing, developing and doing the things that light you up and feed your soul

    • SETTING boundaries to protect your personal energy

    • PRIORITIZING whatever contributes to meeting your personal

      • PEACE - wellness, self-care

      • PURPOSE - serving others from our zone of genius

      • PRODUCTIVITY - energy preservation and management

  • Mindfulness

    • VISUALIZING your success- dreaming big and bold

    • BELIEVING and speaking the fact that you are deserving of supreme greatness!

    • TRUSTING that the right type of abundance will always find you in the right time

Your heart opens more as you do more activities that resonate with what makes your heart happy.. This is your soul's mission, your Golden Path.

You'll know your heart is working based on your emotions. Where are you on the emotional scale?




Shame, Embarrassment





Rage, Anger











Hopeful, Optimistic

Positive Expectation






Appreciation, Gratitude


ALIGNED ACTION: Open your heart to connect, calibrate and attract!

The heart speaks to us through emotion, instinct, intuition, or “gut feeling”, not verbally, like the mind does. So the trick to manifesting from the heart is to first quiet the mind and fall into the body. That can happen through meditation, or doing something you love- as long as you get into a flow state.

Once you feel silence and space, tune into your chest. Listen for the voices of love, compassion and kindness. Visualize and FEEL your heart-stirring, physically getting bigger and bigger, almost bursting out of you.

Then go about your life, with presence, awareness and gratitude.

Develop this regular mindfulness practice and over time your electromagnetic field will begin to radiate outwards ahead of you. This will result in signs and synchronicities from your Spirit Guides, reminding you that you're on the right path.

"It is your birthright to live a fully expressed life.”

Debbie Ford

The G Center is our gravitation center which deals with your identity, sense of self, your sense of direction, your attunement and alignment. This is where you pull to you what you are aligned with, or the experiences you need in order to get back into alignment. Essentially, your magnetism and manifestations are based on who you are and how aligned you are with your identity.

You can also look at what Gates in your Head/Crown Center are occupied and use them to optimize your scripts and affirmations. In this center there are eight gates that offer specific things to focus on when shifting your identity which can support you in all areas of life, especially your relationship with wealth and abundance. Go through each of the gates to identify your conditioning to release, and choose a new narrative to embrace.

  • GATE 10: Self Love. How much do you love yourself? Release labels, comparison, inferiority, superiority. Embrace authenticity, naturalness, begin. "I love myself because..."

  • GATE 7: Self Control. How influential do you feel over others, or money? Release power, control, authority, demands. Embrace guidance and virtuous leadership - being led, and leading others. "I collaborate to…"

  • GATE 1: Self Expression. How authentic are you being in your desires? Release depression, stagnation. Embrace clarity, creativity, beauty, freshness, purpose, meaning. "I am (my purpose)"

  • GATE 13: Self Compassion. Have you forgiven self? Release regret, resentment, guilt, shame of past mistakes. Embrace forgiveness, empathy, listening, growth, learning. gratitude, hope for future. "I am (narrative)"

  • GATE 25: Universal Love. Do you accept your current experience? Release certainty, resentment, jealous, Embrace uncertainty universal connection, divine order, fate, destiny, appreciation, acceptance, presence. "I trust and serve..."

  • GATE 46: Joy. Can you feel the abundance? Release pressure, seriousness, hustling, exerting, chasing. Embrace play, pleasure, delight, imagination. "I embody…"

  • GATE 2: Balance. Are you truly ready to receive? Release overly masculine Yang energy, regiment, structure, or overly feminine (too flowy, directionless), scarcity mindset or limiting believes. Embrace unity, harmony, openness, abundance mindset, dreaming big. "I receive/allow…"

  • GATE 15: Flow. Release highs and lows, all or nothing extremes. Embrace the ripple effect, gradual progress and subtle impact. " I share/give.."

