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Unlock Your Unique Energy: How To Embrace Neurodiversity Using the Wisdom of Human Design

"Mercurial people are not unreliable; they are simply ruled by the stars of possibility and wonder."

Oscar Wilde

I am unapologetically, proudly, shamelessly Neurodivergent.

It's something I haven't spoken about much, but for the past few years I have self-identified (i.e currently undiagnosed) with several conditions including ADHD, Autism, HSP, and Discalculia.

For most of my life I've tried to fit in to the neurotypical box. I didn't understand why nearly everything at work or home, when involving OTHER people, was so stressful or frustrating.

  • I felt disorganized when trying to use other people's systems.

  • I felt confused when no one else understood how I connected dots or saw patterns.

  • I felt awkward when I would finish a course quickly when others were still in the beginning.

When my symptoms worsened after motherhood, I did some extensive research (hello, hyperfixation) and I realized all the weird, uncomfortable experiences of my life were my ND traits shining through.

I learned that neurodiversity is a natural variation of human experience and began to see these traits are nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about, and in fact can even be beneficial in my life. Understanding that others share similar experiences provided comfort, empowerment, and a sense of belonging.

While learning about my neurodiversity, I was also simultaneously mastering the wisdom of Human Design and I couldn't help but notice a relation. It is a wonderful tool that helps us understand our innate energy and potential, allowing us to embrace our remarkable uniqueness and individuality.

"Normality is a paved road. It's comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow."

Vincint VanGogh

Challenges & Struggles

Neurodivergent individuals possess unique cognitive and behavioral traits which mean that it's difficult to sustain interest/enthusiasm, focus or motivation. Restlessness and hyperactivity are common. We are Exceptionally perceptive in some ways, except oblivious in others

My neurodivergence is the root cause of frusteration and stress in my life. It shows up in all areas of my life - socially, personally, and professionally. It makes Adulting significantly more challenging. Everyday tasks and responsibilities like keeping up with ...

  • Household chores

  • Financial budgeting

  • Grocery shopping

  • Decluttering

  • Making appointments

  • Houseplants or pets

  • Vehicle maintenance

  • An exercise or workout routine

  • Manifesting work like affirmations or positive self-talk

  • Meditation & visualization

I struggle with tasks that require CONSISTENCY, regularity, repetition patience and trust because I am wired to live in the present moment and always looking for immediate results. Impulsivity and impatience are a constant struggle. I crave spontaneity and productivity and detest monotony and stagnation. It's all about finding the next dopamine rush.

I also have lifelong experiences of feeling socially awkward, struggling with school or work tasks, and dealing with shame, doubt and guilt due to not conforming to typical (often unrealistic) social norms and expectations. I've got chronic low self-esteem because I've never quite fit it anywhere or felt confident and capable.

"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are."

C.G. Jung

Survival Intuition

Neurodivergent intuition makes it impossible to unsee or stay quiet about the patterns of the world —especially corruption and injustice. The world gaslights us, dismisses us, tells us we’re overreacting, too sensitive, imagining things. - which feels heavy, exhausting and shameful.

For many neurodivergent individuals, justice sensitivity and pattern recognition are not just traits—they are deeply intertwined ways of experiencing the world. Those with ADHD, autism, and other neurodivergent identities often have an acute awareness of injustice, feeling its weight in ways that can be overwhelming. This heightened sensitivity is not simply emotional reactivity; it is an instinctive response to the patterns they observe—systems of oppression, cycles of history repeating, and the ways power is wielded unfairly. When these patterns become clear, it is nearly impossible to ignore them, leading to a deep sense of moral urgency.

This intense awareness can be both a gift and a burden. Many neurodivergent individuals notice shifts in social, political, and cultural landscapes before others do, recognizing disturbing trends long before they become widely acknowledged. They may find themselves exhausted by the emotional labor of explaining what they see, only to be dismissed until the consequences become undeniable. The frustration of watching preventable harm unfold—of knowing that history is repeating itself while being powerless to stop it—can lead to burnout, despair, and a profound sense of alienation.

