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Why A Professional Feng Shui Consultation Is Worth Every Penny

"Energy flows where intention goes.”

If you're like most of us, you have probably invested in dozens of wellness products and services in your self-improvement journey over your lifetime. The question is, which have produced a lasting, sustainable impact in your personal development, and which have left you feeling stagnant or empty?

Rest assured, a professional feng shui consultation will NOT be another one of those temporary quick-fixes, throw-away splurges, or time-wasting "dead-ends" from your past. In fact, if you ask most feng shui clients, they would all agree their consults have yielded an immeasurably high return for the longterm and were in in fact, the value of a lifetime- and even 'priceless'!

For me, thousands of students/practitioners and millions of clients around the globe who have experienced results and impact from this art/science, then feng shui is REAL and powerful. Unlike most psuedo-sciences, it works whether you believe in it or not.

If the commitment or cost of a professional feng shui attunement or consultation is giving you reason to pause, I invite you to read on for perspectives that may allow you to see the experience as a worthy investment in your future happiness and full potential. Hiring a feng shui expert will pay off for years to come, and here are just a few of the reasons why!

1. Because Feng Shui is COMPLEX

Maybe you've read a book or two and think you know feng shui. Think again. Feng shui is such an in-depth and complicated discipline, you could actually study it for years and still learn something new each day.

Many do not realize that feng shui goes well beyond floor plan, furniture layout, home decor and design. It also factors in the the buildings history, geography, configuration, location, construction, and so much more. And each of these things is interconnected and working in relation to another.

The art and science of Feng shui goes well beyond basics and best practices. Countless rules and tips can be written from feng shui’s ancient body of knowledge, but when we add in the range of teachings of each feng shui school, and the endless variations of architecture, inhabitants and time, these guidelines can triple in scale.

Feng shui is so much more than what is outwardly visible, tangible, obvious. There are so many other hidden, subtle or discrete factors that go into the energy of a space, and only a certified consultant will have the expertise and training to address these. Their tools and considerations include, but are not limited to...

  • Bagua map application

  • Earth element personalities

  • The 5 element cycle

  • Auspicious land forms

  • Facing Directions

  • Poison arrows and Sha Chi

  • Traditional and universal remedies

  • Elemental cures

Furthermore, across its 4,000 year history there are many feng shui misconceptions, myths and misunderstandings that have arisen over time and across cultures. Only trained experts are really able to filter these untruths out.

Feng shui is an oral tradition – meaning that like a foreign language, it's really best learned through real-world experience and practice. To really grasp and understand all of feng shui's concepts and intricacies, it's best to learn in a classroom setting where you can ask and hear questions from others, as well as learn from different instructors with different perspectives.

If you do not have a background as a healing practitioner and choose to pursue a feng shui independent study or "self-consultation", please be forewarned this may take much longer, and will likely NOT have the same outcomes as hiring a professional who has proper training and experience. An amateur's attunement is likely to result in inaccurate or incomplete diagnoses and remedies, and could even cause more harm than good.

If your feng shui information is only from one source, then it means you are only working with pieces of the whole, and may mistakenly overlook key considerations of the bigger picture. And because energy is interconnected, it is a common occurrence for one feng shui cure to affect another - neutralizing it or even exacerbating it further.

While a question such as: “is my aquarium placed correctly?” or "where do I apply the bagua?" may seem simple and straightfoward to YOU, to a feng shui expert, it is so much more and would be nearly impossible to answer without acquiring more information from you, and physically seeing the full picture.

So much of feng shui is about knowing specifically where to look for hidden energy toxicities and where, how and why to apply cures to these areas. Can you find a book or website that can answer detailed questions, give custom advice and provide genuine examples that relate to your home and life?

2. Because Feng Shui is INDIVIDUALIZED

A proper feng shui consultation should be highly personalized and customized - not something you could easily gleam from a book, a website or even a course. Practitioners seek to understand which areas of your life are causing stress, and then investigate where this could be manifesting and reflected in your space, which is often not what is expected.

Feng shui consultants are natural intuitives who can quite literally "read the room", sensing subtle vibrations that you may not be conscious of. They are also energy alchemists - manipulating, transforming, cleansing, clearing or neutralizing negative frequencies and infusing positive intentions and blessings in their place. They are able to literally shift the air, the feeling of a space so that it is more in alignment. Can YOU do this?

Hiring a skilled, trained expert is really the only way to see the full picture of your space and address the most pressing issues for YOUR unique living situation. Why is that?