For example, my gates 12 and 8 are activated on my chart so I use these two affirmations as my "manifestation codes" to regularly to call in abundance.

  • 12: I am capable of greatness, success and attracting wealth

  • 8: I contribute by being my authentic self and lifting others up

"Everyone has manifesting power, not just the Manifestors. We each have our own experiences/experiments to conduct. See what works and what does not work for you. Your own experiment will reveal what is right for you."

Diving Deeper

The following Gates are associated with material resources and can be used strategically in your life to build wealth.

  • GATE 19: Gate. of Wanting. Can sense the needs of others in the family or tribe and strives to get those met through sacrifice, and sometimes co-dependence

  • GATE 54: Gate of Ambition. This energy fuels a drive for ascension and success. It aspires for a higher status in order to improve your individual or group standing in society or in the tribe. Can manifest as greed

  • GATE 21: Gate of Hunter. This energy needs freedom and autonomy and their own authority or control. It possesses the masculine willpower to go out and secure resources for the tribe.

  • GATE 26: Gate of Egoist. This energy is about sales, entrepreneurism, resourcefulness, and cleverness - intuitively generating or securing what the tribe needs so that everyone benefits.

  • GATE 45: Gate of Gatherer. This energy controls the resources for the tribe and makes sure everyone has what they need to survive.

  • GATE 44: Gate of Alertness. This energy is about intuitive learning from past mistakes or patterns for the sake of the team/tribe and successful relationship building.

  • GATE 14: Gate of Skills. This energy is about stepping into your creative power to create something magical. You respond to opportunity and through direction and focus you radiate and attract abundance and prosperity.

"Keep your focus on how you want to feel and let the universe fill in the details."

Abraham Hicks

Our Personal Energetics⁠

⁠⁠Manifestation is not a one-size-fits-all process! Your energy is made to communicate, interact, and receive in a very specific way. Using someone else's process will only throw you out of alignment.

The reason that manifestation looks different for everyone is because everyone has a different design, different wiring, and thus a different energetic vibration.

Your ability to manifest is not a random coincidence. It is a product of your own energetic frequency, which is determined by your internal beliefs and external actions, by your conscious and subconscious.

Our conditioning, our entanglement in OTHERS thoughts, beliefs, feelings, greatly limits how potent our own energy is, and thus our manifestation power. This happens when we give our power to the 3D, the logical tangible and material rather than the 5D, the limitless and universal. Letting go of conditioning ("shoulds") is our fastest way to abundance!

The key: simply do more of what you love, and less of what your Ego or Society thinks you should.

The movement of energy in our bodies (and therefore our subsequent actions and behaviors) mostly occur out of habit, comfort or familiarity. When we want to attract the things, the people and the abundance we're looking for into our lives, our energy needs to change first in order to make us magnets for what that we want.

The Universe’s only goal is for us to grow into the best, brightest and most beautiful version of ourselves.

Whole, Worthy, Abundant, Authentic, Healthy, Happy, Loved, Connected, Peaceful, Prosperous, Purposeful

Therefore, everything and everyone that comes into your life is a mirror – an invitation, an opportunity from the Universe to uplevel towards becoming our Core Selves.

When we manifest we connect with desired realities and to accurately connect with them we need to envision them in the way that we will actually experience - either the internal experience or the external experience.

If you're struggling to manifest your dreams and desires, you may simply not be manifesting in the most optimal way for YOU. ⁠Luckily, your chart can offer helpful clues about how to manifest more effectively based on your Design.

Your Magnetic Center

Your G-CENTER determines your direction and identity in life, and it's openness determines how you attract most effciciently.

  • Open (undefined) - Your ENVIRONMENT is ultimately in control of your future. Focus on surrounding self with right people and in the right places.

  • Closed (defined)- YOU are in control of your future. ⁠⁠Get clear about who you want to be, where you want to be and how to get there.

Your Signature Frequency

Manifestation is not something we must actively "do" or make happen with visualizations, meditations and rituals although these do help us to line up with and believe our desires.