Yet, this same ability to recognize injustice fuels action. Many neurodivergent people channel their sense of fairness into advocacy, using their pattern recognition to strategize, organize, and challenge harmful systems. The emotional intensity they experience is not weakness; it is evidence of a deep well of care, a refusal to accept a world that disregards the vulnerable. Though it can be isolating, there is power in collective recognition—when those who see the patterns come together, they create movements, demand accountability, and remind the world that justice is not just an ideal but an imperative.

Keep being you. Keep speaking out. Trust that you're on the right (moral) side of history, and you don’t have to hold it alone.

Pattern recognition isn't paranoia- It's truth. Keep absorbing information, keep feeling things deeply and keep speaking out. Don't stay quiet as the world unravels.

The Wisdom of HD

Neurodivergence, or neurodistinct, is a term we use to describe and understand people who don't work or think in a "logical" (ie conventional, linear) way. We don't follow most societal norms, but instead use our genius frequencies and emotional awareness to guide us. We have extraordinary gifts, so it's unfortunate to call it a disorder or dysfunction. If anything, our genetic vehicles are more advanced and resistant to conditioning, whereas others are still stuck from operating in the mind.

Through the wisdom of Human Design I learned to work WITH, not against, my ND brain. Once I leaned in and listened to my unique needs, my life and business began to flourish. Once I began to embrace my true nature, my individuality and authenticity, I experienced greater fulfillment and self-acceptance.

Human Design is not a medical or psychological framework so it can't identify or diagnose conditions like ADHD or Autism. But as a spiritual science system it can provide us with valuable insight into our individual energetic makeup and our corresponding cognitive differences -our unique emotional, and behavioral tendencies, needs and preferences

  • sensory sensitivities

  • decision-making strategies

  • ideal environments & surrounding

  • communication styles

  • interpersonal style

  • personality traits

  • varied interests

  • potential life paths

Human Design is an amazing tool for self-discovery and personal growth. The framework encourages individuals to honor their unique energy, strengths and interests, which is particularly important for those with neurodivergence. It reveals where we are prone to burnout, anxiety and thus help us avoid the situations or people that overwhelm, overload or drain us

Our Human Design chart is our "soul blueprint", and there are many Neurodivergent behaviors that are manifestations of the frequencies in our charts.Everyone's Design is different and unique. Everyone's brain functioning and internal wiring is a completely different and unique.

Here are a few components that might be relevant:


Almost all energy types are instructed to live with greater intention and align their energy with the people, passions and opportunities that light them up. Manifestors are known for being great initiators and STARTERS, while Generators or Manifesting Generators are the FINISHERS.

Manifesting Generators are said to be the most Neurodivergent of the Energy Types, but of course there is minimal data to support this.

Gates & Channels

NDs usually have a realm of qualities, so associating it with a single gate doesn't make sense, but the following gates demonstrate the spectrum of ND traits of

  • Hyperfocus/hyperfixation, hypervigilance/hyperproductivity, overpreparedness/overstructuring

  • Hypersensitivity ,distractability/lack of focus

Gates 9 and/or Gates 52

Gates 62 and/or 17

Gates 19 and/or 49

Gates 61 and or 24

Gates 48 and/or 16

Gates 41 and/or 30

Gates 20 and/or 34

Gates 43 and/or 23

Gates 10 and/or 57

Gates 53, 54, 56 Gate 2, 6, 13, 19, 22, 44 - empathic, energy sensitive

Open Centers

Our open energy centers mean there’s the potential for a lot of input, and thus are great opportunities for learning. The qualities of open centers are often associated with autism and ADHD.

  • Undefined Ajna can be forgetful, easily distracted or overwhelmed, disorganized, sensory sensitive.

  • Undefined Head can be thinking about things that don't matter., easily distracted, starting but not finishing tasks, continually losing or misplacing things, forgetfulness

  • Undefined Throat can have difficulty with interrupting, blurting, or waiting for their turn to speak if passionate

  • Undefined Ego can have difficultly prioritzing or organizing

  • Undefined G Center can indicate a struggle with social identity and communication.

