Sacred Spaces: How the Feng Shui & Energy of Your Home Relates to Your Human Design Type

"If we do not put energy into creating what we want we spend that energy dealing with what we get."
Deepak Chopra
Did you know that the blueprint for your dream home or office is written in the stars and planets?
Indeed, there is a unique section of your Human Design natal birth chart called your Variables, or Four Transformations. This section holds the wisdom to achieve your happiest, healthiest, most healed self.
As a certified feng shui practitioner, and specialist in spatial energetics the Environment Variable is one of my favorite areas to decode in a client's chart. I have felt first hand the NEED to control my environment in order to create a sense of peace and order around me.
Read on to discover your most energetically-aligned environment! This isn’t everything to try in your Environment, but a fun starting point to consider and experiment with. Take what works and leave the rest!
”Variable addresses what Strategy and Authority cannot: correctness in the realms of mind and awareness. It guides us in aligning the mind to its natural intelligence, rather than attempting to align it with the Not-Self. This alignment makes possible a deeper harmony with our Design, greater peace of mind and, ultimately, connects us to our potential and our journey of transformation.”
- Ra Uru Hu
Why is your Environment important?
The founder of Human Design believed our most correct environment could open doors to our true power and potential.
If you have an open/undefined G-CENTER or SPLENIC CENTER in your chart, your Environment is even more paramount. The G center dictates your future direction and identity in life, and determines how you attract most efficiently. An open spleen relates to survival and wellbeing by way of noticing who and what externally makes it “feel good”.
This inherent openness you carry makes you highly sensitive to the outside world. As such, it is essential for you to focus on surrounding self with right people and in the right places.
"Every environment creates a way in which human beings interact, the way they do things... In other words, the moment you have an environment, you also have an impact. It brings out a direction of activity... In order for your consciousness to be transformed, you need to have the right perspective. If you're in the right environment, it opens up the possibilities for your particular unique perspective to emerge. So your environment becomes something that is not just a matter of your health, but it literally lays the foundation for the way life is intended to unfold."
~ Ra Uru Hu
Designing Sensory-Sensitive Spaces
Interior design has traditionally focused on making spaces functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing through elements like color, texture, furnishings, lighting, and art. However, there is a growing awareness of the need to widen the approach to design spaces to accommodate and support Neurodiverse individuals, those with energy-sensitive or sensory-sensitive tendencies who experience the world differently.
Neuroaesthetics, a subdiscipline of cognitive neuroscience, emphasizes the impact of aesthetics on human relations, health, and well-being. Inclusive design is crucial, allowing people of all Design Types, including those with an assortment disabilities, disorders and dysfunctions to thrive. Human Design helps us see that healthy and supportive spaces will promote better living, learning, and working environments for all.
Designing for neurodiversity involves a holistic approach that considers a wide range of sensory experiences and individual preferences. It evaluates how elements in a room affect the body as a whole, including s texture, sound, layout, and quality and color of light, as well as furniture shape and function.
This approach goes beyond catering to the traditional five senses and also considers proprioception (body sense) and vestibular sense (sense of balance). Design should also consider abstract factors like fascination, coherence, and homeyness to create spaces that resonate with occupants.
Those with autism and other ND conditions are much more sensitive to light, color, sound, and visual clutter than neurotypical people. These sensory needs were often misunderstood, leading to confusion and conflict and shame.
Spacial optimization, shifting details and making subtle changes, is a win-win for all, making spaces more beautiful and comfortable for everyone, but especially benefiting those with sensory awareness issues.
Flow, freedom and functionality are all equally important. This means we should design spaces that provide sensory cues to enhance well-being. We should also plan spaces with versatility in mind, allowing one to rest or work in different postures or positions that accomodate individual sensitivities and preferences.
You deserve to be an environment that brings out the softness in you, not the survival in you.
Looking to Nature
There are guidelines that are universal across all Variable Environment types. These overlap with basic feng shui principles because they create an overall flow of energy and prevent stagnation:
The goal is to create calming, controlled and comfortable spaces that replicate nature. We can do this with:
COLOR - blues, greens, muted hues, solids instead of patterns
MATERIAL- wood tones, wood furniture, natural fabrics and textures
NATURAL ELEMENTS - houseplants, crystals, shells
LIGHTING - natural light and window treatments
SOUND - solid doors, acoustic panels
CLUTTER- reducing clutter through storage solutions, organizational systems
MOVEMENT - open, unobstructed space around furniture, art, hallways, doorways etc, modular desks, rocking chairs, hanging mobiles
How does your Environment relate to Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese practice of curating the components of a space in order to shift the energy and create greater flow, balance and harmony with the natural world. It translates to "wind + water" the movement of chi or energy, which is exactly how energy moves through our bodies as Human Design teaches as well.