Remember once we decide we really want something, its basically 99% done and will be delivered in the best possible timing. All we have to do in the meantime is be as happy and content as we can, have fun with what. we have, and enjoy the journey!

Every Human Design Type has a Signature Frequency to let us know if we're living up to our true potential.

Simply ALIGN with your Type's frequency - the feeling of joy, abundance and fulfillment that is unique to you!

And AVOID its opposite frequency or your 'Not-Self' theme. This is your lowest vibration, and the indicator that you are out of alignment or balance.

  • Generator - Satisfaction (vs Frustration)

  • Manifestor - Peace (vs Anger)

  • Projector - Success (vs Bitterness)

  • Reflector - Surprise (vs Disappointment)

The more you spend time doing what lights you up on a soul-level, the more abundance can flow to you - in all forms.

Your Variables

The way you manifest is all your own, but there are two general manifestation types, as seen in our chart's Variables.

Your PERSPECTIVE/AWARENESS Variable can specifically reveal how you experience information and is indicated by the direction of bottom right arrow of your chart.

LEFT Facing: Specific / Active Manifestor: Thrives in the intricate details, descriptions and visualizations. Requires active participation and extreme clarity. Must trust self/intuition!

  • Get Clear. onwhat you want. Aim to be 'S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) with each of your manifestation goals or amounts to call in.

  • Explore how it feels to get it. Focus on the intricate details of your dreams and desires, what it looks like, feels like,

  • Follow your Strategy/Authority.

  • Connect with your Signature frequency

RIGHT FACING: General / Passive Manifestor: Thrives in the broader abstract vision and overall essence. Focus on the feelings of abundance and overflow, safety and freedom more than the details.

This is said to be a more evolved design because you have transcended the visual cortex and are no longer focused on the visual details of what is happening in your external experience. With this peripheral perspective you don't experience the details of the external situation, your attention is focused on the internal experience. and how you want to FEEL instead of what it looks like or how to get there

  • Get clear on how you want to feel.

  • Make a list of things that already make you feel that way

  • Follow strategy/authority.

  • Connect with your Signature. frequency

Your Prosperity Sequence

Do you have a 'mental block' around your success? This may feel like fear, lack, scarcity, confusion - and sometimes. literal tightness in the chest when confronted with new opportunities or conversations around money, career, and purpose.

Unlocking the Prosperity Sequence in your Gene Keys chart can change all of that. It teaches us how to be of service to the greatest good of the world and the evolution of humanity.

"(Stop) mistaking wealth for prosperity. Wealth is exclusive. Prosperity is inclusive because it sees beyond selfishness, and looks toward a future in which we all cooperate with each other for the sake of the whole.”

Richard Rudd

This sequence is all about your calling, your role, and how to best make your mark on the world. It helps you connect to your power and prosperity. It gives you clues about

  • how and where to transmute your learning into valuable lessons for the community.

  • the types of groups and sizes of groups that you feel and in what ways you inspire them.

  • your relationship with abundance, prosperity, and money as a whole.

The four stages of the Prosperity Sequence are called the Vocation, Culture, Pearl and Brand.

Your Culture sphere (Unconscious Jupiter placement) - who is attracted to you based on your vibration.

This determines your ‘fractal line’ - the group of like-minded, open- hearted companions and allies who will aid you in fulfilling your external purpose in the world, as well as open or close the inflow of money and valuable resources in your business/life.

  • Shadow/Wound frequency - attracting others who share similar blocks

  • Gift frequency- attracting others who can support your journey

  • Line keynote- what size group to work with.

Your Vocation sphere (Unconscious Mars placement) - what you're meant to do for income & prosperity, which is also your Core Wound

  • Gift frequency - your zone of genius, your calling, your most courageous living

  • Shadow/Wound frequency - denying or ignoring, postponing your calling or purpose due to fear or uncertainty

  • Line keynotes - what role you will play in living your purpose

Your Pearl sphere (Conscious Jupiter placement) - the simplest answer to your success

  • Gift frequency - the clarity that brings you back to your center and reminds you of what is really important to you.

