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Are You Spiritually Hygienic? Your DIY Guide to Personal Energy Protection & Cleansing

As we go through our lives we exchange energies with all of the people, places, circumstances and situations that we come across. We each have a magnetic energy field surrounding us that determines our health and happiness.

If the energy we encounter and engage from another is heavy and thick enough, and we are impressionable or vulnerable enough, we will absorb and pick up the same low frequencies over time. - their negative emotions, wounds, traumas, physical illnesses, stressors and other remnants of their personal struggles and challenges.

This psychic "debris" or impurities are collected by our own aura and inadvertently ends up affecting our own well-being and power. We may begin to lose our personal vitality, our magnetism and even our identities. Thankfully this energetic clutter or pollution is not permanent- it can, and should, be remedied!

The go-to standard of cleansing in the witchy world is almost always white sage. While it is effective it is not always the best option due to pets, health issues, housing restrictions, and unethical over-harvesting. Thankfully, there are a number of other ways that you can cleanse your space and items that require no smoke or flame.

"Ritual is routine infused with mindfulness. It is habit made holy."

Richard Snipes

Understanding Energy Interference

As we go through our lives, we will inadvertently pick up the emotional energies of those around us, especially from

  • Lovers or Partners

  • Family

  • Friends

  • Coworkers

  • Neighbors

  • Collective society/humanity

We also come into the world carrying energy from our ancestors and past lives.

If you're an HSP, empath, intuitive, healer, or someone who is sensitive to or easily perceives the pain or suffering of others, then you're especially vulnerable to outside energies. Similarly, if we are ever under the influence of drugs or alcohol, our protective barrier is weakened further and makes it more susceptible to other people's frequencies. Like sponges we absorb the emotions and energies of people and environments around us. This absorption can lead to overwhelm, overload and burnout.

We all deserve to be surrounded by those who reflect the goodness we want to see in the world. Choose your company wisely and protect your peace. Create a circle of people where the energy of giving and receiving flows freely and infinitely.

Energy Leaks & Disruptions

All of the unconscious or unresolved patterns that drain a person's vitality, leaving them feeling depleted, unfocused, or disconnected. Recognizing and sealing these leaks allows for greater spiritual sovereignty, inner peace, and energetic empowerment.

There are several different types of negative or outside energies that can influence your own and create tension in your being. Most of these do not simply go away in time on their own. They must be identified, brought out to be healed or released.

Examples include:

  • Unclear Boundaries – Overgiving in relationships, taking on others' emotions, or not protecting one's energy.

  • Unresolved Trauma – Holding onto past wounds or negative experiences without healing or processing them.

  • Overconsumption & Overextension – Constantly seeking external knowledge without integrating or applying it. Ignoring Rest & Integration – Constantly engaging in work without time for grounding or reflection.

  • Spiritual Bypassing – Using positivity or spiritual concepts to avoid real emotional work.

  • Addiction to Validation – Seeking approval from gurus, teachers, or online communities instead of trusting inner wisdom.

  • Unaligned Practices – Engaging in rituals, spells, or teachings that don’t resonate with one’s authentic path.

  • Negative Thought Loops – Persistent self-doubt, fear, or anxiety that siphons personal power.

  • Energetic Attachments – Unhealthy soul ties, unresolved karmic bonds, or lingering energies from past interactions.

    • Entities or Spirits – These are very easily detected and removed with simple prayers and rituals

    • Psychic Attack – These are other people’s thoughts and intentions, blocking out your receiving side.

    • Contracts or Cords – These are attachments projections from the aura that connect you to objects, people and situations.

    • Ancient Spells, Incantations or Curses – These may remain hidden for a long time and can run their course in time.

  • Negative Thought Patterns or Behaviors – these can originate in wounds or traumas from childhood or from past lives.

  • Past Life Blocks – these are usually deeply hidden in the subconscious mind. They hold powerful lessons that once learned, the block gets removed.

  • Negative Chi in Environment – This is also easy to understand because, it is only when you enter this space you feel drained or irritated. Other times you are alright.

  • Energy Predators & Parasites: Also known as aura leeches or energy vampires, these people thrive by draining the emotional, mental, or physical energy of others for their own benefit, completely disregarding the well-being of those they exploit.

“Energy vampires prey on others because they are in pain, and their behavior is a disguised cry for help.” 

Christiane Northrup

Energetic Predators & Parasites

Energy parasites are the quiet killers. They are the ones who can’t create their own light so they go look for other people to suction energy from. These are the people actively or passively tethering to or siphoning Energy without your consent, and sometimes without your knowledge.

These people are their own worst enemy- they are stuck in toxic patterns and recurring problems, so they're constantly taking and never giving.

  • They may watch you from a distance and only offer criticism and judgement, never support or encouragement.

  • They may overwhelm you with their issues and expect you to ‘fix’ their problems or ‘rescue them’.