First, because we don't see our own stuff. It is easy to become blind or biased to the "flaws" and quirks of our own homes and lifestyles. A neutral, third party such as a coach or consultant can help you see a birds eye view of your life and recommend adjustments that had never crossed your mind. Even feng shui consultant hire other consultants, for this very reason! To get out of the box.

Another reason is because everyone’s situation (home, neighborhood, circumstances, karma etc) is different. Most feng shui remedies are not one-size-fits-all silver bullets that be applied to several situations with the same results. In other words, what works for one person may not be the best option for someone else.

3. Because Feng Shui is HOLISTIC

Most people understand that feng shui can directly benefit your home or work by

  • reducing chaos and clutter

  • improving functionality and flow

  • boosting beauty and aesthetics

But many do not realize that the benefits of feng shui go well beyond the physical. A feng shui attunement won’t just help you feel better about your surroundings, it will also help you achieve greater balance and harmony overall. This is because each physical shift in your space will translates to an equal energetic shift in your life. Feng shui is multidimensional, uniting ALL parts of the whole, so regardless of which areas of life you prioritize most - they'll all benefit and support the highest good. Imagine feeling less stressed, less stagnant/stuck while at the same time attracting success in love, health, career and finances. It's a win-win, and you simply can't go wrong!

As tempting as it may be to "skimp" or cut corners and only remedy one or two rooms in your home, it is not recommended for true, lasting results. A feng shui consultation should be in-depth and comprehensive because if only part of the house is remedied, the Chi will not be enhanced to its fullest potential.

A professional consult will usually take a few hours, because practitioners must have a full tour of your home before they can advise you with the most appropriate, meaningful and impactful cures.

Feng shui is also not "one and done" process. As circumstances of life change and evolve over time, so should your adjustments and enhancements.

When You Work With Me...

You're hiring a PROFESSIONAL

Hiring a professional ensures TRUST that all training and skill criteria is met so you can confidently go forward knowing that your home, your LIFE, is in capable hands. As a certified practitioner of feng shui and reiki, I uphold high standards of practice, ethics and integrity, which are agreed upon and maintained through the most widely recognized professional associations in their field, the International Feng Shui Guild, and the International Reiki Training Center. Within the IFSG I also hold the highest certification as a Red Ribbon professional, and under the IRTC I am Level 2 certified.

So what defines my professionalism beyond the accolades?

  • Skill - natural talent, ability and drive

  • Systems - organizational business processes for pre and post consult - scheduling, terms, payment and more

  • Responsibility - following a universal code of ethics, maintaining moral obligations to work only within my scope of knowledge and expertise, ensuring complete confidentiality and respect, communication of my process and offerings, and to maintain fair and transparent billing practices

  • Education - earning credentials and certification from a credible, authoritative source

  • Preparation - data-gathering, tools, and beyond

You're supporting a SMALL LOCAL BUSINESS

The price of a feng shui attunement is much higher than the price of a book or webinar because of the quality results/outcomes you'll receive. And if you've ever questioned how these prices break down, it's because self-employed service providers must factor and build in operating taxes, tools and expenses, travel costs, pre/post consult work AND a living wage into their project rates. It's also important to remember that you are being billed equally for the consultant's specialized training and education, skills, experience AND their time. And the best part? When you support a small business, you're supporting one soul's calling, but also their family, a community, and the greater good.

You're eligible for PRICING BREAKS & DISCOUNTS

I never want the upfront cost of a consultation to be prohibitive to anyone so that is why I collect my fees in two equal installments - first at the time of booking and then the remaining after your consultation. I consider this an equal exchange of energy, of trust. I also offer a 10% discount for GoLocal card holders in Asheville! Lastly, I am also always open to proposals of work-trade/bartering. This is particularly relevant if you work as a professional photographer, freelance marketer, or in the natural wellness/healing arts or personal development fields, as I am always in need of those services.

And most importantly...


According to the Chinese metaphysics, there are three different kind of fortune and fate: Heaven, Earth, and Man. Feng shui falls under our Earth-Luck and Human Luck, giving us consciousness and control to our outcomes in life. YOU are in charge of your destiny, so what will you do with that power? What sort of future will you create?

If you’re reading this, it’s probably safe to say you have a burning desire to become the highest version of yourself. As you embark on this transformative journey, it is crucial to create and curate a supportive inner circle that believes in our greatness and can help us reach our true potential! Surround yourself with people and professionals who will uplift and empower you every step of the way. You can coun't a Feng Shui Consultant & Space Healers as part of your "Mastermind Team" - along with your financial advisor, psychic/intuitive, business coach, naturopaths and your loved ones who are your biggest cheerleaders.