  • Shadow/Wound frequency - how you loose sight of what is important to you and overcomplicate things - forgetting to simply be of service and to love yourself.

  • Line keynotes - your version of abundance, your core money motivation.

The culmination of this work is the Pearl, the hidden wisdom that we achieve true prosperity through Simplicity. The answer to our abundance is often so simple it is usually staring us in the face. We just have to be bold enough to look at it, and then to allow others in to help us fully transmit our power.

This is because prosperity does not exist in isolation - it requires community, connection and sharing. We only truly prosper when each part of the whole is well.

  • If you have a 1st line Pearl then you won’t ever need very much money, because money makes things so complicated. Your whole life, all you have really been seeking is simplicity.

  • If you have a 2nd line Pearl then what you really want is to feel you are making a difference to the world which comes through recognition. You are designed to handle very large amounts of money.

  • If you have a 3rd line Pearl, you are designed to really spend money and use it for your own and other’s enjoyment, although the money doesn't necessarily have to be your own.

  • If you have a 4th line Pearl, then all you want is to simply give it all away! You will want more in order that you can give more and acquire simplicity

  • If you have a 5th line Pearl, then you are destined to be a leader, holding power and responsibility, with humility.

  • If you have the 6th line, you practice the true nature of prosperity which is to be penniless. You will always have what you need without having to own or handle any of it yourself. and ironically it will be the largest irritations in your life that bring your greatest prosperity.

Patience & Perserverence

Remember, there will be Challenges, regardless of what Line you are:

  • Releasing your limitations

  • Finding allies

  • Surrendering to divine,

  • Suffering through Addiction

  • Being dominated by the Masculine rule (Authoritative, Abrasive, Overworking, Greed)

If you do not understand the spheres or phases of our Prosperity Sequence then simply remember to wait for more signs. Insight will eventually come through dedication, focus, and sometimes aloneness. or through some kind of reflection.

"If you live out your type, you're going to have the material abundance you need. Because remember, the moment you stop being in control of your life, your life is perfectly financed."

Ra Uru Hu

Abundance Affirmations

Everyone has a human birthright to abundance, regardless of your HD Type. We're all here to FEEL wealthy, no matter what the amount in our bank account is.

The Throat Center is the most powerful manifestation center in the body, and the most complex. It has a huge impact on the human experience.

It is where all the energy in the body wants to exit and express itself outwardly in order to create and act upon. Your capacity to show up, be heard, create and manifest lies here. It is where the possibility of everything begins:

  • our relationships

  • our work

  • our survival

  • our well-being

  • our sense of self

  • our power

The Throat is more than just our Voice. It is the mirror to all of our thoughts, feelings, visions, perceptions and intuitions. It is how we contribute to the world outside of ourselves. We use it to lead, influence, share, connect and empower others. It is where we put our energy into words, then our words into action.

The Throat holds the power of communication and manifestation but also the "operating system" for overall energy modulation and regulation. So if there is not a healthy Throat center in place, the energy in our entire being will not be properly expressed or moving.

Because of it's incredible power, its super important to have balanced and open Throat Energy.

So many of us have been conditioned to feel unsafe or uncomfortable speaking our truth. This is the truth in our hearts, not our minds. It is what FEELS true. So we hold back, stay small, stay silent, and do whatever possible to keep the peace.

Energy blockages in the throat center are almost always a result of trapped (unexpressed or repressed) emotions. Our throat channels are blocked by feelings of fear- rejection, abandonment, heartbreak and shame from our earliest years, and some even before our birth.

These trapped emotions activate our inner fears and create self-sabotaging behaviors- holding back our true selves or avoiding action or boldness.