  • They may parade around as heroes, but they are villians underneath the mask

  • They may resort to violence and aggression when they feel misunderstood, held accountable or suddenly disconnected from their energy source

  • They walk away from conversations and interactions feeling better, while their victims feel worse

You may be the perfect victim for an energy vampire if you're that selfless soul who

  • always say yes because you want to help and feel valued

  • shies away from conflict

  • overshares personal thoughts or feelings or

  • freely shares wisdom, information and expertise

  • is known for being kind, caring, empathic and generous

Of course in this situation it's normal become disconnected, drained and depleted by overextending yourself, giving without receiving anything in return. Your energy and vulnerability deserve to be met with much care, respect, and reciprocity.

To clear yourself from the Vampires you have to start paying close attention to every interaction and reduce sharing your energy and attention with them. Eliminate their access to you. Stay focused on your purpose, your calling and above all- keep guarding your inner light.

For spiritually sensitive people, the most important thing is to always guard your spirit form, your light form, the energetic being within. Put it on a pedestal, and protect it until others can prove themselves safe and worthy. Do not exhaust yourself trying to please or appease others. With so many battling their own demons, it's essential to keep your power yours - without guilt.

Your Sacred Energy Practice

The goal of energy clearing is to transmute toxic, lower frequency vibrations into higher frequencies- ones that are healthier and more productive for all. To do shift from Shadow to Light, there must be movement. There must be an evolution, shift or CHANGE internally and externally.

There is danger in staying in our old patterning. Our familiarity and comfort, our predictability, our routine and repetition, energetically, is actually stagnation. And over time it is toxic.

Clearing the energy in your personal auric field or space is an essential self-care step. It is a practice that can allow you to create a life where you feel balanced, grounded in yourself, and protected from outside harm and influence. And the farther down your spiritual awakening journey you are, the more sensitive and aware you are to all energies and realms.

A regular energy-clearing practice can allow you to live as your authentic abundant self and be able to fulfill your purpose, giving back the best version of yourself to the world.

Are you ready to jump into the unknown? This doesn't have to be scary. It's simply a place of new opportunity, of exploration, of flow.

Check out the simple and straightforward methods below to cleanse your space, and your self. These rituals can be done daily, or less regularly, weekly, monthly, or quarterly.- depending on our circumstances. Get ready to take ownership of your energy, your life!

To protect my energy it is ok to...

do nothing

be alone

sleep in

speak up

move on

let go



Awareness & Acceptance

First, you must admit that you are playing a part in your energy being siphoned or drained. It takes two to tango, afteral. Once you can take personal responsibility the quicker we can shift it.

Pay attention to your body and what sensations/feelings you’re experiencing when you’re around certain people or environments. You really want to start doing this in all areas of your life so you can start ‘tuning-in’ and see what your intuition says.

Energy Clearing Tools

  • SOUND creates vibrations that stir up energy, making it easier to remove. Negativity also doesn't like positivity, so sounds that bring you happiness and joy will force the negative energy out of the space.

  • SALT is a natural neutralizer and purifier. It is naturally antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal making it a potent cleanser.

  • SUNLIGHT is the ultimate cleanser, especially for objects. UV radiation kills bacteria and viruses, as well as removes unwanted energy by raising a space or objects vibration. Moonlight is also powerful, as the light is reflected sunlight after all.

  • SPRAYS and spritzes made with herbal infusions or essential oils from detoxifying herbs in an alcohol base.

  • SACRED SMOKE has been used across generations and civilizations to cleanse and purify the air. Strive to burn only sustainably-harvested dried sage, cedar, juniper, or palo santo and remember to open doors and windows to move the energy so it doesn't resettle.

  • SPRAY of high-frequency plant oils such as rose, eucalyptus, tea tree, frankincense or citrus to neutralize energies.

Stay rooted in your light -bold and bright. Stop letting others penetrate you or pull you into their darkness, disorder or dysfunction.

Energy Clearing Timing

Regular energy cleansing can help in

  • preventing burnout and overwhelm

  • bring about lightness and peace

  • enabling you to think more clearly and maintain focus,

  • aiding in better decision-making and problem-solving.

  • contributing to better physical health by releasing the stress and tension stored in the body.

  • strengthening emotional resilience, helping to cope more effectively with future stressors and emotional challenges

  • resolving and letting go of resentments, anger, and hurt,

  • fostering healthier and more harmonious relationships with others.

  • enhancing the intuitive and empathic abilities of sensitive individuals, allowing us to use our creative and healing gifts more effectively.

  • connecting more deeply with our true selves, aligning with our values, desires, and life purpose.

  • tending to or releasing pent-up emotions, stress, and negativity

  • restoring balance and harmony to the nervous system, mind, heart and body.

These practices are good for everyday spiritual hygiene, or in times of transition.

  • Before and/or after sleep or sex

  • Before and/or after divination or light work or spirit work (spells, rituals, prayer, meditation

  • Before and/or after moving into a new space or life stage

  • Before and/or after going into a crowd or other intense social situation

You can’t make magic from an empty cauldron. Don’t forget to pour energy into yourself too!

It is also great for resetting the energy around pivitol moments


  • a period of grief or loss

  • a nightmare or bad dream


  • a full moon

  • a stressful time

  • household chores


  • bringing home a secondhand item

  • meditation or spellwork

  • moving into a new home

These practices can be done anywhere, although the best environments will be quiet, peaceful and neutral (such as in nature) or calm and comfortable (such as at home). All you need is clear focus and a specific intention.