Human Design shows us the energy map of our bodies,while Feng Shui is the energy map of our homes.
.Both Feng Shui and Human Design have foundations with the ancient IChing, the Wheel of Changes. However, according to Taoist teachings, Human Design is part of one's Heaven Luck, whereas Feng Shui is Earth Luck.
The quantum physics of our space essentially can affect 33% of our luck in life, and thankfully is one of the easiest to change/control. You can influence the energy in a room and in your life by simply changing the arrangement and aesthetics of a room, as well as adding or removing specific earth elements: fire, earth, metal, water, wood.
Feng Shui is about elevating the vibrational frequency of your surroundings in order to feel most safe and supported, healthy and happy, and to attract prosperity and peace and improve your overall well being. It's all about prioritizing your personal energy,
If your Environment feels off, you will feel it, especially if you have open centers. You geographically need to be in the right place with the right people for the energy to flow.
"The Nodes are the thing that brings our Design and our Personality together into this holistic package. It gives the whole meaning to what our existence is.
One of the things environment really does is nurture your relationships...It‘s good for your life because it is going to make sure that you‘re protected in the connections you have. If you‘re in the right environment and somebody comes in, you are protected. You‘re not going to have to deal with resistance.
You begin your life as yourself by being in the correct environment and in that environment, it opens up this window to perspective that is what you‘re all about, what you are here to see, what you are here to conceptualize, what you are here to offer...The longer you‘re in the right environment, day-by-day-by-day, it changes the way that you see. This is really what this whole thing is about in the end."
Ra Uru Hu
While the Bagua system is a key concept in feng shui, there are 9 universal cures that can be used to remedy the energy of a space. As you can see, many of these overlap with the best practices used in biophilic design and neuroaesthetics.

Your Four Transformations
On every Human Design chart there are four arrows that together create an outline for your optimal mental and physical health, both in your subconscious (Design) and your conscious (Personality). When you align with these energies that's when real transformational changes occur in your self and your life.
LEFT side of chart (Design/Unconscious Variables)
Top arrow: Determination - how you digest information, or other energy, including food!
Bottom arrow: Environment - your most aligned geography or spatial energy
RIGHT side of chart (Personality/Conscious Variables)
Top arrow: Motivation - your drive, what keeps you on your journey
Bottom arrow: Perspective - your awareness/view of your lives journey
Arrows that face LEFT are more primitive in design. They have an active, focused, masculine, Yang energy, preferring:
Arrows that face RIGHT are more evolved in design. They have a passive, abstract, feminine, Yin energy, preferring:
Of note, generally the Variables are considered secondary, advanced-level HD info. It's important to prioritize the understanding and embodiment of your Types Strategy + Authority before immersing in these changes!
"When you’re in your correct Environment it sets up your Perspective so it's easier to be Motivated and Nourish yourself correctly.”
Your Ideal Environment
In Human Design, our Environment is the correct space for us to live to our highest potential. It is the type of place that can allow us to thrive because it supports our greatest health, happiness and alignment.
Your Environment is part of your unconscious design. This variable becomes more important after your first Saturn Return (roughly between ages 27-30), when you are ushered into adulthood from an astrological point of view. However it doesn't hurt for everyone, including for children and young adults to incorporate elements of their correct environment.
Breaking down the color and tone of this arrow can help reveal more about the surroundings that are most supportive and nourishing for your body. It shows you the place your energy feels most comfortable, cozy and correct. From there, there is the opportunity for growth, expansion and realizing your true potential.
When you are in an incorrect environment you are more likely to get caught up in conditioning from outside influences. You will likely experience more resistance and slower progress towards your goals.
"If you're in the right environment, it nurtures you the same way your diet does - supporting your natural energy and activity level."
Ra Uru Hu
Your Environmental Style
Look at your Environment Variable (bottom left arrow in your chart)
In the teachings of Human Design, being in the correct environment is crucial for one's well-being.
"Being Left is about pushing your energy outward to make things happen. Being Right is about taking in what’s already happening."
Ra Uru Hu
If this arrow is LEFT facing then you lean toward being "Observed" (Yang/Masculine/Active). You
prefer a changing, malleable environment
feel energized and activated in your correct space
are here to be an active participant in their environment, so you can be seen by others as you thrive.
Example Activities: cleaning, rearranging, working from home, dancing, exercising, entertaining, hosting, video games
If this arrow is RIGHT facing then you tend to be the "Observer" (Yin/Feminine/Passive). You
prefer stable, structured and consistent environments
feel creative and inspired in your correct space
are here to feel calm, settled and relaxed in your environment, thriving as you see others
Examples Activities: tv, computers, people-watching, lounging, rest, relaxation, bathing, listening to music
Someone with a Right-facing arrow is one where the surroundings naturally provide stimulation and entertainment. This supports a more passive, laid-back experience - being entertained by external inputs like screens. This aligns with the broader societal shift toward convenience, ease and technology, where activities come to us instead of requiring our active pursuit. In contrast, someone with a Left arrow, the individuals thrive on constant exertion, activity and action.