These blockages can limit our manifesting power, but also lead to health challenges such as thyroid issues and burnout. All of this just because we do not feel comfortable and safe to stand vulnerably in our most authentic, truest selves.

The deeper you dig into your own subconscious behaviors the more you give yourself a chance to heal and align with your full potential and power.

The following Channels are activated with the frequency of direct, active manifestation, connected to the Throat Center either through the Heart or Spleen.

  • 21-45 Channel of Materialism- the frequency of support, money, providing resources, education and structures for the tribe and broader benefit of others.

  • 35-36 Channel of Transitoriness- the frequency of the wide varieties of human emotions and experiences, adventure seeking, experimentation

  • 12-22 Channel of Openness- the frequency of inspiration, words, a vulnerability in expression

Words hold power. When you pair your words with holistic systems and spells you strengthen your vision with even greater energies, which transcend both the physical and spiritual realm. Scripting Intentions and Affirmations are some of the most effective tools to do this.

Look at your Throat Center in your Human Design chart. There are 11 gates coming off of it which will reveal our communication style and natural voice, and yes- your manifestation potential.

If there are any defined Gates here, know that your energy flows most naturally there. Use that frequency to your advantage when creating your abundance affirmations!

  • 62 (making sense): "I think my life is abundant"

  • 23 (integrating): "I know my life is abundant"

  • 56 (storytelling): "I believe my life is abundant"

  • 35 (diversifying): "I feel abundant"

  • 12 (wordsmithing): "I am capable of abundance"

  • 45 (ruling): "I have abundance"

  • 33 (reflecting): "I remember the feeling of abundance"

  • 8 (publishing): "I contribute by showing or displaying abundance"

  • 31 (leading): "I lead by being abundant"

  • 20 (collaborating): "I am abundant now"

  • 16 (experimenting): "I identify with abundance"

What you desire so deeply is so because you have already had that somewhere on your soul's timeline. Your future self is whispering to you, seeking the familiar abundance you once knew. Embody that "memory" to bring it into the present.

Illuminate Your Darkness

The open or undefined centers in your HD chart are where you pick up or borrow energy (including thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, philosophies, stories) from others, and more than likely those teachings go against your natural energetic signature and feelings of enoughness or security.

Open energy centers leave us vulnerable to outside narratives about money. These centers are usually tied to our sense of self-worth, which, when low, results in financial deprivation, scarcity - or the opposite end of the spectrum - overconsumption and greed.

Get familiar with your Not-Self, so that you can recognize and catch when you may be slipping into a conditioned pattern. Our open centers can create a lot of limiting beliefs,

As you can see with the majority of these beliefs, we need to remove the power from the Masculine, which encourages chasing, doing, pushing. Remember, abundance responds best to the energy of RECEIVING, of doing nothing except waiting, expecting, surrendering, trusting and allowing.

The following affirmations daily can help rewire your subconscious programming and release the social conditioning and pressures that you've absorbed from others.

"I am divinely guided and supported so, regardless of how much, or little, money I have..."

HEAD/CROWN - Mental pressure

  • Avoid: "I need to know the secret of money and figure it all out in order to make more money"

  • Accept: "The right answers will show up at the right time."

ANJA/MIND - Mental awareness

  • Avoid: "I need to be certain or believe harder in order to make more money"

  • Accept: "Money will come to me whether or not I feel certain."

THROAT - Self-expression

  • Avoid: "I need to be more visible in order to make more money" or "I don't get attention from others unless I have money"

  • Accept "I get to be seen and heard by those who are meant to. "

G/IDENTITY - Self-understanding

  • Avoid: "I need to know my purpose and direction in order to make more money"

  • Accept "I am lovable and worthy of love."

HEART/WILL - Motivation -

  • Avoid: "My worth is dependent on my money" or"I need to work harder and prove myself in order to make more money"

  • Accept: "I can desire money simply because it feels good."