  • Undefined Solar Plexus can have difficult with emotional regulation, irritability, reactivity

  • Undefined Sacral can have inconsistent energy, interest or focus, starting but not finishing

  • Undefined Root can feel restlessness, tense and anxious, pressured by other people to rush or make a decision.

"There are lasers in this world- hyper-focused, locked in, masters of one thing. Then there are lanterns- those of us who spread their light in multiple directions, exploring different paths, making connections others can’t see. We need both. Neurodivergence is not a flaw. It’s a superpower, if you stop fighting it and start owning it."

Ryan Evans

Strategy & Authority

You can be most successful by understanding your energy type, your design, and listening to your strategy and authority. Understanding Strategy and Authority can help neurodivergent individuals mitigate impulsivity and indecisiveness. This wisdom can help us enter situations correctly and therby expand our sensory capacity.


Variables involve our sensory processing and perspective, which may overlap Autism, ADHD and other ND tendencies.

  • Leftness is generally Neurotypical more active and masculine in nature. It's very focused and detail oriented.

  • Rightness is generally Neurodivergent: more passive, feminine and receptive. It’s meant to be more peripheral/ big picture and variable, which could be interpreted as aloofness or carelessness.

Human Design can help us the release and reframe the labels of our "disorder". So look at your Design as perfect as it is…which means that you are Perfect as you are.

We don't have an affliction to be managed, we have creativity to be harnessed! We have amplified energy also known as hyperactivity. -that's exciting, not problematic!

Again, It's important to stress that Human Design is not a diagnostic tool for medical or psychological conditions. Its insights are more about how an individual can work with their unique energy to optimize the conditions of life, to achieve the most growth and potential to thrive.

"The Highly Sensitive tend to be philosophical or spiritual in their orientation, rather than materialistic or hedonistic. They dislike small talk. They often describe themselves as creative or intuitive. They dream vividly, and can often recall their dreams the next day. They love music, nature, art, physical beauty. They feel exceptionally strong emotions--sometimes acute bouts of joy, but also sorrow, melancholy, and fear.

Highly Sensitive People also process information about their environments--both physical and emotional--unusually deeply. They tend to notice subtleties that others miss--another person's shift in mood, say, or a lightbulb burning a touch too brightly. "

Susan Cain

Procrastination, Perfectionism & Visibility

Every human deserves the right to be able to show up authentically and, to be able to witness uniqueness in others. Unfortunately there are tricks your mind plays that keep you safe and hidden, preventing you from taking aligned action towards what you naturally feel pulled towards - living your dreams and following your passions.

Many HD experts try to simplify things and tell clients "Just follow your Strategy and Authority”. Sure, that is your simple mechanical truth but saying this to people who suffer from severe, nearly debilitating imposter syndrome, insecurity and anxiety, that advice isn't helpful. Unfortunately, the primitive (loud, messy) Mind wins over Strategy and Authority for those. of us with deeply ingrained patterning and programming. .

"Perfectionism is Shame masking as Disclipine."

f you are in a pattern of perfectionism & procrastination that impacts your visibility, it just means that your Nervous System is trying to protect you. You have been in a cycle of shame for a very long time.

Perfectionism is just a prettier, more accepted version of Shame. And ofteimes, our Shame comes from our Open Centers- it is always looking outwards to others for guidance, input. It is always wanting to be what you are not. We are more likely to show up as our "Not-Self"hiding behind perfectionism can be a way to get attention because your Mind will try to convince you that without this perfect shield, you will be ignored.

If you have an Undefined G Center you may try to have a consistent personality with consistent habits and systems in order to create a consistent identity, because that seems more socially acceptable.

If you have an Undefined Splenic Center you may hold onto the unhealthy stories, things, people, and places simply because its a familiar energy. Staying hidden feels more safe than risking the unsafety of being rejected.

If you have an Undefined Sacral Center then you may have an attitude of "all or nothing” - this is a perfectionism tendency in a nutshell. It comes from cycles of burnout and overwhelm and living or working in an unsustainable way.