These practices are great for balancing the chakras and gaining clarity and connecting/unification with higher self and spirit.

CHARGING - infusing a body, tool/item or space with positive and powerful light energy, either through moonlight, sunlight or soil so that it can be used for the highest good of all.

GROUNDING - connecting with universal energy through both feet on ground and visualize a white light cord connecting you to the earth and up to the sky as these channels dispel negative or anxious energy and absorb positive energy.

CENTERING - achieving complete sensory presence and self-awareness through deep and purposeful breathing and mindfulness in order to connect only to the safest and most solid energy within. Aim to access and acknowledge all 5 senses in your surroundings...

  • five things that you can SEE

  • four things that you can TOUCH

  • three things you can HEAR

  • two things you can SMELL

  • one thing you can TASTE

SHIELDING - blocking outside energy, especially negative vibrations (thoughts, worries, doubts) by creating a protective orb force around bodies, spaces or items/tools.

CLOAKING - obscure yourself from detection

CLEANSING - purifying of items/tools, bodies or space by expelling old, negative energy and blessing it with new positive energy.

Repeat your rituals as needed and often. Energy is like an onion, where you peel one layer at a time. When you look back you may see more progress than you realize.

Remember, if you are cleansing indoors, to open windows or doors around to allow the negativity a way to leave. Walls also have a habit of keeping things in, even when we don't intend them to. While energy can travel through walls, it's best to give it a designated place to exit.

“May whatever is there for me find me.

May whatever is not for me leave gently.

May calm and kindness illuminate the way forward.”

Jane McCann

Signs You Need to Clear

Are you wondering if you have any emotional clearing or cleansing you need to do? There are tell-tale signs that you may have picked up some negative vibes from someone close to you. You may be in need of a personal energy re-set if you're inexplicably feeling "off" without a clear physical cause ...

  • drained, depleted, depressed or disconnected

  • unmotivated, unusually fatigued, tired, achy

  • emotional instability - moody, irritable, reactive, anxious, unsettled

  • overwhelmed by negative emotions such as fear, anger, resentment, or sadness

  • brain fog, poor memory or confusion, unable to concentrate

  • feelings of worthlessness, inadequacy or insecurity

  • nausea, sore throat or loss of appetite

  • the need for isolation or solitude

  • sleep or appetite disturbances

  • communication "glitches" - dropped calls, error messages, returned mail

  • frequent interpersonal conflict or intense arguments

  • ailments, illness or sickness in yourself or someone close to you

  • unable to access intuition or spirit guides

  • losing or misplacing personal items

  • behaviors that are out of character such as overspending or overindulging

  • repeated patterns or circumstances

  • feeling stuck in the past or always worrying about the future

Experiencing a combination of these in a short amount of time is a clue to tune in closely and to make it a priority to process, release or tend to your energies and emotions.

Bottom line: PAY ATTENTION. Your triggers are the literal ties to the energetic parts of you that need cleansing or clearing. They hold the resistance that must be released.

Left uncleansed, this build-up of energy in your body can lead to physical imbalances and stressors like health issues and disease. Trust your body - it is your greatest measurement tool! Unresolved trauma can manifest as chronic pain, tension, or other ailments with my body internalizing the emotional pain and expressing it through various symptoms. You may also experience heightened states of stress, anxiety, or emotional sensitivity with myself and the people around me reacting intensely to situations that trigger deep, unresolved pain.

Trauma and emotional baggage are not something you HAVE to carry around and suffer with.

Emotional cleansing is foundational step in self-care. With the body’s sensitivities, for many it should be a non-negotiable.

May your hands be cleansed to create beauty in the world

May your feet be cleansed to lead you in the right direction

May your eyes be cleansed to see signs and truth clearly

May your heart be cleansed to beat with unconditional love

May your mind be cleansed to process matters logically

May your body be cleansed to emanate vitality and life

May this smoke cleanse the thoughts, emotions, memories, and energies that limit, drain or deplete

May this smoke carry all your wishes, prayers, dreams and desires into eternity

Grounding Methods

This is a common exercise for empaths, healers, to ground clear and protect their valuable energy.

Step 1 - Ground Yourself

Begin by grounding yourself. Ask Mother Earth to anchor you, to hold you safely and securely. For example, imagine your legs sinking into the ground, or tree roots coming out of your bare feet branching into the earth. When we ground, we are asking to be held and supported as we go higher spiritually. Just like a telephone pole... the deeper it is buried, the taller it can climb. The support of the earth will center you and give you the ability to go spiritually higher, safely.

Step 2 - Clear Yourself

In your mind, use the image of wind, water, air, or any other element to clear yourself of negative energy, feelings or ailments. Be creative and use what resonates with you. Imagine water pouring through you, washing away negativity. Or, visualize wind blowing through your body releasing darkness. With the element of your choice, see the negative energy leaving your body. Witness the black clouds or sludge being cleared out of your personal space.