Personal development and self-mastery are the most noble and desirable outcomes in our life. Are you dedicated to doing the work?

Having a coach or consultant gives you insights that you could never achieve on your own because we are able to look at your life from a very different perspective than you possibly can being in your own body and mind.

We see the bigger picture and can help you expand your consciousness- overcoming the stagnation and breaking down walls, examining boundaries and beliefs, and getting you out of the patterns and loops that you've adopted out of comfort or security.

We are not meant to learn, grow, and thrive alone. It's so much easier and safer to heal and evolve into our best selves with personal and professional support! And I'm here for you.

Benefits & Outcomes of Hiring a Coach or Consultant

  • Improved Self-Confidence

  • Improved Relationships

  • Greater clarity around Goals and Visions

  • Increased creativity and productivity

  • Greater self awareness and understanding

  • Resiliency and agility in navigating stress, transitions or life changes

  • New perspectives, wisdom, ideas insight

  • Accountability from honest feedback

  • How to optimize your time, talents and resources

"If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go farther, go together."

Which path will you take?

Staying where you are... OR Answering the Call

Trust me, if feng shui has found you, then it's not by accident! If you're still feeling the pull, then know it's for good reason. Maybe your spirit guides are trying to invite you to....

  • learn more about their realm

  • learn about manifestation and energetics

  • heal from your past wounds

  • become more in tune with your surroundings

  • shift your mindset and uplevel your vibrational frequency to something bigger and greater than you ever imagined.

Maybe you've heard the call, but you're still not ready to answer it.

I've been there.

It was not long ago, even amidst starting this business, that I identified as "cost-sensitive". I had to heal some deeper ancestral wounds and repair my lifelong relationship with money before I could feel more comfortable with opening my heart to healing, and my wallet to new opportunities for growth. I lived this way for most of my life, until I discovered feng shui, which helped shift my baseline vibration from one of scarcity to abundance.

I eventually realized that investing in my self and my space was the single greatest way I could spend my money - especially the money that I perceived I didn't have enough of.

Your Journey

In our quest to uplevel, it is essential to acknowledge and release the energetic anchors that hold us back. These anchors can manifest in various forms - sometimes they are people, sometimes material possessions, and often they are remnants of our past. But let me assure you - that in letting go of these anchors, you are freeing yourself to soar to unimaginable heights.

Remember, the path you have chosen to uplevel may not always be easy, but it is the path that will lead you to unimaginable growth, success, and fulfillment. Embrace the challenges, release the anchors, and watch as you unfold into the remarkable person you were always meant to be.

If after reading this post and reviewing my client testimonials you still feel that a consultation is not right for you, that's ok! It just means that it is not supposed to be part of your journey (yet).

Sometimes we are simply not ready to confront our patterns and embark on deep transformation work. We have to get there in our own time and pace. Our own free will!

More often than not, we feel stuck in life, relationships, career, finances because of our conditioning and trapped emotions from our painful experiences in the past. Our bodies don't feel safe enough to change and therefor we subconsciously choose to remain in places that feel the most familiar, predictable and comfortable, even knowing these are not the best energies for us.

In order to release the armor of self-sabotage or self-destruction it is so important to reprogram our nervous systems and our cellular memories for unconditional love, safety and vulnerability. Working with skilled practitioners and therapists can support and guide the body to release trapped emotions that can open ourselves up to new possibilities.

You are exactly where you need to be. Keep reflecting, learning and growing.

"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you."

On the other hand, If you're ready to

  • improve your overall wellbeing

  • achieve success in all areas of your life

  • implement real and lasting changes

  • reach your full potential

then I am the Connector, the Expander who can help you get there! I provide SOLUTIONS and SOUL-UTIONS. I provide real RESULTS that you can see and feel.

If you are ready to have an expert lead you in the path towards inner AND outer enlightenment, then I am excited to be your companion on this journey. I am certain that, regardless of pricing, you can begin to feel wealthy just by making changes in your space. And as you'll see, this sense of abundance will begin to translate to all other areas of your life.

Still not ready to commit? In the spirit of abundance, I share my gifts and insights through my blog, social channels and resource page . And in the coming months stay tuned for my powerful e-book which will help you attract and rise to a new frequency of wealth and eventually, manifest that consultation you've always wanted!

Repeat after me: I am worthy and deserving of a richly blessed life!

I look forward to connecting with you soon.


Erin is a certified feng shui consultant, energy healer, wellness coach and holistic growth strategist.

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Asheville, North Carolina

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