If you have an Undefined Head Center you may tend to research and mentally prepare behind the scenes instead of showing up and sharing.

If you have an Undefined Ajna Center you may struggle with anxiety. -needing to know more in order to feel prepared.

If you have an Undefined Throat Center you may try to get attention by self-sabotaging through silence.

If you have an Undefined Spleenic/Emotional Center you may hide behind perfectionism as a way to avoid confrontation of any kind, which would cause you to feel the intensity of emotional waves connected to this experience. Dealing with people’s emotional reactions to what you are saying may seem so overwhelming that you start to avoid the emotional world altogether, hiding in your perfect procrastination bubble, convincing yourself that you need to get more skills, better education, knowledge how to market, learn how to write in a way that is correct… but actually you just want to avoid the confrontation of being in the world, sensitive and open as you are, feeling so deeply as you do. Yes, you will feel. But it is your gift. The beautiful gift of holding a space that is filled with understanding of what people are going through. You are their witness & that is something precious and needs to be cherished.

If you have an Undefined Heart Center then your Mind is constantly trying to convince you that you need to improve yourself. That you are not good enough as you are, comparing yourself with other people & trying to be better in order to feel worthy. So if you have cycles of procrastination and perfectionism, they are coming from the same space, of not feeling good enough. This one hurts so much and it is especially triggering in the world of social media, where you have constant access to stories and visuals of people living „their best lives”. So you won’t show up because you are not good enough, you are not perfect… And if you can not keep up anymore with trying to force your inconsistent willpower to become better & better, procrastination comes in…undefined Heart Center, you feel like you are not worthy so you need to improve yourself. Not having approval from your parents means literally death, especially for young children. So your Nervous System learns that in order to keep you safe you need to be on a self-improvement path all your life - this is called fawn response.

If you have an Undefined Root Center you may feel this stress & pressure in your body because you are so open and sensitive to the stress levels of other people. So your Mind will tell you that in order to get rid yourself of this pressure, you need to complete everything as soon as possible. If you have anything to do, you feel this pressure to finish & get rid of it so the pressure would go away… But it never does… there is always something new to complete. Your perfectionism can manifest as being a task machine. You make your life a to-do list. This is a bottomless list because each day there is more… So when you show up & do your things, for example in your business or on the way to having one, establishing your presence comes from this pressure energy. You are riding on adrenaline so at one point your perfectionism can easily change to procrastination. And then after procrastinating, you feel so much pressure that you start the cycle over and over again.

I am a canary in a coal mine

When the air turns toxic, I notice it first.

My instincts compel me to warn everyone

But my voice is too often lost.

I am a canary in a coal mine

I know my warnings are true.

But others prefer familiar lies,

So they ask, “What is wrong with you?”

Nothing is wrong—my senses are sharp,

Facts inform my conclusions.

But people keep telling me - ”Just shut up!”

They would rather stick with illusions.

While toxic gases are seeping in fast,

They play music to tune me out.

Please, you are risking your own lives

By trying to keep me quiet.

No, I do not “need a thicker skin,”

I am sensitive by design.

By the time you feel dizzy, the poison's in—

Please listen, we don’t have much time.

Unmasking & Deconditioning

Neurodivergent unmasking and Human Design deconditioning are related concepts that both involve shedding societal and external influences to uncover one's authentic self and potential.

Both concepts are about self-empowerment: breaking free from societal expectations, embracing one's authenticitcy, and celebrating our of individual differences.

Masking is when nuerodivergent individuals hide or repress their neurodivergent traits in order to conform to neurotypical standards and societal norms and pressures. This creates additional layers of conditioning to rewire.

We might change the way we communicate, or alter our behavior, interests, our personality to suit the people we are with. And unfortunately over time we pay for it with our mental health and wellbeing.

Pretending to be someone other than who we really are is no way to live. It's time to live authentically.