SPLEEN - Security

  • Avoid: "I need to take risks in order to have more money"

  • Accept: "I acknowledge my fears and choose to not let them control me. I am open to receiving this money."

SOLAR PLEXUS - Emotional awareness

  • Avoid: "I need to feel abundant and joyous in order to make more money"

  • Accept: "I choose to feel good now."

SACRAL - Pleasure

  • Avoid: "I need to work harder and faster in order to make more money"

  • Accept: "I attract money by BEING, not doing."

ROOT - Evolutionary drive

  • Avoid: "I need to act quickly and smartly in order to have more money"

  • Accept: "I am good enough to receive exactly as I am."

"Hold a thought for 17 seconds and the Law of Attraction kicks in. Hold a though for 68 seconds and things move. Manifestation has begun."

Abraham Hicks

Manifesting With The Divine Feminine

At the heart of Human Design and the Gene Keys systems is the belief that we are experiencing a global awakening, a great shift in human consciousness. And the place where this "mutation" is occurring is Gate 55. Within the Gene Keys, the 55th Key informs the wisdom of the 63 other keys because it's where deep change and transformation lies, and yes - life and death. The key represents the process of moving from Shadow to Light, from low vibration to high vibration, from Victimization to Freedom. Within the Human Design system, this is held by the Gate of Abundance or Superabundance, one associated with Transformation and Expansion - physically, emotionally and spiritually. And because all things carry polarity, this gate is not just about Fullness. It's all also a state of emptiness and pure availability and potential.

Is the cup half full or empty?

A half empty glass doesnt have to be labeled with lack or as "less than". If it's half empty that means there is even more room to pour into before it overflows. It's all about mindset. and perspective!

"Death is the moment when life overflows its cup."

Sophie Strand

This gate reminds us that change is constant. There is impermanence in all things. There are inevitable cycles and rhythms in life, and how we can navigate them is representative of the entire manifestation process. Life operates in waves, sending us riding the peaks of hope, the valleys of pain and back again. There can be magic and creativity in both if we don't resist, and just let it all flow.

We can embody the energy of this gate whether it is activated in our chart or not. These feelings can't ever be taken from us.

  • PATIENCE - acceptance, detachment, learning, faith, trust

  • PERSISTENCE- embodiment, visioning, inspired action

  • PROSPERITY - becoming a vibrational match for the abundance we desire, consciously choosing wonderment and abundance over scarcity and fear

Of importance: This Gate holds the energy of being Yin, RECEPTIVE, passive and feminine in nature. It is our reminder that to create more wealth you often have to learn to surrender, “let go” and wait, which is counter-intuitive to what most of us have been taught. In fact, the very question “How do I manifest more money?” comes from a masculine place of striving and pursuit. Time to shift into the feminine and reframe the question to simply "I allow money to manifest in my life"

Remember, Divine Frequency is here to support you, but only if you allow it.

Abundance is simply a matter, a function of spirit dancing through you.

Abundance is more than the sum of your wealth, it's a state of being, a mindset, and a way of life. Is your glass half-full or half-empty? Are you living in gratitude, or fear?

Can you expand your consciousness to feel the simple joy that comes from trusting how your life is unfolding? Can you make peace with your path and trust that what’s being shown today will lead you where you need to be tomorrow?

While you can operate from scarcity or abundance … the way of virtue is called Feng in the I'Ching. Feng is the zenith of abundance, where something is so full that it overflows.

Aligned Actions

Each energy type will have a different strategy and authority to bring in alignment. We each came here with a unique blueprint - a very distinct Abundance Frequency that allows us to manifest, feel and receive prosperity in our own way.. Your Strategy is how you find alignment with your Signature "flow frequency."

Each of these demonstrate how you experience abundance personally.

Overall, when aligned with our type, our unique personal wealth code/ signature vibration, energy will flow out of you and money and abundance energy will flow to you.