Step 3 - Protect Yourself

Next, build an energetic “shell” to protect the balance you have just created. You can start with a bubble unless something else resonates with you more strongly. Make sure your protection is impenetrable, allow the bubble to be thick if needed. Have confidence that in this space, you are safe. 

Step 4 - Intention Speech

Let your guides and loved ones on the other side know the purpose of your protection. Speak your statement out loud or in your mind. A good statement is this... “May all negative energy bounce off me and be sent back to spirit, and to sender, with love. Please allow only my highest good to come through.” By asking for the negative energy to be sent back with love, you are actively walking through this world making it a better place!

Sacred Ones who love and protect me, Help me release all that does not serve my greatest good. No outside energies may inflict me or drain me. I am cleansed with your gentle energy."

Cleansing or Clearing Methods


Use the power of water to wash away the energies of the day. Try to incorporate natural, earth elements as you set your intentions.

  • FIRE: candles

  • EARTH: sea salt, charcoal soap

  • WOOD: flower petals, petals

If you need. to shake off the energy of the day, sprinkle sea salt in a circle around the bottom of the shower and turn the water to as cold as you can tolerate. The combination of temperature and positive ions will ground your magnetic field.

You can also practice a "dry bathing" ritual using only your hands to clear your body of negativity - crossing them over your chest ("clean and clear") and then wiping down each of your arms ("rinse and release") You can repeat this series 3 times, a sacred number in reiki. This is especially helpful upon arriving home or before starting a new task. Add in reciting affirmations to set the intention as needed.

Dry bathing several times a day can be a game changer for finding relief, increasing your intuition, connection, awareness and confidence in yourself.

"I release this block and clear my journey for the highest good.


Reset your personal energy by listening to Solfeggio frequencies or Gregorian chanting. Attend a Sound Bath or create your own. You'll simply need a comfortable mat or cushion, a soothing guided meditation, the instrument of your choice, lavender essential oil, chakra stones, and smudge sticks.

Bonus: Bonus: wear a bell as a necklace for clearing on the go.


Massage a cleansing oil with a carrier oil around your chest. You can also make a cleansing spritz to spray all over your body and around your energy field.

  • Lemongrass

  • Cypress

  • Frankincense

  • Lemon

  • Eucalyptus

  • Juniper

  • Rosemary

  • Peppermint

  • Orange

  • Sage

Circle all seven of your chakras and all of your outer energy field, and even the bottom feet. As you go through each chakra, pull your arm away from that area as if you’re pulling a scarf off of your neck with one hand.

Learning not to react to unsettled or unstable energy is both self-protection and self-mastery. There is true power in restraint and disclipine. Stand in your grounded neutrality and do not match others energy. Let their toxicity go around you, not through you. Then transmute it into good.


Wildly shaking your body or dancing free-form is helpful to literally shake off the negativity accumulated in your aura. Jumping, stretching, exercising work great too! You can also pat your body to shake up and loosen the energy, and even initiate the impulse of yawning.


Shadow work is the practice of exploring and integrating the unconscious, repressed, or denied aspects of oneself, often referred to as the "shadow." This includes acknowledging one's most shameful qualities, emotions, behaviors, and memories that may be uncomfortable or hidden, allowing you to heal from past trauma, limiting beliefs, and negative patterns.

By confronting and embracing these aspects, you bring them into the light of awareness, which helps release pent-up energy and emotional blockages. Shadow work cleanses your energy by fostering self-acceptance, emotional release, and inner balance.


Laughter, Joy and Play are simple and very effective tool for clearing and canceling lower vibrations. Watch funny tv or movies, skipping, prancing, singing, painting or doing anything to release stress and negativity.


A cord cutting ritual can really help separate you from someone’s energy field and reclaim your power, which is particularly useful for healing after a breakup and moving on. Simply cut a piece of rope or string, to symbolize the cord between you and this person being cut for good. Note, this may need to be repeated several times if you are unwinding deep soul bonds or spiritual contracts.

This process is used to “trick” the ego/subconscious mind to cut off the entanglement of energies..

Another method involves drawing yourself as a ‘matchstick man,’ in a child-like drawing. Below this drawing, write your first name and last name. Next to this figure, draw another figure (if you want to ‘work on’ your connections with a person, write their first name and last name below). Draw a circle of light around each representation (like a child’s sun).

These circles will symbolize that you wish the best for each person, for yourself, and the other. Then, draw a larger circle of light that encompasses the first two, symbolizing that you wish the best for everyone. Next, connect each of your figure’s 7 chakras to the other person’s chakras, all the way from head to toe.Finally, the last step: with a pair of scissors, cut the paper in half, separating the two figures. Say (out loud or in your mind): ‘There, it is done!’ And that’s it! Afterward, you can do whatever you want with the pieces of paper. Keep them, burn them, throw them away, crumple them—whatever you like! Do as you please.

I release this person and this relationship with a full heart, with love and gratitude for the place they once held in my life.

I now take back all the energy that was from me and return any that I still hold from you.

To all the memories of this love I bid farewell, I choose myself and wish you well.

I appreciate, grieve and mourn this as part of my past so I can make room for. a new brighter future

May I be free from the ties that bind us together.