"When I resonate with my environment, I become more proactive to take initiative"
"When I resonate with my environment, I become more open and able to receive"
Your Archetype: Color
Your Design Environment is about specific themes and energies of a space, not the actual literal space. There are six color or nodes of your environment. which will be either right or left fixed based on your main arrow. Look within the number in the circle below the arrow to discover your environmental archetype.
Each will have a core theme/need, as well as area(s) of the home that is your energetic "power center". Optimize these areas for your greatest alignment.
We each carry all of the archetypes in our chart, so these tips are each advantageous for anyone wanting to bring greater health, ease, alignment and abundance into their lives. Whether it is listed under your particular environment or not, or whether you even know or care about your Human Design Environment, it's worth exploring. We also have resonance with the numbers of our Colors and Tones in other placements.

( L ) SELECTIVE/Sole Entry: quiet and calming, controlled, one visible entrance, solo or 1:1
( R ) BLENDING/Multiple Entry: more social and communal, multiple entrances, free-flowing energy
PRIMARY QUALITIES: Enclosed, Private Spaces with minimal access/entry points
EXAMPLES of Power Spaces:
Dark, cozy bedroom
Finished basements
Reading Nooks
Spiritual altars
Earthship homes
Best Practices/Themes:
Walls & barriers, closed doors and windows, blackout curtains, room dividers, strategic placement of furniture or structures
Low/dim lighting, natural or "glowing" ambient lighting sources (candles, lanterns, fireplace, twinkle lights)
Power/command position for both bed and desk
Essentials and conveniences within reach/easily accessible
Deep, nested seating with high, supportive back or sides
Weighted blankets
Narrow/Limited "office hours" or visitaton hours
Textured or low ceiling - beams, dark paint or installations
Sustainable systems such as employment contracts and benefits
( L ) INTERNAL Selection: indoor or enclosed space, invitation/appointment only. Ex: work from home,
( R ) EXTERNAL Selection bustling with activity, Purpose-driven, open invitation/ lots of movement. Ex: cities, downtowns, open offices
Themes/Needs: Options, Selection, Specification, Retail, Commerce, Merchandizing, Stimulation, Communication, Information, Diversity, Creative Choice, Curation, Energy Exchange, Details
Qualities: Stimulating Spaces for having a diversity and abundance of options to choose or sample from, with new fresh energy always entering the space
Key Element: Auric connections
Power Spaces: Closets, Shelving, Creative re-use of spaces
Best Practices:
Look for what decor, info, furniture etc resonates with you specifically - thrifted treasures or custom-design items
Prioritize regular, consistent (weekly or monthly ) refreshment or redecoration - fresh flowers, subscription programs,
Practice seasonal refresh or rotation for holidays and changes in season
Focus on items with unique details - texture, functionality, ec
Declutter and deep-clean seasonally, parting with what you no longer need, use or love
Redecorate, rarrange, tidy and organize your space regularly
Practice visual "merchandizing" of your plants, books, magazines, clothing, shoes, tea, collections etc
Diverse and luxurious types. of bedding
Crystals for bedside table or pillow
Night-table and closets with essentials
Modular furniture
Define your style - commit to specific language
( L ) WET: humid, damp, vibrant lush.