You will automatically begin to ..

  • Shift into a more gentle, passive, receptive mode.

  • Do work that makes you happy and fulfilled.

  • Release anger, frustration, resentment and disappointment

  • Feel more free, open and relaxed

Your heart fills, and your mind quiets because everything in life begins to make sense, fall into place, feel good ….and from that place of FREEDOM, abundance finally flows.

So follow your type's wealth theme! These feeling are fully and readily available to us every day, with barely any effort. Simply do what you love, and the rest will follow!

Energy Beings (Generators and Mani-Gens): Focus on what physically excites you and lights you up, not what you or others think you should be doing.

  • Wait for opportunities to reveal themselves, then RESPOND with what allows you to feel most SATISFIED

  • Create your own language with the Universe, asking for external signs, synchronicities, cues, nods, nudges that you can respond to with either an honest/polite no, or an enthusiastic YES

Non-energy Beings: Let go of any conditioning that tells you to do more, work harder etc. Less is more!

Manifestors and Mani-Gens

  • Allow yourself to go inward and connect with Source to create a vision for what you are manifesting.

  • INFORM/Share your sacred vision with those around you, and the universe, Then wait for the right people to join in inspired action so that you feel most PEACEFUL

  • Talk about what it looks like and what it feels like and about what you need from the world for this to manifest easily. Your voice is powerful and you have the ability to speak your desires into existence.


  • WAIT for the invitations/opportunities that allow you to feel SUCCESSFUL

  • Remain open and focus on what you are available for. Then allow the right people to show up, see you in your aligned glory, and request your presence, energy and assistance.

  • Spend time doing the things you are good at, play with your zone of genius, rest, and take care of your energy to further. invite abundance into your experience.


  • EXPERIMENT and play with all strategies that allow you to feel SURPRISE

  • Put yourself into the environment of your desire. Expose yourself to it's energy, absorb it' feel it and embody feeling at home in that environment that makes you feel abundant.

  • Use Pinterest, vision boards, window shopping, and others reviews to connect with your desires.

  • Follow the rhythms and cycles of the moon with rituals and ceremonies

  • Spend time clearing your energy and resting, especially if you are calling in new opportunities or adventures.

"He who finds peace in his heart has found his palace of gold."

The Energy of Waiting

The act of manifestation is an internal shift. Itss not about waiting for something external to arrive but about becoming the person who already has it. The journey is about embodying the energy and mindset of your desired outcome.

Let go! Release attachment, stop worrying, and trust deeply. Live in the peace and presences that your wish is happening.. In fact, it's already happened in the spiritual 5th Dimension, and now you're just waiting for it to happen in the physical 3D realm

Embody the certainty that it’s already yours—this alignment attracts it effortlessly. Access high states of coherence and open-hearted energy. Feeling elevated and abundant internally will naturally be reflected in your external reality.

Ultimately, the manifestation process is less about "aquiring" something, and more about becoming the version of yourself who already has it. This shift makes everything feel more joyful, empowering, playful and limitless.

Your Guiding Light

Human Design encourages us to get out of our minds, and into our bodies. This is where the real magic happens.

It also reminds us of our POWER. Your worth is not defined by your job, your wealth, your relationship status or anything else external. Your power is completely within you. The greatest gift you can give to the world is to be fully yourself and openly sharing your unique magic and essence.

You will create miracles, not perfection. You will dance with failure, negative emotions, weakness, discomfort. But no matter what, you are meant to succeed. It is written in the stars and in your cells.

In the search for enlightenment, there is an ever-present certainty that there is more to do, someone else who holds the secret, another state to attain. In the finding of it, there is the comical revelation that not one of those things was ever true.

Wei Wu Wei Ching, Gate 55

Ready for a chart reading to reveal your personal manifestation power? Let's chat!


Erin is a certified feng shui consultant, energy healer, wellness coach and holistic growth strategist.

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