May wounds be healed, May egos be humbled.

May all cords between us be cut, dissolved or transmuted for the highest good of all.

May we each have the forgiveness, power, and peace and to move forward.

May everyone be happy. in the next life they choose.

And so it is done.


You can couple a cord cutting with a self-protection spell to rid your life of a toxic person or energy vampire.

To make a "Banishment Bag" - Write and repeat the following words, or a version of them that speaks to you, on a piece of paper. Before putting the paper in the bag, crumble it up and step on it, repeating their name. Put the paper in a plastic bag with vinegar, repeating the sentiment that this person is out of your life. Seal with a banishment symbol: (Swipe R, L, Up, Up.) and affirm " this baneful magic spell will minimize harm and maximize benefit." Throw it in the trash and be done!

With divine spirit, I weave this spell, to break the chains and end this hell

From this moment, I banish thee. My words are law, so may they be.

I release the ties that bind so tight, I cast this burden into the night.  

I call for a karmic debt to be paid, for all that's deserved to come their way.

The scales of justice will align, delivering to each what is rightfully thine

Toxic person, begone away, Off you leave, to go astray

Negative force, you can not stay, I release you now, be on your way.

The Universe frees me from your cling, Removing the poison, releasing the sting

Find what you seek, but not from me, Far and away, you shall flee.

You have no power, no control, I am free, I am whole.

So farewell, toxic entity. No more are you a part of me.  

Your ego's grip, I now release, In letting go, I find my peace

The laws of karma will unfold, The stress you've caused finds you threefold.

Accountable you now shall be, for all your sins return to thee.

This chapter ends, it’s plain to see, You no longer have a hold on me.

Out of my home, out of my hair, I send you off with a final prayer.

As it will, so mote it be, Your hold dissolves, I am now free!

No more suffering, no more strife, Balance restores throughout my life.  

With this spell, I close the door, And welcome energies I adore.  

Low vibes depart, and leave me be, For high vibes are my destiny.

May positivity be kept intact, And negativity now retract.

Today I align with intention. I separate from others' ascension.

Through the chaos comes tranquility, I call in flow and simplicity.

I have outgrown this tie, lessons learned. The page is turned, the bridge now burned.

Justice served, retribution lives, What’s due returns, the balance gives.

Closure comes, it’s time to part, A new normal overtakes my heart.

My peace restored, my power reclaimed. My spirit renewed, I stand unafraid.

By the moon and stars above, I seek only calm, joy and love.  

I am purified and cleansed anew, Aligned with truth - abundance, too.

Toxic patterns fade away, I step into a brighter day.

As white light washes over me, I align with what's to be.

With harm to none, I seal this spell, In harmony, all is well.


Go out in nature to absorb the healing, balancing frequencies of the earth. Forest bathing and earthing are proven remedies for energetic release and recalibration.

  • Find a special tree or rock, hold it and ask it to pull out any vibrations in your energy field that are less than love. Build a relationship with it, talk to it and give it heartfelt thanks

  • Sit, lay, or stand barefoot on the ground for as long as posible


In yogic philosophy, fasting, going extended time (days or hours) without solid food, s encouraged because it cleanses toxins from the body and connects us with eternal consciousness. It allows energy to flow freely through our chakras and raises our vibrational frequencies by allowing the body to focus on something other than digestion.

"I call my power back. I call my time back. I call my agency back. I call my vitality back. I call my magic back. Across all portals, time and space - My energy stays with me."


Water is the element. of emotion and as the ultimate cleanser and healer, it will absorb whatever feeling you put into it. Transmute stress, fear, and anxiety into neutrality and purity by revealing your concerns to the water, and then releasing that liquid to the earth - that concentrated “negative” energy can be dispersed and integrated back for reuse.


When you are blocked somewhere, the signs will be more subtle. You will feel stuck in the same thoughts, fears and beliefs and thus repeating the same patterns or experiences, going in circles with little progress forward. Write your block down on a piece of paper and then choose one of the following cures to clear it

  • Pour salt in a circle around it both directions. Leave for 24 hours

  • Bury paper face down at sunset in soil or a jar with sand, cat litter, etc

  • Burn paper repeating "i release this block now. and forever"

  • Submerge the paper in water and let it float away or disintegrate

  • Place a black crystal over the paper and leave for 3 days

  • Cut the words on the paper with scissors


If you have blocked or imbalanced chakras, you might feel physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually unwell in certain areas of life. Fortunately, you can detect and clear the energy around your chakras with the help of a pendulum.

  • CROWN chakra (spirituality & openness): located at the top of your head.

  • THIRD-EYE chakra (mind & imagination): located around your forehead.

  • THROAT chakra (communication & self-expression): located in your throat.

  • HEART chakra (love, compassion, & peace): located at the center of your chest.

  • SOLAR PLEXUS chakra (confidence): located in the center of your torso.

  • SACRAL chakra (sexuality & creativity): located in your lower abdomen.

  • ROOT chakra (security & stability): located at the base of your spine.