Unmasking is a transformative process and journey of self-discovery which involves

  • complete self-awareness

  • committed self-understanding

  • radical self-acceptance

  • unconditional self-love

  • continuous self-forgiveness

Unmasking is Deconditioning, and is a part of INSPIRED, INTENTIONAL LIVING. It is conscious, authentic living. It is living in accordance to your natural preferences and tendencies. Examples include:

  • consuming safe foods and media

  • requesting accommodations for your preferred communication style

  • avoiding overwhelming spaces

  • choosing comfortable clothing or low-maintenance style

  • setting boundaries

  • listening to your body

  • regulating your nervous system

  • expanding your resilience

The key to Deconditioning is to work on the regulation and expansion of our nervous system, to be able to slowly show your body that it is safe to take steps that bring change, that change is safe. With each small step, more bravery comes. It is a slow but very nurturing dance. Slow is ok… slow is safe. Less work, more fun… less perfection, more action. It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just needs to be there.

Remember, It is ok to show up messy & lost. Your direction and identify and persona will change a lot during your life, and thats ok. One way to think of it...your Mind is for others. Not for yourself. People need the messy or incomplete thoughts instead of the tidy presentation. So share! When you're connecting with others through your vulnerability that's where the magic is.

Perfectionisme has its roots in the Mind’s belief that you need to get better at getting attention, so you perfect the way you speak, the way you dress & the way your social media look… and it can be an overwhelming task so you burn yourself up or procrastinate or both.

It's important to remember that unmasking and deconditioning are a privilege not available to everyone. It is not one-size-fits all process that may not feel safe or appropriate for some because it involves extreme vulnerability and trust. It can be an exhausting, stressful. but liberating experience to discover our true selves.

Our illpower is often a matter of dopamine regulation. Our ability to do everythign we need is almost exclusively tied to our brain chemistry, not our moral character.


Redefining Success

As nuerodivergent individuals we are here to defy convention. We are not meant to fit in, and that's ok. We have a direction and intent and purpose that is different than most.

Nuerodivergence gives us access to higher functions and frequencies for processing energy and information. I like to believe that ND individuals like myself are here to help humanity and society evolve to the next level. Our unique writing can actually be our fast-track to upleveling consciousness.

Traditional definitions of success (security, fame/recognition, money, materialism) are ego-based and often do not resonate with the multifaceted strengths, desires, and abilities of neurodivergent individuals. Instead, we are motivated to pursue alternative markers such as

  • personal growth

  • personal fulfillment

  • healthy self-esteem

  • creative self-expression

  • meaningful relationships

  • general well-being

We can create and find true success on your OWN terms by

  • getting clear on your personal values

  • connecting to a sense of greater power and purpose

  • prioritizing activities aligned with passions and special interests,

  • focusing on quality connections where there is reciprocity and alignment.

  • choosing sensory-friendly environments

  • embracing multipotentialism and exploring multiple interests

  • saying No to what doesn't feel good, focusing on what does.

By embracing our differences we are catalyzing a shift in the understanding and approach to all areas of life, from education, to work, to relationships and beyond. Diversity is nature's greatest abundance!

"My greatest act of rebellion is just being me."

Acceptance & Embracing Your ND Identity

Neurodivergence is not a curse. It can be a blessing! It's all about perspective.

Instead of viewing neurodiversity as a limitation, reframe it an asset that contributes to your individuality and potential for success. Look at your neurodivergence as a remarkable OPPORTUNITY to learn, grow, and love yourself more.

The strategies below can support you in your journey.

Journaling & Reflection

Embrace your uniqueness and individuality by defining your unique values, interests, talents and strengths and achievements. This is what makes you special and different from everyone else. Celebrate the aspects of yourself that make you exceptional and valuable. This is what can help you build confidence to put yourself (and your gifts) out there to be SEEN and contribute to collective

Patience & Persistence

Acknowledge that meaningful change takes time, through small steps, Remember that you are making progress even when it feels your efforts go unnoticed or when things don't go as planned. Regardless of your neurological wiring, personal development is an ongoing journey, not a fixed destination. With patience and persistence, you will get there.

Acceptance & Compassion

As a neurodivergent person you may have received more negative input than positive when growing up. Stop the self-shame, self-judgment and negative self-talk about their apparent differences.