( R ) DRY: desert, arid
Themes/Needs: Discovery, Play, Production, Alchemy, Creativity, Socialization, Fertility, Community, Comfort
Qualities: Creativity, connection, Experimentation and Transformation
Key Element: Moisture Level, Temperature
Power Space: Kitchens, Craft room/Art studio, Garage/Workshop, Garden bench
Best Practices:
Entertaining/Hosting intimate gatherings and parties,
Central workstation
Coworking spaces
Stimulating art, accessories
Seasonal rearranging or decor updates
Periodic rearranging, Cleaning and decluttering, adding crystals
Places where you can interact or "run into" others
Priorities sex in the bedroom
Comfort and convenience- occasionally messy
Grand coffee table or elaborate ottoman with vignette
Statement pieces or structures - fireplace, rug, eye-catching peices
( L ) ACTIVE: activity, being challenged physically and intellectually, Yang
( R ) PASSIVE: private, solo, quiet, Yin
Themes/Needs: Perspective, Distance, Open-mindedness, Visionary, Big Picture, Solitude, Retreat, Contemplation
Qualities: Spaces that are Elevated and Expansive and provide a suitable vantage point and perspective
Key Element: Air, Respiration
Power Space:
Decks, Balconies, Lofts
Second-story rooms
Best Practices:
Traveling to Mountain Peaks, Ridgelines, Plateaus, Overlooks
Open floor plans
Deep meditation
Breathing/breath work
Smudging and Energy Clearing rituals
Command position
Wide open views
Mountainous art
Hanging plants or light fixtures
Raised/high ceilings
Spaciousness - lots of breathing room
Canopy bed or tent
Vertical floor lamps with spotlights
High shelves or wallpaper border
Layered pillows
Rain-style shower
Regular decluttering
Optimize corners
Reducing visual clutter such as reversing book spines
( L ) NARROW: Urban, 1:1 conversations and greetings
( R ) WIDE: Rural, Larger, expansive area, taking in sound indirectly from a distance
Themes/Needs: Intimacy, Closeness, Spaciousness, Connection, Communication, Convenience, Energy Flow
Qualities: Active, accessible low-elevation spaces amidst information/energy flow, 2 walls, open interior
Key Element: Sound, Acoustics
Power Space: Entryways/Foyers
Best Practices:
Traveling to Hallways, Highways, Corridors,
Roadtrips, Communal Living,
Audio books on headphone
Sound bathing
Mirrors with intention
Seating areas,
Quiet zones - reading nooks
Floor cushions, low tables
Unplug, unwind -screen free
Artwork depicting spaciousness
Open windows
Grounding rituals
Suncatchers. or stainedglass
Low-profile or floor bed
Meaningful items
Dedicated purpose - either Yang/masculine for tuning in, or Yin/feminine for unplugging
Everything cozy and comforting within easy reach - books, pillows, throw blankets, etc
( L ) NATURAL - actual source of water (lake, river, stream, ocean etc)
( R ) ARTIFICIAL- Synthetic/manmade environments with more water
Themes/Needs: Variability, Versatility, Polarity, Dynamic, Perimeters, Borders, Contrast, Time/Evolution, Changes, Transition Zones
Qualities: Transitory Spaces that occur in a landscape or other type of boundary,
Key Element: Water (blues, greens, blacks)
Power Spaces to Optimize:
Thresholds: Exterior Doors, Windows, Porches, Balconies, Entryways, Mudrooms, Patios, Porches
Best Practices:
Water feature such as Fountain or Aquarium
Water artwork or sounds
Accent wall paint
Antiques and collectibles
Seating facing each other
Chaise lounges, Sectionals or modular furniture
Lots of space between furniture pieces and artwork
Ensuite bathrooms and walk in closets
A bed with space around all sides
Symmetry in art, decor, furniture - pairs and doubles
Indoor/outdoor, city/rural, water/land, suburban/urban
Exploring new culture
Watching sunset over horizon
Star-gazing, shelling
Focal points - skylights, fireplace, statement furniture or artwork
Change sleep direction when stagnant
Embracing Natural lighting and different times of day
Windows and views - natural light
Two=sided versatile desk
Outdoor space with hardscaping
Multipurpose spaces: Guest room/Office, Studio/Gym etc
Windows and natural light
Your Transferred Environment
Your environment exists in transference. So when you are out of alignment, your perspective shifts. If you find yourself relating to your Transferred Environment more than your Ideal Environment, that may be an indicator to do more self-work.

Your Tone
A final indicator of your environment is your Tone, which is indicated by the number in the triangle below your arrow. This can reveal which sense engages most intimately with your surroundings and is connected to the core needs of the 6 Hexagram Lines.
SMELL: natural essence candles, incense, security systems.
TASTE: flavors of life, cookbooks, coffee table books, stocked bar, craft room or work studio
OUTER VISION: visually stimulating decor, Pinterest boards
INNER VISION: calm, reflection, inspiration, meditation room, altarspace
FEELING: simplicity, minimal tech
TOUCH: texture, pillows, blankets
"In many ways the second transformation is the one that sets you irreversibly on a course with consciousness... That environmental correctness brings many, many things. It brings a change in the quality of life... Think about it this way. The moment you‘re aligned to the geometry that is correct for you, the moment you get into that differentiated movement, the resistance disappears."
Ra Uru Hu
Your Grand Experiment
The science of differentiation - what makes you YOU - is the foundation of Human Design teaching. This individualization process is where your consciousness truly begins to transform.
It's highly likely that you're already naturally following your Variables. If not, I encourage you to experiment. Take what works for you, leave what doesn’t.
How does your body feel in your current environment?
How does your body feel in your Design environment?
What opportunities or people come your way when you're in your Design environment?
In the end its about trusting and following your intuition. Making gradual changes can allow you to feel the subtle but powerful energy shifts. Enjoy the process of making your environment comfortable and don't be afraid to share your process with others so taht the inspiration can spread.
Want to discover your unique Environment style? Book a personalized Human Design chart reading, or Feng Shui consultation today!

Erin is a certified feng shui consultant, energy healer, wellness coach and holistic growth strategist.
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