  • Remember to cleanse your pendulum with elements of water, moonlight, sunlight, smoke, or salt, so it can work most efficiently

  • Ground yourself and connect with your pendulum with an intention such as “I’m here to unblock my root chakra,” or “Please help me clear my heart chakra.”

  • Hold the pendulum several inches away over your chakra. Hold till as your chakra energy moves the pendulum. At the start, the pendulum should be completely still. After a few moments, the pendulum will start moving on its own. Wide circles or swings mean you have a lot of energy in your chakra. On the other hand, small movements mean you have low energy. Look at the direction to help you figure out your energy flow in that area.

    • Clockwise spinning means your chakra is open.

    • Counterclockwise spinning means your chakra is blocked or closed.

    • Diagonal swinging means you’re partially blocked because you’re not being assertive.

    • Side-to-side swining means you're holding in energy with a horizontal block

    • Bouncing means you're misusing energy with a vertical block

    • No motion means your chakra has no energy at all.

4. Alternatively you can ask your pendulum yes/no questions, after calibrating it first to tell you what yes, no or undecided means.

5. Clear the chakra with reiki, visualization, meditation, chanting or affirmations.

6. Test to see if the chakra has been cleared. If you still have a blockage, repeat the process again.


Sometimes our OWN limiting beliefs or self-destructive behaviors can drain and deplete us more than anything on the outside.

Ho’oponopono is an ancient and powerful Hawaiian ritual used for healing and clearing up energetic blockages. It is based on the premise that whatever happens in your reality- your career, your health, your wealth, your relationships- is a result of your own thoughts, emotions, and actions, rather than any external force. It transmutes the negative frequency of "blame" into the higher frequency of "acceptance" and accountability.

The prayer is simple, but magical and powerful. It involves an Apology, Forgiveness, Gratitude and Love.

I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you

These words may be addressed to anyone – to yourself, to a person, to the Universe or the Divine Power you believe in. When you are released and liberated from negative emotions or painful memories you automatically vibrate higher, as your true nature. From that space then you can naturally align to the frequency of receiving more abundance and blessings.

For example:

Think of the situation or undesirable experience causing struggle. Without judgement or resistance, List all the emotions that come up- fear, anger, nervousness, rejection, panic, loneliness, grief, shame, etc.

Now go through the prayer phases:

  • Stating Apology. Dear Universe, I am sorry for not being aware of what it is in my consciousness that brought about this situation and these feelings

  • Asking Forgiveness: I ask for pardon for my actions and request you to clear up any of my emotions, thoughts and beliefs that are causing suffering.

  • Extending Gratitude: From my heart, I thank you for clearing up all the negativity in my being that no longer serve me, and for empowering me and setting me free of the past so that I can attract the abundance and joy that is meant for me

  • Extending Love: I love you because you are my Source and I am a part of you. I love myself and accept myself exactly as I am. I accept this situation exactly as it is too.

Note that Hooponopono is a process- it won't necessarily be cleared in one session. Persistence and repetition is key, and knowing that you're clearing the old and creating your new reality every day.

Want even MORE power? Pair Hooponopono with EFT/Tapping for even stronger clearing and greater impact.


Repeated affirmations of self love can help release victim mindset. When you feel impatient, frustrated or confused, its an opportunity for forgiveness in yourself. Over time this can literally re-wire your neural pathways.

The key for Sensitives is to release the soul contract that allows you to be enmeshed with others, absorbing their negativity and limiting your own growth and transformation. Release the part of you that continues to feed imbalanced relationships.

Protecting Methods


Strengthen your aura by rotating around both arms in a figure eight motion – as if you are an orchestra conductor. Start from the ground and go up as you keep rotating and then down towards the floor and in all four directions. Do this for at least one minute or longer to strengthen your aura.


Unfortunately energy thieves and parasites are common. It's imperative to be mindful of who you let touch you so you can protect your energetic body from unwanted influence. Your spiritual, physical and emotional being are all sacred and worthy of radiance, safety and purity.

Saying NO is imperative for Chronic People-pleasers and Empaths. Let go of over-explaining, over-apologizing, and the general guilt or fear of disappointing others with the following phrases.

  • Thanks for thinking of me but I’m going to have to decline right now. My plate is as full as I like.”

  • "I’m trying to break the habit of saying yes before checking in with myself. I’m not sure I can right now. Can I get back to you on that?"

  • "I don’t want to overcommit myself; I’ll check my schedule and get back to you soon."

  • "I’m not 100% certain that I can do that, but I’ll get back to you as soon as I know."

Bottom line: Hold your ground. You can assert your boundaries in a way that feels comfortable and respectful, prioritizing your own needs and preferences.


Accept the responsibility of your own energy by closely guarding how you spend your time and focus your attention. The following practices and habits can allow you to recharge and recalibrate to your healthiest and most natural baseline.