Reprogram your self worth, embracing the fact that you are made differently. You don't need to fix your flaws. You are not broken. You are not dysfunctional. You just have a different path to success.

There is not one right way to live or exist or do or be! Establish realistic expectations of yourself and others, considering life's challenges. Accept that nobody is perfect, and everyone has strengths and challenges. Embrace a mindset of progress over perfection and recognize that growth is a continuous journey.

Treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion that you would offer to a friend. Acknowledge your struggles and remind yourself that EVERYONE has flaws, imperfections, and challenges to overcome.

After all, our mistakes, negative experiences and negative emotions are our greatest teachers. Adversity builds resilience.

Try to avoid using these labels or diagnosis as limitations, restrictions, or excuses to hold yourself back or reasons to try to "fix" yourself. Shift to a more empowered perspective - You are part of the Science of Differentiation! Trust your intuition and trust your natural processing because you're designed a very specific way.

Remember, you do not have to cope with being yourself. Accept the wiring you were given and the process that you have., what works and what doesnt. You don't have to try and be anyone else except for who you are.

Practice Self-Expression

Move the energy from your body and get it out into the world! Engage in activities such as exercise, writing, art, music, dance or other creative outlets that allow you to express yourself and channel your emotions,

Community Engagement

Associate with people who appreciate your qualities and exhibit kindness and positivity. Cultivating relationships with people who are kind.

Connect with neurodiverse communities and support groups online or in-person. Sharing your experiences with others who understand can help you feel validated and less alone.

Seek out and learn about successful neurodiverse individuals who have embraced their differences and thrived. Their stories can inspire you and provide a positive outlook on your own journey.

Professional Help & Support

Consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor who specializes in working with neurodiverse individuals. Therapy can provide guidance and strategies for managing shame and building self-esteem.

This involves practical guidance for making accomodations for your home, or tools for your mind, body and spirit, as well as helping you find clarity and regulate your nervous system.

"Those with mercurial temperaments are like the wind: impossible to pin down, but their energy propels creativity and innovation."

A.E. Housman

Wrapping it All Up

One of the reasons I am so passionate about Human Design is that it gives us the framework to live more bravely and authentically. The sooner we realize our uniqueness, the sooner we can accept and love ourselves just the way we are instead of spending our time and energy trying to be like everyone else.

Remember - your diagnosis doesn't define you. It's not your identity. It simply helps others understand how your brain works.

You are not your diagnosis

You are not your thoughts

You are not your past

You are not your mistakes

You are not what others think you are

You are not your job

You are not what you own

You are not what entertains you

You are not you pain or suffering

You are not the story you tell yourself

You are not this body

You are not even a human...

You are a life force. You are SPIRITUAL BEING having a human EXPERIENCE as a chance to learn and grow as that being in your own diverse way!

There is no wrong way to do this. There is no lesser way to exist. We are all equal and we are all one. Every living being brings something beautiful and meaningful to the table of life. All of us are a valuable part of this wonderful fabric that makes up humanity.

What are your gifts and skills? It could be

  • creative skills like writing, music or art

  • helpful skill like cooking, handywork or gardening

  • heart skills like empathy, storytelling or love

We survive today because each of us brings something to this world. We're all here serve and support each other but through capitalism we somehow have forgotten that.

This is Neurodiversity. It's about working together to thrive in our human existence.


If you're struggling to fit into a box that wasn't built for you, I'm here to tell you it's ok to smash the damn box! In fact, I'll get you the hammer.

Call me what you want : ADHD, Autistic. Squiggly Brain. Creative. Weirdo. Nerd. Neurospicey.

In the end, neurodivergent people are just... people. Neurodivergent behaviour is human behaviour. It’s that simple.

I love unleashing the creative magic and potential within neurodivergent individuals. I can help you take your unique design and energy type and turn it into a larger vision and purpose.

A soul-based lifestyle is your birthright. If you’d like to explore your unique roadmap to a joyful life and meaningful success, reach out. I would love to hear from you.


Erin is a certified feng shui consultant, energy healer, wellness coach and holistic growth strategist.

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