  • keeping your social circle small - not giving wide access to your body, mind, heart for those not worthy

  • surrounding self with high-vibration people who uplift or inspire you, those who are positive and productive achievers

  • prioritizing relationships that make you feel safe, loved, heard, seen, trusted, respected

  • avoiding low-vibration people with a scarcity mindset or a fixed thinking/approach to life

  • unfollowing content that leads to sadness, shame, guilt or comparison

  • avoiding gossip or drama or those who drain energy

  • ignoring opinions that don't enhance your life

  • listening to intuition when something doesn't feel right

  • immersing self with entertainment and stimulation that uplifts you

  • speaking kindly to yourself and others

  • consuming high-vibration foods

  • putting your own needs and desires before others

  • responding only when mentally and emotionally ready

  • enjoying alone time and solitude

  • saying no to whatever doesn't feel great in the body

  • releasing what wants to leave

  • prioritizing growth and ease

  • cultivating radical self love and refusing to feel guilty for doing what's best for you

  • doing what makes you feel joyful or inspired

  • prioritizing the "Energy Givers" in your life, vs the "Energy Takers"



​nature, sunlight authenticity movement meditation mindfulness, presence dehydration nutritious, fresh, organic food music acceptance friendship minimalism love positive outlook and words

​sugars screentime people pleasing sedentary lifestyle overthinking living water processed food news resistance, resentment gossip clutter hate fear, doubt


Sit comfortably and visualize your whole body filling with pure white light. Next, imagine a sphere or bubble forming around you, keeping harmful vibrations and people away from your aura. You can pick an item in your home like a glass of water, plant, flower or crystal to supplement the protection. Set the intention that this item repel and intimidate lower energies away from you. If you’re in a vulnerable stage in your life, keep the item around for a while. Give thanks, respect and care to it for its protective energy.


Massage a grounding and protective oil with a carrier oil around your chest. Spray all over your body and around your energy field for protection.

  • Cedarwood

  • Sandalwood

  • Patchouli

  • Vetiver

  • Ylang Ylang

  • Black Spruce

  • Myrrh

  • Rose

  • Clove


To my Gods and Goddess,

Protect my loved ones every day as they sleep and as they play

Help them always smile bright and keep them safe in your light

Shield them from harm and fear as they are all I hold dear

Thank you for helping me, I trust in your aid, so may it be.


An invisibility cloak or shield is a protection spell used to guard the practitioner from unwanted attention or to make them energetically unnoticed. To create one, you set your intention and visualize a cloak of shadow or light surrounding you, blending you into your surroundings. You may use candles, crystals, or other tools to enhance the ritual, and an incantation to solidify the spell. After activating the cloak with your intention, you ground yourself to ensure its protection doesn’t have negative effects.

“By my will and with this cloak or shield, I am unseen, unnoticed. My peace and energy are protected.”

Affirmations & Prayers

I hereby call in my spirit team to support me in clearing and protecting my energy field.

I call in all of my sacred connections, anyone who loves and cares for me unconditionally.

From this moment backwards, and this point forward, across all time, space and dimensions..

Please abolish any curses that are holding me to suffering of the past

Please remove and release any barriers, barriersblockages or blind spots within me preventing me from my highest potential

Please dissolve and dismantle any obstructions or obstacles interrupting my path to full-spectrum abundance

Please open me to all support, signs and solutions available to me to get into alingment

I revoke energetic permission for anything and anyone that doesn't align with my divine path.

I release from any toxic ties and heavy burdens that weigh me down or hold me back

I refuse access to my body, mind, soul, spirit and energy field for any intentions that are other than love.

I detach from whatever thoughts, beings, situations, and people that are not for my highest good.

I deflect anything that is not in support and service to my full potential

I discard negative memories and associations from the past.

I cease all vows, contracts and commitments I might have made knowingly or unknowingly which could diminish the fullest expression of my joyful soul essence.

I separate from anything and anyone that disturbs, drains, deceives or depletes me

I break unsupportive agreements and experiences of my past, and future until the end of all time.

I surrender conrol

May I be free from any misaligned frequencies that I have subconsciously or consciously attracted, physically mentally, emotionally or spiritually.

May all that doesn't serve or sustain me fade away with grace and ease

May all that brings me joy and fulfillment root deeper

May all who don't elevate or align gently fade out of my life

May all of these transitions and changes be positive, seamless and effortless

May my body become the true embodiment of my soul

May I manifest the life I want, attract the people and opportunities I deserve,, and receive the healing I need

I command all lower vibration entities and beings leave my aura, my reality and perception immediately

I ask for these energies to say away - to not return in any way, for any reason

I call all of my Energy, all of my Power, all of my Magick back to me and my body

I clear and cleanse and recalibrate the energy field in me and around me

I bury those past pain, worry, and fear and accept healing from the earth and the heavens.

I build a shield of light around me with this heart intention and free will.

I allow only what I want and need to access me

I am hereby blocked from anything negative, scarce, inauthentic, manipulative, chaotic or confusing from penetrating me

I am hereby shielded from anything that doesn't soothe me, uplift me or reciprocate goodness

My vibration hereby only connects with what and who is safe, authentic, abundant, positive, prosperous and peaceful

From here on I am divinely protected from anyone or anything with a low or limiting frequencies

Across all planes of my existence, across all universe and lifetimes. I ask that all energies that are less than LOVE be transmuted for the highest good of all.

Please grant me...

The power of WATER to accept what I cannot change.

The power of FIRE to take action and change the things I can

The power of METAL to know the difference

The power of WOOD to stand tall and

The power of EARTH to walk my grounded path

Please deliver blessings of happiness, health, wisdom, wealth

Please seliver whatever is needed to ensure my work, my calling is unimpeded, and my gifts, impact, and service go where it is needed

And so it is, already done. In grace and gratitude, I thank you for this all.

A Disclaimer

Energy clearing and cleansing is a luxury that often only more privileged individuals or cultures can afford to indulge in, as it requires the time, space, energy and resources that many struggling with basic survival or systemic oppression don’t have access to. When one is preoccupied with meeting their fundamental needs like food, shelter, and safety or struggling to move through oppressive systems, attending to emotional well-being is secondary. It’s probably why I grew up the way I did. There were a lot of generations before me that neither had the time or resources for such things.

It’s crucial to approach this topic with sensitivity and respect. However, for those of us who do have the privilege to allocate time and energy to emotional healing and cleansing, it’s important to do so. Prioritizing emotional well-being isn’t just a means of personal growth and fulfillment; it’s also a way to cultivate patience, understanding, and wisdom that can positively impact our interactions with each other.

When we’re emotionally balanced and clear, we’re better equipped to approach each other with compassion, offer support, and contribute more effectively to the collective well-being of our communities. By acknowledging our privilege and utilizing it to foster emotional health, we can create a ripple effect, fostering a more empathetic and understanding society, which can be a beacon of hope and support for the people who need it.

It’s not just self-care; it’s caring for the collective by starting with the self. It's just one small step in a complex system that needs a lot of change, but every small step matters.

Burnout for Empaths & Healers

Right now the world need all of our social justice warriors, activists and organizers whole and healthy. But the toxicity of productivity culture, combined with the urgency of multiple, competing issues is burning us out quickly.

Symptoms of burnout affect mind, body and spirit in different ways

  • Brain fog- Difficulty concentrating or making decisions

  • Persistent feelings of overwhelm or disassociation

  • Increased negativity, irritability, or cynicism

  • Loss of motivation or enthusiasm

  • Chronic fatigue or low energy levels

  • Insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns

  • Frequent headaches, muscle tension, or other unexplained aches

  • Weakened immune system (more frequent illnesses)

  • Feeling disconnected from purpose or values

  • Loss of joy or fulfillment in meaningful activities

  • Sense of hopelessness or detachment

  • Difficulty finding gratitude or optimism

That's why Rest and Self care are so important

  • Setting boundaries (hours you are available, limits on activities, etc)

  • Taking rest without guilt when my body or spirit need it

  • Engaging in hobbies that nourish(crafting, hiking, etc)

  • Taking social media breaks or logging off organizing chats periodically

  • Being vulnerable and sharing your needs and capacity honestly with loved ones

We can also combat this through community care and collective energy management

  • Checking in with people who seem to always do the most

  • Taking activities or responsibilities off an overwhelmed persons plate

  • Holding space for someone who is experiencing trauma or nearing burn out

  • Providing for someone’s essential needs so they don’t need to maintain a dual focus on both their own survival and their community’s

  • Redistributing work loads so that a few people aren’t always doing everything

  • Creating opportunities for joy, laughter, connection

Burnout is a holistic experience and thus requires recovery and support across all areas.

Wrapping it Up

Energetic hygiene and maintenance are essential for maintaining clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual well-being. Just as we cleanse our physical bodies, we must also clear stagnant or negative energy that can accumulate from stress, interactions, and environmental influences.

Without regular energetic upkeep we may feel drained, overwhelmed, or disconnected from our intuition. By consciously tending to our energetic field, we create space for higher vibrations, deeper self-awareness, and stronger boundaries, allowing us to move through life with greater alignment, resilience, and purpose.

At the end of the day, we should not fear the negative energies in life because they are our triggers for our own awareness, gratitude and expansion. There are people and energies that we encounter who offer us the lessons we need while we walk our path here on earth.

You are a sovereign being with more power than you realize. Everything you need to heal is already within you.

Despite popular belief, you don't have to be a certified energy healer or metaphysical expert in order to shift the frequencies around you. Energy responds to intention so ANYONE can do these practices if they can align and connect with the vibrations around them.

The only requirements are

  • CONNECTION - the ability to sense and feel energy around you

  • CONSENT - the permission from a higher power, asked in a calm and relaxed state

No matter how you decide to cleanse your space and objects, know that they are all equally powerful. You don't need complex tools or advanced spell work to do cleanse energy - Pure intent goes a long way on its own.

Overwhelmed? If you would love the support and guidance of a professional energy practitioner to cleanse and bless the environments you spend the most time, then it would be my honor to be there for you.

As a certified feng shui practitioner and reiki healer I am familiar with both the tradition and transcendental/metaphysical cures needed to clear your space of stuck or stagnant energy. I look forward to hearing from you.

There is always going to be spiritual battle going on between those in the light and those in the dark, those souls who are lost souls and those who are awakened. Are you prepared?

Erin is a certified feng shui consultant, energy healer, wellness coach and holistic growth strategist.

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Asheville, North Carolina

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